+19|7154|Toronto, Canada
since we are on the topic of stat padding, I once saw a guy get


repair points in a round.


He drove a vodnik into the water on sharqi peninsula so it started to take damage, and sat in the back and repaired it all round. He would easilyhave broken 100, but someone said "HEY LOOK! A STAT PADDER!!!" and he got vote kicked.
Some of us aren't really that good at the game, so a little 'sly ingenuity*' probably wouldn't stick out that much.
I can see it from both sides though, 'work at it and the reward is yours', or 'damn, I'll never get this, time for a little extra help'.

Look at my badges ribbons and medals, they tell a story.

Last edited by thinner44 (2005-10-20 02:03:14)

Δ > x > ¥
I thought patch 1.03 had changed things so you couldn't get repair/destroy points on the same vehicle/asset constantly?  Don't know whether this is stat padding but I saw something last night that definitely was.

On 16 player Wake Island, I was USMC commander (it was damn easy to get gold medals on this as nobody else wanted commander and the other team weren't really trying) and perched myself by the rocks on the artillery island.  One round the artiller kept being destroyed and then repaired so I eventually took a break from the commander screen to see what was going on.

One PLA guy was c4'ing the artillery.  One USMC guy was repairing.  Neither were shooting.  There must have been a supply drop just south of the island as the PLA guy kept going there after blowing 2 artillery guns.  Didn't think to get a screenshot of them but I did put a stop to their shenannigans.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Sometimes its better to go the easy way .
You all have my blessing for those 25 points.
Exploding Fodder
I would have to agree with chuy.  The repair points just don't come in fast enough either way. It would be near impossible to determine if they stat padded or they were legit repairing in the midst of battle unless it was an obsurd amount of repair points.

You'll be lucky to get that 25 points in 1 round for how slow it is. =o

After I verified it worked I found it boring as hell and very low score anyhow.  I couldn't bear to do it.

Last edited by schuff (2005-10-20 05:04:44)

Aussie Outlaw

Major Payne wrote:

did you had that mutch trouble whit repair points? wel there is a selution. choose a game and be a engeneer take a car and drive to a mounted machine gun place te car in front of it shoot on the car and before it explodes repair it but you must be in the car so go in the car and press F3 and you will get the repair points in no time

Major Payne (srry for my english)
Cheap shit....
If EA gets their panties in a wad over this then F 'em by not buying another EA game... ever.
Legitimately getting 25 repair points in 1 round is seriously damn near impossible unless you find a half-full server with no time limit and get lucky as hell finding enough ppl. to repair.

Last edited by Xponential (2005-10-20 07:07:03)

Destroy Noob Cannons

aardfrith wrote:

I thought patch 1.03 had changed things so you couldn't get repair/destroy points on the same vehicle/asset constantly?  Don't know whether this is stat padding but I saw something last night that definitely was.

On 16 player Wake Island, I was USMC commander (it was damn easy to get gold medals on this as nobody else wanted commander and the other team weren't really trying) and perched myself by the rocks on the artillery island.  One round the artiller kept being destroyed and then repaired so I eventually took a break from the commander screen to see what was going on.

One PLA guy was c4'ing the artillery.  One USMC guy was repairing.  Neither were shooting.  There must have been a supply drop just south of the island as the PLA guy kept going there after blowing 2 artillery guns.  Didn't think to get a screenshot of them but I did put a stop to their shenannigans.
I tried that with a buddy of mine.. JUST to see how much it would actually take to ge the badges...it was a 16 player kubra dam, and I had only 4 points by the time the round ended.

I really don't see how anyone can get the satisfaction out of having the badge without actually earning it. I'm damn proud of my expert knife.
If I did it by knifing my friend while he got revived.. I think I'd be ashamed of it.
this IS the same sort of thing.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-10-20 07:51:04)

Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7158|United Kingdom
i got it the proper way
felt good after it. the round lasted well over an hour i think

Last edited by Raxor (2005-10-20 08:12:51)

