And that's how we survive through our every day life, we cling to what we know is true. But what happens if that truth turns out to be false/illusion/phantom/whatever? Saying that there's no world around us/there's no proof of anything exists already contradicts itself and cannot be proven to be true.Bevo wrote:
meh, my point is we can only perceive the world around us, you can only build around basic assumptionsBLdw wrote:
Naah...Bevo wrote:
I had to take a "theory of knowledge" class in highschool. We can only perceive the world around us. There is no proof of anything existing. We could all be living in a world of our own minds. We could all be in a dream world during the hibernation of some other creatures. We could be living inside of a big box controlled by a fat guy.
You're partially twisting Solipsism there. Very shallow. (edit: not said in negative way.)
As I said, you were partially twisting solipsism.