Gasoline Prices Spike; May Hit $4 Gallon...
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Oil could give kiss of death to recovery; Triple-digit crude once again in offing...
I wouldn't be surprised Obama levees a "Windfall Profits Tax" further increasing prices. Or perhaps he'll learn from Carter and we'll see long gas lines again (I'm sure Iran would ablge again). Maybe Obama wants to nationalize the oil industry s well?
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HITS RECORD $9 GALLON IN UK...CBS Chicago wrote:
But as CBS 2's Derrick Blakley reports, the higher prices might actually be a good thing.
The growing pain at the pump kind of snuck up on many Chicago drivers, but now they're really feeling the bite.
"I just paid $3.54 for gas," said Michelle as she filled up at a Chicago gas station. "It's just outrageous."
Oil could give kiss of death to recovery; Triple-digit crude once again in offing...
I wouldn't be surprised Obama levees a "Windfall Profits Tax" further increasing prices. Or perhaps he'll learn from Carter and we'll see long gas lines again (I'm sure Iran would ablge again). Maybe Obama wants to nationalize the oil industry s well?