Pug wrote:
okay, and did you read your own post?
lowing wrote:
It isn't the fault of the black community as an entity onto itself. It is the fault of the INDIVIDUALS within that community. My comments went to the black community to identify where the problems lie, not toward the black community because it is black. Way big difference.
Aren't the individuals within the black community black? Which make up the entity? So how is that any different?
lowing wrote:
Education is blameless. It take more than just a teacher and a classroom to educate kids. It takes the kids desire to learn, which they are supposed to get from the parents first and formost, and it takes parental involvement of that learning. All a teacher can do is provide the material and the willingness to teach it.
So black parents don't want their kids to learn because they don't support the parenting required to support education? Or black kids lack the desire to learn? bullshit
lowing wrote:
So instead of blaming education for these kids problems, blame the parents, and yes even the kids. Blame their environment if you want to I will simply point out that their environment is made up of parents and kids just like themselves. Which takes us back to the black community now doesn't it?
The only direct pipeline is from shitty parenting and shitty attitudes to prison.
Maybe you can understand why I'm not believing that there's a big difference between "handling problems" and "entire community" because you say to blame the parents and the kids.
There's just absolutely no way that the system has a flaw? Why? Because it works for white people and therefore it should work for everyone? So the system isn't broken, then why is there a higher percentage of young blacks in prison than whites as a percentage of population? Therefore it's got to be some other factor - maybe shitty parenting? School system? Racist cops?
But you aren't singling out the community, just all of the individuals within the community?
How exactly do I separate your comments when it's universally applied? IF THAT ISN'T WHAT YOU MEANT, then perhaps you ought to think about reading the shit you post.
Purposeful shitty parenting. I find it hard to believe black folks WANT their kids to be in a gang. Is shitty parenting restricted by race? Bullshit
All nicely tied into black folks gang hero worship.
So my question is whether is self-perpetuating, perpetuated by social status, or perpetuated in another way?
How do you break the cycle? By blaming the group? Bullshit.
Again, I denote the black community as where the problem lies, NOT that the black vcommunity has the problem because they are black. THis is what you are trying t opin on me and I refuse thst label.
The attitudes that is a significant problem within the black community ( the same attitudes and problems addressed by black leaders) is not one of positive reinforcement. and yes, ANYONE with these attitudes, does not have a desire to learn. For if they did, they would get their asses in school. but since it is the blsck community we are discussing because of the higher rate of problems. I am singling out blasck kids who have these attitudes and problems,ONLY for the sake of this discussion.
ENTIRE community is your words not mine. It is rediculous on your part to think I speak of every dingle black person within the black community as a problem, or hero worships gang bangers, or approves of sagging, or views success as selling out. but of all of what I have said, the ENTIRE COMMUNITY is what you hang your hat on to fight about, and I didn't even fuckiin say that. Problem that pisses me off with you is, you know I didn't or could possibly mean every I was speaking about every single black person, as if there is no way I knew there were successful, respectful law abiding citizens within the black community. If there is any bullshit, it is yours, and your attempts to argue the obvious.
No, not because it works for white people but because by and large the white community does not have the attiutdes or problems that are found within the black community. However those within the white community that have these same problems, prison history in the family, shitty parenting, shitty attitudes,etc. the system also does not work. THis means it is not arace issue, this is a social issue. THat is why I am not a racist.
As far as the system having flaws, never said it didn't, but I will say, even under a perfect education system, if the parents will not raise their kids responsibly, and kids will not adopt the proper attitude, the perfect education system will not help the problems. Keeping in mind the classroom is a place of learning not a rehab center or a fuckin a day care.
As far as why is there a higher percentage of blacks in prison uhhh because a higher percentage of black are committing crimes? Because everything I have discussed as a problem within the black community? ( you know, the problems you called me a racist for daring to say)
Or is this where you blame everyone EXCEPT those black people with those problems I speak of?
You separate my comments by using common sense, try it. I guess I thought it was understood that there was no way I could possibly mean or speak of every single black person, but hey I guess I gave you too much credit.
purposeful or not, there is no denying it. Or do you think kids attitudes and problems are not a product of their environment or up bringing?
Everything I speak of is social. The black community does not have these problems because they are black. I can't say why these problems exist. THere are those that want to blame the past, ( a past most within this community have never been a witness to) for their problems. I do not, I blame ( as always and for everyone ) blame individuals for individual problems.
Where does the cycle stop? When the attiudes stop. When parenting starts. I am not willing to support a destructive attitude in hopes it will change. The destructive attiude must stop first. a desire to help themselves nust take root, then progress emerges.