Destroy Noob Cannons
Alright.. I could have jsut been sucking really bad. but I don't think so.. but it is a possibility.
alright.. I go onto a server.. dragon valley.. 32. I decded I wanted to mess around as a sniper... maybe get a few kills with my m95. well... I go in.. and I see this guy bunny hopping around. at this point.. I'm laying down... I'm not too visible either. well I take a shot. he stops and turns straight to me and lays down. so I take aim at his head and it was a fair distance so I aim a tiny bit higher than his head. and fire.. no luck.. hmmm. alright. so he jumps up and is hopping and firing at me I take a shot at him which SHOULD have hit him. if it did.. he wasn't injured much. so I fire again, REALLY must have missed him or something. I dunno. I don't know HOW I could miss. well. he ends up hitting me.. and I instantly go down to two bars. keep in mind he is shooting while jumping. well.. I run around behind a rock and lay claymores on both sides of the rock... and the ONLY way he would be able to shoot me is if he came aorund the rock... but if he did.. he would have been killed by my claymores. somehow, he shot me and killed me. who knows.. maybe he found a place and a right angle..(oh he was using the L85A1..) alright.
so I spawn back and I spawn at the power station. I spawned in that little building. right as I spawn, I see that same guy from last time running and bunny hopping across the bridge. so I lie down.. no sooner than I lay down he lays prone while in the air and takes aim on me RIGHT away. and boom.. I'm dead. and if you know.. from that building to the bridge is a fair distance to see somebody in a dark room withdarkish clothing and all that camo and no scope.. he saw me before he had his scope up, obviously.  alright alright.. so maybe he got a lucky shot and saw a UAV and just HAPPENED to think he'd look there for a second. who knows?

So I spawn back.. this time at the base south east of the power station... well there is some nice thick dark trees over there.. so I lie down, becuase I KNEW that the little bunny hopping medic was gonna be up there SOMEWHERE. well I look around and see him... sure enough bunny hopping his little heart out down the hill. well I take aim.. waiting for him to stop so I can get a good shot. What's this? he suddenly stops and lies down and looks STRAIGHT at me and fires.. no sooner than he fires.. I'm dead. this is where I get angry. and SOMEHOW he saw me.. and I DOUBT it was UAV. you don't know exactly where people are jsut from a blinking red thing on a map. and to happen three times IN A ROW is a little hard to believe. so out of anger, I say "nice maphack" he didn't say anything. so I go on to play again.. this time I spawned at what used to be the chinese airstrip. I run down threw trees to take aim at the power station... I see a bunch of guys down there.. one of which is this guy that had been magically finding me instantly. wel I see him and a bunch of guys pile up in a FAV and drive off. so I start shooting at a straggler in the base... somehow.. I missed every shot.. I don't know.. I MUST have been off. well.. I start getting shot at by an APC.. I wasn't that wel hidden this time..  well I get up and run away.. I happen to look behind me.. and what do I see? This magical fellow trying to knife me. How he got  up behind me? I do not know. anyways.. turns out the APC kiled me and him serves him right. well.. he somehow killed me a few more times.. ALWAYS with that L85A1. and always within a couple shots. well.. all of a sudden he got a crap load of tks.. and then he like disappeard from the server.. didn't say he was kicked or anything. odd.. well.. I was having a SUPER bad game so  Iwas about to leave and.. WTF? who's this guy? there's some fag in the server with the name "Slayback" and he is a private. Looked like to me the same guy.. I mean.. a guy vanishes from a server.. and a little bit later someone comes in with an obvious mock of my name? maybe it was a coincidence... maybe it has nothing to do with this guy at all.. but if it was him.. it just pissed me off more.. and I had to come tell all my buddies at BF2s.

Yeah.. anyways.. this guy could just be really good? maybe he just had a great game vs my bad game? I dunno. I probably just suck altogether.. but eh.. whatever. I think it was a maphack of some sort. I know they're out there, and nobody can tell me any different. and I KNOW PB doesn't catch everything.

anyways... this name was
and he had a prefix "justme"
EDIT: odd... I just looked for his stats and they don't show up... I know that was the name... :-/
Did I imagine this whole thing? >.< I need to go to bed.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-10-19 23:56:47)

Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
I have seen very similar things to what you experienced slay.  i mean, I'll shoot at someone, and they'll turn around, dolphin, and get a head shot on me and I die right away with one shot, and even when they had a gun that can't headshot kill in one shot, and I had full health.  people are hacking, and thats that.. aint no one can tell me different
I have to agree with SrA_Shady, there's just too much 'skill' out there (for skill I mean hack), and if I suffer the same type of person as you did, I'd be off elsewhere. People like that drag this game down.

