+194|5481|Markham, Ontario
Sat. Apr. 24/10                                Pace51

Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. Aircraft Perks guide

Below are all the Jet perks featured in HAWX, their official descriptions, and also more detailed descriptions below. The more detailed descriptions are not official, but they offer more information about what each perk does. All official descriptions are trademarks of HAWX. All unofficial descriptions were written by me, not HAWX. Also, a list of all of the planes and there specific perks will eventually be added, though one or two planes at a time. This is not spam; it’s more of a “handbook” that can be used for quick referencing. The detailed descriptions are under the perk descriptions.

The Perks: Not in alphabetical Order

High Payload: This plane carries an increased amount of ammunition.

     This means that your plane gets more ammo than normal. This is most commonly found on attack planes. It is also more effective with attack planes.

Low Payload: This plane carries an increased amount of ammunition.

     This means that your planes get less than the normal amount of ammo. This is commonly found on Fighter and Reconnaissance aircraft.

High AOA (Angle of Attack): This plane can achieve a high angle of attack without the use of thrust vectoring.

     Planes with this perk can do similar-maneuvers to thrust vectoring planes without having to vector the thrust and sacrifice overall speed for consistency.

Versatile: Plane locks fast on both air and ground targets.

     Planes with this perk lock quicker than planes without it on all targets.

Air to Air Specialization: Plane locks very fast onto air targets.

     Planes with this perk, usually fighter, have an extremely fast Air to Air lock on.

Fast Recovery: Airplane recovers from stall fast.

     Planes with this perk come out of stall very quickly, and are useful in assistance off mode for advanced missile dodging.

Thrust vectoring: This plane has thrust vectoring.

If a plane has this perk, it is going to be highly maneuverable and will maintain speed in turns and maneuvers.

Stable: Airplane enters stall slowly.

     Planes with this perk have much more time to pull out of a potential stall then planes without it.

Stealth: This plane is harder to lock by the enemy.

     Enemies take a while locking weapons on to you, however, AAA batteries don’t need to lock on, and neither do RPG’s and Anti-Air artillery rockets, so beware.

Air to Ground specialization: Plane locks very fast on ground targets.

     Planes with this perk are usually attack aircraft, and can destroy large pockets of enemies by slowing down and picking off targets.

Slow Recovery: Airplane recovers from stall slowly.

     Airplanes with this perk need much more maneuvering, time, and speed to pull out of stall than others.

Electronic Warfare: This plane has access to an electronic-warfare weapon pack in versus.

     Lets you get the jamming pod in multiplayer, which allows you to direct enemy missiles away from allies and towards you.

Dual Cannons: This plane is equipped with two onboard cannons.

     Although you have two cannons, they fire as fast as one cannon. However, since there are two cannons, it takes twice as long for them to overheat.

Super Cannon: This aircraft is equipped with a high caliber cannon.

     Aircraft with this perk get a gatling gun that does very high damage.

Unstable: Airplane enters stall fast.

     Planes with this perk are poor in dogfights and in assistance off mode, because they stall quicker than other planes. However, this is good for missile dodging.

Last edited by pace51 (2010-04-24 10:55:11)

+149|6530|teh FIN-land

pace51 wrote:

blah bleh bloog
+194|5481|Markham, Ontario

ruisleipa wrote:

pace51 wrote:

blah bleh bloog
Oh, grow up. Quote forging was funny ... well, never. Go pull a more complicated prank.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7022|Purplicious Wisconsin
Was this a joke?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
+194|5481|Markham, Ontario

War Man wrote:

Was this a joke?
What, where I got fake quoted? Someone didn't replace the HAWX aircraft perks guide above did they, or are you pulling my leg?

There is a Tom Clancy's HAWX aircraft perks guide there, right?
Wrench turnin' fool
The game's dead man. No ones gonna read this.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
grandmaster league revivalist
No offence, but its not a guide. You simply stated copied the info that is shown in the game itself.

Plus, does anyone even play this anymore?
+194|5481|Markham, Ontario

Sisco10 wrote:

No offence, but its not a guide. You simply stated copied the info that is shown in the game itself.

Plus, does anyone even play this anymore?
I copied it, Cited it, stated it could be used as a handbook, and then I made the definitions a little more technical and understandable. Since for me to stop posting won't happen, though sorry if this thread isn't helpful, isn't a guide to a one year old "dead" game better than a guide to a 5 year old game? Plus, people still play HAWX. I, for one. Yeah, the Multi isn't anything special, and the SP gets old, but it isn't a bad game. These tips can help new players. Well, I hope they help new players.

Last edited by pace51 (2010-04-24 11:10:30)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6846|Long Island, New York
So the mods curb his spam in one way and now he finds a way to do another. Fucking hell. Not to mention like Sisco said I'm pretty sure this is just copied and pasted material.

I personally liked HAWX but I haven't even heard about it in atleast 10 months.

Quick, someone go make a No One Lives Forever 2 weapons guide.

Last edited by Poseidon (2010-04-24 11:13:05)

grandmaster league revivalist

pace51 wrote:

Sisco10 wrote:

No offence, but its not a guide. You simply stated copied the info that is shown in the game itself.

Plus, does anyone even play this anymore?
I copied it, Cited it, stated it could be used as a handbook, and then I made the definitions a little more technical and understandable. Since for me to stop posting won't happen, though sorry if this thread isn't helpful, isn't a guide to a one year old "dead" game better than a guide to a 5 year old game? Plus, people still play HAWX. I, for one. Yeah, the Multi isn't anything special, and the SP gets old, but it isn't a bad game. These tips can help new players. Well, I hope they help new players.
What I tried to say was, instead of citing it, you could have incorporated your experiences as to what situations and tactics work or don´t work with what perk, etc.
+149|6530|teh FIN-land

pace51 wrote:

I, for one.
I think you might be the only one tbh.

Thing is I'm not anti-pace51 threads at all, I coudln't care less what you bother posting, so long as they're vaguely interesting. Some of your aircraft ones are kinda klooky and interesting, so fair enough. but this one sucked, cos a) the game is really old, no-one plays it, and therefore b) no-one is gonna give a shit, except you, so you may as well just keep this information in your head.

What would really impress me would be if you got a NEW game, played the hell out of it, and THEN gave us a guide to it.
+194|5481|Markham, Ontario

ruisleipa wrote:

pace51 wrote:

I, for one.
I think you might be the only one tbh.

Thing is I'm not anti-pace51 threads at all, I coudln't care less what you bother posting, so long as they're vaguely interesting. Some of your aircraft ones are kinda klooky and interesting, so fair enough. but this one sucked, cos a) the game is really old, no-one plays it, and therefore b) no-one is gonna give a shit, except you, so you may as well just keep this information in your head.

What would really impress me would be if you got a NEW game, played the hell out of it, and THEN gave us a guide to it.
COD 7.

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