If you have him on Xfire, block him and delete him.
If you have him on facebook or you've done something similarly stupid like that, delete him.
He's a stupid little troll, who is pretty much hated around here. He has no spine, and can't even compete in an argument:
rigid112: youre the only one trolling, read your posts
<This user is now offline>
So, for just £0 per day, you too can rid your life of Androoz
If you have him on facebook or you've done something similarly stupid like that, delete him.
He's a stupid little troll, who is pretty much hated around here. He has no spine, and can't even compete in an argument:
rigid112: youre the only one trolling, read your posts
<This user is now offline>
So, for just £0 per day, you too can rid your life of Androoz