Sleep soundly, for tomorrow is another day..... and someone else may be posting "there was this guy called =[4th]=SlayThem, and damn he was good, got me cold wherever I was"
PB doesn't catch every hack and I know it from America's Army, I hate when people hack, wanna hack make yourself a server and call it the hacking server and have fun for your own if you like it but don't make us suffer from your stupid needs for hacking.
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
its extremely easy to hack, thats why I know its out there.  I used to play Ghost Recon, like, regligiously.
well, hacking got so bad in that game that finally my best friend and I said fuck it.. if you can't beat them join them.  For the most part, PUNKBUSTER only catches hacks as they join to a server.  That means if a hack exists server side, then most likely punk doesnt catch it.


My friend edited a kit file that no one used (if anyone knows Ghost Recon, it was the anti tank kit with the MP5 and the motion sensor things)
Basically, we made the kit to where the zoom on the gun was freakin incredible, and we made it have like 20 motion sensors we could lay down so we always knew where everyone was.  So basically we could own the hell out of everyone cuz we could shoot em from across the map.  Now, the way it worked was that he then sent the edited file to me and I added it in my game.  Since I had the same file as the server, I got the hacker.  However, if anyone else just happened to choose to use that kit, (which no one ever did,) they'd get errors and their reticle would be a big square box because their file didnt match the server file.  Hehe, no one ever figured it out either.  when someone would happen to choose that kit, we'd just tell them hmm, your files must be corrupt.. lmao.

Sneaky huh?

Please, dont think that I hack in BF2 though.  We only did this becuase as I said, hacking got so bad in that game that in order to play you had to also do devious things.  Battlefield and EA seem to do a much better job of catching almost every attempt to hack
eeehm... this guy you talk about is bunnyhopping A LOT if what you say is true... usually i can jump 3 or four times, and then i am exhausted. So you might be blowing up your story a bit, i don't blame you, you had a bad day.
First of all, i don't believe in bunnyhopping. Bunnyhopping is a Counter strike term that allowed you to move increadibly fast. So there is no bunnyhopping in BF2, as for the jumping, this is a arcade game.

further more, i dont think the guy was cheating, hacking or whatever. The L85 is a freakin great weapon. If prone, the deviation of a bullit is less then the deviation of a M95. If you lie prone, the first thing he will hit is your head. So 2 hits is always enough to kill you. add a little bit of luck and you are dead. I kill a lot of snipers this way and i am pretty sure i don't use hacks.
In the time you shoot twice, he can shoot 10 times with reasonable accuracy (bolt action vs. automatic).
So, he has more and faster shots with an equal amount of damage (because he is shooting your head, it doesn't matter if he has a sniperrifle or an assault rifle).

The spotting part. I ALWAYS see the sniper shooting me, this is because my PC is not the very best system in the universe. I can run BF2 on high specs, but everything is slower then, so my specs are medium. This way the surroundings are fairly smooth, and a person is a pixel. so no matter where you lie, I always spot you. the only mistake i make sometimes is with those little bushes on the hills. Good 3d sound also helps you out a lot, because if you miss me, i hear the direction the bullit comes from, and i know instantly where to look.

So all and all: if i read your story i don't feel as if the guy was using a hack. I think he had a great day and you had a fairly bad day, looking at your SPM you've had more bad days
Well...I'm impressed

The first time someone actually confessed using some hack. Usual way would be to deny the existence of hacks and other shit. 10+ for your text !

You wrote that you started to use the hack because there was no other way to play.
That is exactly how it usually happens.
I have never used hacks or exploits when playing online game but I have tested quite few on private server.
Using them online just makes the whole game to slide into crap category.
And yes, I agree that EA and PB are doing good job to prevent hacking in BF2 but still there are (and will always be) some hacks that are updated along PB.

