Sat. Mar. 27/10                                Pace51

A general overview of the different conquest game modes.

As you all know, in BF2 the main game mode is conquest. There are three types of conquest. Although you can easily find the description of each by loading up bf2, this overview lets you see the rules to each conquest mode, without having to wait for the game to load. Please do not give me any karma for the conquest descriptions, because I’m practically just copy-pasting. I also included some tactical descriptions, too. However, the conquest game modes are copyright to EA. I included descriptions of the difference between control points and outposts only for easy-reading purposes. And to my own personal Comment Troll Group, I know that this guide isn’t anything new to you. I don’t care that you read halfway through and got bored. Constructive criticism only. You can even insult me if you want. Just do it constructively .
Each game mode has small exceptions. For example, Head-On played on Mashtuur or Zatar is different than when played on most maps.
Conquest: Assault: The force that causes the opponents tickets to reach zero wins. The defending force can reduce the attacking force’s tickets gradually by holding all of the control points on the map. The attacking force can gradually reduce the defending forces tickets by holding all of the control points on the map.

     In maps of this gametype, the attacking force will have one or more non-capturable control point(s). These will be far away from the enemies control points. The defending force will have a large amount of capturable control points. The ticket drain works like this. In order to drain an enemy teams tickets, one team must possess all of the capturable control points. If the USMC for example only possess one capturable control point, but the PLA possesses 7 capturable CP’s and one non-capturable CP, the USMC tickets will drain. If the USMC, however, causes one of the PLA flags to become neutral, then the ticket drain will stop, even if the PLA posses triple the control points that the USMC does.
Conquest: Double Assault: You reduce the opponents tickets by holding more than half of the control points on the map. You win by capturing all control points or by reducing the opponent’s tickets to zero.

     In maps of this gametype, your team will be on one side of the map, holding one or two control points, and the enemy will have the same number of control points on the other side of the map. In between, one or more neutral flags (Control points/outposts) will be visible. If you have more control points or outposts than the enemy, their tickets will drain, and they will drain faster every time you capture another flag. (NOTE: If you have 4 flags, the enemy has three, and the enemy is capturing a neutral flag to even the score, their tickets will drain until they capture the neutral flag). All flags are capturable. This gametype is the most common among smaller maps, and also the most common game mode. This is also the most balanced and fairest game mode. In other words, every mistake you make will gravely affect your team. These maps are usually set in urban areas.
Conquest: Head on: Your team will win if you cause your opponents tickets to reach zero. You can increase the rate at which they lose tickets by holding at least half the control points on the map.

This game mode is a combination of the Double Assault and Assault game types. Each team will hold a similar number of control points, and one non-capturable CP each, or each team will hold the same number of capturable CP’s as the other. The ticket drain is as follows. If you have more CP’s than your enemy, capturable or non-capturable, their tickets will drain. Zatar is one exception to this rule. The USMC starts with 2 control points while the MEC starts with one. However, you drain the opponents tickets by holding more capturable CP’s than they are holding.
Control Point: Control points are large bases that, when captured, will spawn a large number of vehicles and heavy stationary defenses. They also allow you to increase your striking range. For example, capturing an Airfield, one type of control point, allows you to bomb behind enemy lines or take out enemy armour with helicopters.

Outposts: An outpost is similar to a control point, because you may spawn there, but outposts will either spawn no vehicles at all, or a small number of weaker vehicles. Outposts contribute to the ticket drain, but are quite vulnerable as they are easy to capture and hard to defend. An example of an outpost is a Pagoda, on the Chinese maps, or a small village or lookout point.