lol, yeah. About that C4 thing, Garand in assault + Explosives upgrade gives similar results, pretty fun running around and blowing tanks up with c4 on the flag.RDMC wrote:
Its the mentality of 12 years olds that can't comprehend anything beyond 'he's better than me, he must be a cheater' or..'I am better than him, he is a noob'.specialistx2324 wrote:
i have played BF BC 2 for two weeks now... pretty cool game for the most part, still the guns feel generic. i miss the specialist class where i had a silenced UMP 45 and lots of C4. blew up a bunch of vehicles that way in BC 1.
ASIDE: just to keep things in perspective and something ive been thinking.
if im am awesome in a videogame where i am #1 almost every round, gets lots of kills= people say i have no life and im a fat bastard inside a basement, have no job, people accuse me of using glitches / haxs....yada yada yada....if i suck monkey balls, where my K/D ratio sucks , i die over and over, then im a noob, fagit, retard, etc..... guess thats the mentality of gamers these days.
notreallyProtip: Never do that when FF is on, you'll TK the other dude trying to C4 that tank.