Someone wrote that there could be servers specially for hack using. This is what I have always suggested too.
There would be no whining about using shit if there were clearly marked servers for hacks.
I have visited that kind of server in an other game.
The first text when joining was something like "On this server you can use configs beyond PB....bla bla..".
No nagging, no "FU NOOB !", no kicking...in fact it was the only servers where players really PLAYED the game. No matter if almost all used bots and hacks, they just played.
What constitutes a 'bunnyhop'? is running and jumping? jumping? or walking and jumping?. If it is walking and jumping, you can do that forever and a day.

I've not done it, I don't do it and I don't like it.... but it's how some people play
haha well dont forget their team may have had a good commander... who spotted people. very handy especially on large maps such as dragon valley. and well if you look at your map you can see where your facing and if you line it up with the red dot on the map. or if you look at where the dot is on the landscape. you can easily find a person most of the time. as for damage hacks mentioned before. they are very rare. damage values and hp values are stored on the server side thus both the server and the client would need to be running the hack for damage values to change maybe two people shot you if you died in one shot? or perhaps they got 2 shots off and got lucky
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
I think I played with that thrall2kill once before, didnt had much trouble with him.
But if your any good of a sniper, you shouldnt be spotted so quickly. I'd go with you SlayThem, probs he's a hack0r..
well like someone explained in the plainwhore topic. It might be a lil script that works kinda like lagging. the server thinks that the players is at coordinate 50,49 on a zoom fuction for sniper, but instead his coordinates are 52,49. the differences are very small, but this hack is used a lot in sof2. It's impossible to detect and players like this can't ever get a headshot. (i had my own server on sof2 and the only way stopping this is by writing your own script)
*** I have played on a pc with an fx5200 512 mem and a 1.7 p4 .. This was my friend's pc before i built him one that would run this game well. He played all settings low which gives a huge advantage!. Every single player model stands out like crazy! there are like no textures and the player models almost scream at you like im over here! look at me! Hiding in the shadows is pointless because there are no shadows! Laying in the grass - pointless .. he sees no grass just one model layin gway out in the open.... duno but this may be what happened. the guy migh tbe playing with horrible hardware

Last edited by (walter)uaintmanenuf (2005-10-20 04:56:05)

Exploding Fodder
hmm didn't sound to me at all like a like, but more of unforunate luck.  I've been on both ends of this story.  It happens..

Oh well

BrightAsh wrote:

eeehm... this guy you talk about is bunnyhopping A LOT if what you say is true... usually i can jump 3 or four times, and then i am exhausted. So you might be blowing up your story a bit, i don't blame you, you had a bad day.
First of all, i don't believe in bunnyhopping. Bunnyhopping is a Counter strike term that allowed you to move increadibly fast. So there is no bunnyhopping in BF2, as for the jumping, this is a arcade game.

further more, i dont think the guy was cheating, hacking or whatever. The L85 is a freakin great weapon. If prone, the deviation of a bullit is less then the deviation of a M95. If you lie prone, the first thing he will hit is your head. So 2 hits is always enough to kill you. add a little bit of luck and you are dead. I kill a lot of snipers this way and i am pretty sure i don't use hacks.
In the time you shoot twice, he can shoot 10 times with reasonable accuracy (bolt action vs. automatic).
So, he has more and faster shots with an equal amount of damage (because he is shooting your head, it doesn't matter if he has a sniperrifle or an assault rifle).

The spotting part. I ALWAYS see the sniper shooting me, this is because my PC is not the very best system in the universe. I can run BF2 on high specs, but everything is slower then, so my specs are medium. This way the surroundings are fairly smooth, and a person is a pixel. so no matter where you lie, I always spot you. the only mistake i make sometimes is with those little bushes on the hills. Good 3d sound also helps you out a lot, because if you miss me, i hear the direction the bullit comes from, and i know instantly where to look.

So all and all: if i read your story i don't feel as if the guy was using a hack. I think he had a great day and you had a fairly bad day, looking at your SPM you've had more bad days
This guy proves my point and hes playing on medium... image the advantage my friend had playing on all low!
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

(walter)uaintmanenuf wrote:

*** I have played on a pc with an fx5200 512 mem and a 1.7 p4 .. This was my friend's pc before i built him one that would run this game well. He played all settings low which gives a huge advantage!. Every single player model stands out like crazy! there are like no textures and the player models almost scream at you like im over here! look at me! Hiding in the shadows is pointless because there are no shadows! Laying in the grass - pointless .. he sees no grass just one model layin gway out in the open.... duno but this may be what happened. the guy migh tbe playing with horrible hardware
This is so true, friend of mine plays on Low settings and I whas like WHO.
In Gulf of Oman you can enter some building, wich are on almost completely dark inside.
When you play on low, you can see everything crystal clear. What an advantage!
Aussie Outlaw
Course theres Hacks... the shit some people pull off again and again and again.

