This [WP]st4rs was running around and tking me. I didnt shoot at him i was just defending our last flag. After 3 times of him tking me face to face i started a vote. After i started the vote i realised i was in ![WP] Wolves Clan server. This guy presumed to act all bad A$$ and ban me.
Dont get me wrong...kicking someone for starting a vote kick is ok on your own server. However, running around and tking people isnt a good thing. Considering its ranked and everything he does to me affects me.
I think this was rather childish and stupid. I would like to also note that these server companies shouldnt sell to kids like this. They tend to abuse the power to screw others up.
Dont get me wrong...kicking someone for starting a vote kick is ok on your own server. However, running around and tking people isnt a good thing. Considering its ranked and everything he does to me affects me.
I think this was rather childish and stupid. I would like to also note that these server companies shouldnt sell to kids like this. They tend to abuse the power to screw others up.