Destroy Noob Cannons

Raxor wrote:

i got it the proper way
felt good after it. the round lasted well over an hour i think
geez.. how the heck? please share.. a few of us would like to know a legit way to do it.
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7158|United Kingdom
it really depends on the enemy, i was lucky - it all depends if the enemy likes to blow up your assets really, thats all i did the round  till i got it. 20 players on 64 player map. we actually didnt have a commander our side simply because everytime something got repaired it was bombed /c4ed again, i just continiued till i got it
Destroy Noob Cannons

Raxor wrote:

it really depends on the enemy, i was lucky - it all depends if the enemy likes to blow up your assets really, thats all i did the round  till i got it. 20 players on 64 player map. we actually didnt have a commander our side simply because everytime something got repaired it was bombed /c4ed again, i just continiued till i got it
If I were to go in and get 10 repairs(and get veteran) would I have to get 15 more? or 25 more for expert(in the same round)?(I have 100+ hours for engi.. as you see I have expert engi combat)

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-10-20 10:28:28)


=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

:-/ you know any number of us could report you guys to EA. This IS stat padding.
...oh give me a break. Fuck EA.  I do not agree with the blackhawk exploits that were going on, but come on.  IF EA/DICE put a game out that did not make it worse with EACH patch, and concentrate on solid game play and common sense then others would not find a way to get a few unatainable points.
This is the only way to get  the darn engineer vet badge if you never or not very often play as engineer. It extremly hard to get 10 repair points in one round the legit way and almost impossible to get 25. And if you manage to get 10 or 25 points you're very lucky or simply a very good and lucky guy.
I now have my vet badge, i got my 10 repair points, got the badge, and i never had think of it again

Last edited by McCullough (2005-10-20 12:37:46)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Well the first time I tried Engineer, I got kicked for TK's.  I was DEFENDING our only base on Wake Isle, which was the airfield, and planted mines in the middle (not the sides so our troops can move around in tank if need be) so the enemy can explode if hauls ass in base, but our gung-ho wanna be a real SGT's went blasting toward thier flag in tanks ignoring the mines. Am I wrong in putting them right there?
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7158|United Kingdom
you can get veteran and expert in the same round but im not sure if bfhq gives you the veteran...
when i got vet and expert command it only showed i had vet command. after a while it did show up (a week later)
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

thats also called stat padding....go ahead and do, but dont get caught.
Does anyone actually get their medals/ribbons/badges......by actually "earning" them?
Or do you just go the easy way, and get them to show how good you are at this game?
Because, let me tell you....I am very impressed at all the medals/ribbons/badges that you all have. You really must be as good as your signature shows.
Or not.

(not everyone mind you, just people that "stat pad"...which is what it's called when you intentionally damage your own vehicles just to repair them to get the points (stats).

I love this game, I just hate the players.

Flame on~

ImChance wrote:

Does anyone actually get their medals/ribbons/badges......

I love this game, I just hate the players.
lol ImChance.

When u have played for a while u will discover what is avarage play, good play and impossible play.

Look at the stats of the person, not the medal display.

The longer someone has played, the greater the likelihood that a set of favoritable circumstances occured to make a good score possible. That's how I got my ribbons (I am still hunting for that #*%&?+ chopper ribbon).

Look at the number of rounds a person has played and calculate the average number of heals/revives/resupply he has done in each round. Is this number reasonable?

Look at vehicle times and kill ratio. Aim-boting?

Look at gold/silver/bronze medals. A real player will have more bronze than silver, and more silver than gold.

It's not difficult to tell in the end.........

Not always true... But it's a good guide...
so all i got to do is drive a lil bit in the water and i start repairingit?
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|7088|Hamburg, Germany
drive inches into the water till it damages you, get out of the water, F3, repair and repeat
got my vet repair yesterday (legit) on Karkand

...25points... ... ...     ...

Last edited by Aruba-Prime (2005-10-21 04:20:39)

15 hours playing with eng. right
Major Payne
i got al my medals fair so what 88mm sead isnt always true becuase i got more silver than bronze and mor gold than silver. im just good in this game and becuse i dont ride in vechles that mutch. am i deadly infantry i got more points when i'm infantry than when i am in a tank. and becuse you cant kill a tank with a granade i think that a tank and arrty is also stats padding (i know a this is just part of the game) they always come when your just resawned i think half of my deaths is made by vechles and arrty

Last edited by Major Payne (2005-10-21 05:36:41)

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