PB is a worthless program that only kicks for not updating.. ive only seen it kick for hacks on a few occasions (across the board on all games i played/have played with it). FUCK PB.
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse
Yeah there maybe a thousand reasons why the guy got you so easily. Him being a cheater is only one of them. I've experienced similar stuff, but on the other hand, I also had days where I would just turn around and 1-shot kill anybody. You never know, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of hackers out there, but it's hard to tell in a game like BF2. In CoD, i.e., it was easy to tell. When you saw a guy having 150:2 kills in a round, he was using a so called aimbot. And that was also the proof that Punkbuster is not able to catch ALL cheaters...that's sad but I have yet to see something like that in BF2, so I don't worry too much about that...yet.
The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL

BrightAsh wrote:

eeehm]First of all, i don't believe in bunnyhopping. Bunnyhopping is a Counter strike term that allowed you to move increadibly fast...
actually, i think bunny hopping comes from further back than CS even.  you could do trick jumping like this back in Quake 1 and 2.  Quake 3 was a complete bunny-hop fest (as is Quake 4, i found out last night).

back on topic.  i don't doubt that your opponent had a wallhack of some sort.  if you're sitting in the brush under the tree canopy and have not yet made a sound, i find it hard to believe that enemies can find/see you so easily without the aide of UAV, abnormally low graphic settings, or a wallhack.

three days ago i was playing Dalian Plant.  i went in as a USMC special ops and flew an F35 from the carrier to the China base.  when i got there, i ejected from the jet and parachuted onto the hangar of their airstrip.  i was going to hang out on top until a J10 spawned.  at any rate, while i was laying prone on their hangar, i got sniped THROUGH the hangar ceiling by a Chinese guy (with an m95) was waiting for the jet.  i don't care how good a UAV or a "spotted" call is, you can't do that without the aide of a wallhack.  for the record, the guy only took two shots on me.  the first one took me to 2 bars of health and the second killed me.  he knew exactly where i was on the roof.
Wow... I have been playing with ALL settings at High... I will have to try this on Med/Low to see if the difference is enough for me to deal with crappy graphics.  One of the reasons I like the game so much is how beautiful it is blowing stuff up, lol.

Hmmm...  are there any key settings to turn to low (I would like to keep even a few on high if they do not help with visibility)?
Aussie Outlaw
If you wanna see in shadows just turn of your lightmaps n shit... if you've got the hardware, looks much nicer on.
ok for some one to be able to bunnyhop and go into prone while in mid-air is a hack.. for them to see you behind a rock and your claymores is a wallhack <see thru> and for them to take direct aim and shoot to kill apon your miss <hit but hack saves them> its a aim-bot hack <takes imediate aim on nearest shooter to you and fires untill dead> so you see they dont even have to fire the weapon, just run a round and find ppl.. the bunny hopping si to get you to shoot at them so their hack can find you. as for the guy suddenly apearing and trying to knife you is a spawn hack.. any of these hacks can be purchased for 20 bucks a week memberships at any hacking community site.. i wish i could send viruses to all their comuters and their sister. so dont get mad get even.. fuck with them alo.. call em out ..

best thing to do is go on their team and get them to TK you a lot thus making them cut from server

hope this helps
Aussie Outlaw
well, i was playing on wake island, i was going for my pistol badge, and this one sniper always seemed to go for me, anyways, he was far away, i could hardly see him and he was doin one shot kills. he did this to me 5 times, and hes either a good shot or hacks.
after reading this thread i decided to run a search on google check this out

http://www.thetechguide.com/forum/index … opic=20455   

it shows a few different sites you can get the hacks from and screen shots of what they do. I cant wait till PB starts the hardware ban like they use for other games. a 2 minute pb bad for getting caught isnt even a slap on the wrist. people that hack for any reason need to be ______  fill in the blanks im to pissed to think off anything
Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
Claymores Only Explode From The Front and at a 45 Degree Angle, If you See the Claymore Infront of you, You can Easily Get around it without Harm.

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