DesertFox- wrote:
DBBrinson1 wrote:
Awesome -a smear site on Republicans based on their own fallen stars... How original. I'd bet there isn't anything out there that show the D's are there too...
I didn't write it, I found it interesting. This isn't any group of people though, these are members of Congress (for the most part). These people are running our country, and yet they (both sides) behave like children towards each other, examples of which are seen in the OP link where the Repubs flipped once Dems started to support something they originally did as well.
Never claimed you did write it. This is a propaganda website. It is easy to pigeon hole a group based on the deviants of it. Look at GS's opinion of "teabaggers" created by the leftist media. Oberman and company painted them as racists. He took the fringe, mainstreamed them and labeled them. Give me 5 minutes with a mic and camera and I could do the same with any leftist interest group -Hannity behaves the same way.
I guess it is hard to call the left (Zero morals/standards) on whatever they do (because of lack of said morals/standards), but I find it funny that party of tolerance is so intolerant of people who don't think the same way. "You're free to behave and act however you want -just so long as you think the same way." Pretty weak. I guess one could google 'democrats are hypocrites' and find piles of the same type of information, but I'm tired after watching it all day at work.
A highlight on the day, I did watch today a few D's get nailed by a quote by OB from his book the "audacity of hope" with respect to hypocrisy and the local D's position in debate toward a proposed education bill. That shit was funny, you should have seen the looks on a few D's faces when they realized that OB's quote applied directly to what the R's were doing (in approval). D'oh! One of the dumber one's actually applauded after the quote was read and they were proved tripped up in their own ideology. Went right over her head. D's lost, it passed 21-17. Few r's went against it. I could care less. My Son is in private school.
@GS: Hippies? Nah, hippies never paid taxes.
no more for me tonight. I've another 13+hr work day ahead.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.