ruisleipa wrote:
I do apologise if I have misunderstood your position, as nothing in any posts you have said previously led me to believe that you do not consider gitmo a good idea in any way whatsoever, as your unsuccesful attmepts to prove my points wrong earlier indicated. I also didn't notice any admissions from you that the govt did wrong in establishing gitmo, nor any sign that you did recognise the effects of your governments' actions.
I have stated repeatedly that GITMO--from a foreign policy perspective--is a bad thing. However, that was not its intended purpose, so to say it is a failure based on something that was not its intended purpose is flawed. It has succeeded based on
its intended purpose.
existing international laws (as opposed to good ideas), my government has done nothing wrong in establishing GITMO. What you fail to recognize (repeatedly) is that any action taken is reviewed by
legal experts 20 ways from Sunday before any move is made to ensure no negative
legal ramifications will occur (diplomatic/foreign policy ramifications being something else entirely). Thus, no
legal fallout from GITMO. Yes, attempts have been made, but nothing has been able to stick. Why do you think that is? It's not because it's blatantly
illegal, otherwise, those attempts would have easily succeeded.
ruisleipa wrote:
I on the other hand do NOT 'knee-jerk blame' a single country for all the ills in the world, and if you can find any evidence of that position whatsoever I will happily eat my computer. You're just doing a lowing and putting words into my mouth. All my comments in this thread, for example, were aimed specifically at gitmo as an institution that has certainly caused more harm to America, in particular morally, than possibly anything else, at which point you ineffectively tried to fight against those claims despite them being obviously true.
Oh, you're right. You blame TWO countries for all the ills in the world. But in the process of blaming one of them, you end up just blaming the US, so it's really just you blaming the US in the end.
There's been absolutely nothing ineffective about my arguments in this thread, ruisleipa. Yours, on the other hand...
ruisleipa wrote:
I've NEVER seen any recognition from you of the shortfalls in your govt's Gitmo policy, although I'm absolutely sure you have a lot to complain about in other spheres.
Then obviously you haven't been paying attention.
ruisleipa wrote:
You're only sheep-like if you follow what other people tell you to do, i.e. your govts propaganda abvout gitmo, proven to be wrong.
That is one of the most ironic statements I've seen in quite a while...