There are NO FACTS about Christ or Mohammed, apart from that they existed, which isn't thought correct by everyone. You can twist the Koran and the Bible to fit just about any ideology you want. Homophobic? Sexist? Racist? The Bible's your book. Tolerant? Liberal? Caring? The Bible's your book.lowing wrote:
No what is a fact is that the messanger of Chrisitianity taught and practiced peace, and tolerance. and the messanger of Islam was a child molester who was a warrior, and killed many people, to furhter the cause of Islam. Regardless as to what individuals do in the names of each religion, the fact remains what each religion taught and who brought each relgions message.
The OT was mainly stories of what "has happened", the NT is the teachings of Christ.
Using "interpretation" is just another catch all phrase to remove responsibility of Islam for what it advocates because you can not really defend it.
Your 'facts' are, again, just mere interpretations. The OT and NT are said to contain 'what happened' and the teachings respectively, true. But the OT is full of imaginary events and non-factual bullshit, while the NT is full of hearsay and information written not by Christ but by dozes of people possibly decades or centuries after the fact.
As for people doing bad things in the name of Christ...are you friggin serious? Ever since Christianity began people have murdered women, men and children, not to mention destroyed countries and cities, invaded, etc etc all in the name of your 'peaceful' religion (although I thought you said somewhere yo weren't Christian?). I don't have to defend Islam because I'm not a follower, but I'm not of Christianity either and am able to realise that a religion is only dependent on what the individual feels about it, and nothing else. They may be swayed by preachers or friends, but it's only what the indiviudal thinks and how they act that makes any difference to anything, and that could be completely at odds with an 'accepted' teaching or understanding, but no less 'wrong', because it's all make-believe anyway.
Your assertion that there is no debate as to what Mohammed taught is also incorrect, clearly.
How do you know this? YOU DON'T.lowing wrote:
and yet Jesus never carried a sword, or killed anyone. hmmmmmmm so much for literal "interpretations"
So you don't condemn a group of people but instead a religion based on the actions of a few? Why weren't those few NOT following the religion 'properly'? You could argue that and not be wrong. Again, the teachings of Islam and Christianity are varied and multi-faceted depending on who you talk to. Following some kind of teachings might make you a follower but those people in the OP are as much Christians as the Pope since I'm sure they could find some religious justification for their actions against the govt. The teachings of Mohammed and Jesus have been interpreted and re-interpreted so many times that it's imposible to identify what they 'really' are. I strongly suspect that the vast majority of people who call themselves Christian are NOT following Christ in a way that I would understand as Christian. That's more an argument for the idiocy of humans than against the religion.lowing wrote:
I do not advocate the punishment of an entire group of PEOPLE for the actions of others. I do however condemn the religion and the messenger they have chosen to worship.
Just because you call yourself a Muslim or a Christian does not make you a Muslim or a CHristian. Following the teachings of that religion is the only way to qualify you as a follower of it.
A Muslim who does not follow the teaching of Muhammad, regardless as to what they claim, is not following Islam.
and a Christian who does not follow the teachings of Christ is not following Chriatianity.