The Year of the Cow!

lowing wrote:

Because food is one of the basic necessities of life. We need it, it is hard work and not many are willing to do it for marginal if any profits. Farmers, even corporate farms, are still at the mercy of the weather. Conditions beyond their control. No I have no problem with doing whatever incentives it takes for America to eat. Sorry to disappoint.
The idea of government subsidies for farmers and/or ag business is laughable.  In my city of 35k we have both ADM and CHS plants, plus several smaller outfits.  I also work directly with countless farmers.  They do not need any subsidies.  Almost all of them are part time farmers at most and work full time jobs in other industries.  These farms are on average 300 acres.  With todays equipment, seeds, and chemicals they take an average of 8 days off of work to plant and harvest.  No other time during the year requires them to take time off from their normal job.  Yes they can have a bad year or so, but it really means nothing anymore.  Ethanol and emerging markets have driven up the price over the last 10 years.  The greatest gains were seen during high yield years because the demand is far outpacing the supply.  Can't wait to see what corn prices do if we have a couple bad years.  Trust me, times have changed for farmers.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

If they can make it to the ER in time, yeah...   That's quite different from having ready access to it.

It still puzzles me why you think subsidizing companies that do very well for themselves in agribusiness is good.  Letting the market clear itself serves customers far better than corporate welfare does.
corporations employ people. No different than a city's incentives to move a big corporation to their town, they bring jobs. Ma and Pa Kettle don't therefore no incentive by the city to open up their thrift shop. Wal Mart on the other hand will get huge incentives to open up in a community. It is advantageous all around. you know that.
There is nothing advantageous to subsidizing agriculture....  at least, nothing advantageous to the average citizen.  The only reason we continue to subsidize companies like ADM is because Congress members get kickbacks.

What you're talking about has nothing to do with the federal government subsidizing agriculture.  You're talking about local governments creating tax breaks and such.  That's quite different.
I am talking about in theory. you are talking about in practice. If you wannna string these guys up I will provide the rope. It does not change my opinion that govt. has a vest interest in our nations food supply.

If agriculture is found to need govt. aid I am all for it. I am not for govt. aid to car industry or airlines or welfare, or health care. etc.....but to subsidize a basic necessity of life, yup I am all for it.

ATG wrote:

lowing wrote:

ATG wrote:

Sir, you are being thick.

It's not that I expect my tax money back for the sake of pete.

It is that you classify anyone receiving assistance as a mooch, which is absurd. You can't even separate the people who draw benefits as a way of life from those down on their luck, they are all just moochers.

Social security isn't an entitlement program, it is meant to be a account based on money they collect for you held in trust that the government manages for you. Unemployment isn't an entitlement program imo unless you are a scumnuts that does it as a way of life. 

They say ss is going broke. That makes me feel entitled to my money. I paid into it.

You said the taxes you pay cover that year, also dense. I paid state and city taxes for 26 years without ever receiving a check other than a tax refund.  Now you say I am a mooch, that the circumstances and my contributions don't mean shit.

Are you insane Lowing?
1. Down on their luck insinuates a temporary situation, as in ya just lost yer job and ya need help. Cue Unemployment Insurance. NOT WELFARE.

2. I paid into SS and yeah it is going to be gone taken by govt. for bullshit govt. entitlement programs. Stolen from me to redistribute. How about I keep my money and start my own "trust" fund? Yeah this pisses me off

3. I paid into it, if you get yours back, I will take mine back as well, gain where do we sign up.

4. Did you drive on the roads? Did you sleep at night? Sounds like, you got what the rest of us got. Again if you get your back, I will take mine back because I am equally deserving of my money as you say you are deserving of yours.
Exactly, the result of too many moochers is a financial revolt, or people not being able to pay taxes because there is no real economy and they are tired of being huckstered. And again, the biggest mooches are those associated with federal, state and local governments and low/bid and no bid contracts that are always a pork fest.

Just wait until the mandatory health care kicks in. That will be such a boondoogle that the whole system may well be finished. which is really what THEY want, the ones who hold vast fortunes who don't care about borders or ethnic backgrounds. A new system will be forced on us, a world wide system. nuff said
So do you mind if I remain pissed off about it? Do you mind if I argue that I KEEP MY money for ME? Appreciate it.

LividBovine wrote:

lowing wrote:

Because food is one of the basic necessities of life. We need it, it is hard work and not many are willing to do it for marginal if any profits. Farmers, even corporate farms, are still at the mercy of the weather. Conditions beyond their control. No I have no problem with doing whatever incentives it takes for America to eat. Sorry to disappoint.
The idea of government subsidies for farmers and/or ag business is laughable.  In my city of 35k we have both ADM and CHS plants, plus several smaller outfits.  I also work directly with countless farmers.  They do not need any subsidies.  Almost all of them are part time farmers at most and work full time jobs in other industries.  These farms are on average 300 acres.  With todays equipment, seeds, and chemicals they take an average of 8 days off of work to plant and harvest.  No other time during the year requires them to take time off from their normal job.  Yes they can have a bad year or so, but it really means nothing anymore.  Ethanol and emerging markets have driven up the price over the last 10 years.  The greatest gains were seen during high yield years because the demand is far outpacing the supply.  Can't wait to see what corn prices do if we have a couple bad years.  Trust me, times have changed for farmers.
I see, so a farmer nowadays can farm 300 acres in just 8 days throughout the year...Hmmmmm none of the farmers I have known can do that. Most farmers I know, keep their fields clean, their equipment running, their chemicals sprayed their irrigation irrigating etc....

maybe they could give a class on how to work a whole farm in just 8 days out of the year.
+5,233|6569|Global Command
Fine. Do you mind not calling me a moocher?

Meaning, delete the thread and we can walk away friends.
The Year of the Cow!

lowing wrote:

LividBovine wrote:

lowing wrote:

Because food is one of the basic necessities of life. We need it, it is hard work and not many are willing to do it for marginal if any profits. Farmers, even corporate farms, are still at the mercy of the weather. Conditions beyond their control. No I have no problem with doing whatever incentives it takes for America to eat. Sorry to disappoint.
The idea of government subsidies for farmers and/or ag business is laughable.  In my city of 35k we have both ADM and CHS plants, plus several smaller outfits.  I also work directly with countless farmers.  They do not need any subsidies.  Almost all of them are part time farmers at most and work full time jobs in other industries.  These farms are on average 300 acres.  With todays equipment, seeds, and chemicals they take an average of 8 days off of work to plant and harvest.  No other time during the year requires them to take time off from their normal job.  Yes they can have a bad year or so, but it really means nothing anymore.  Ethanol and emerging markets have driven up the price over the last 10 years.  The greatest gains were seen during high yield years because the demand is far outpacing the supply.  Can't wait to see what corn prices do if we have a couple bad years.  Trust me, times have changed for farmers.
I see, so a farmer nowadays can farm 300 acres in just 8 days throughout the year...Hmmmmm none of the farmers I have known can do that. Most farmers I know, keep their fields clean, their equipment running, their chemicals sprayed their irrigation irrigating etc....

maybe they could give a class on how to work a whole farm in just 8 days out of the year.
You want to read again.  Never said they do all there farming in just 8 days.  That was just the time they take off from their normal job to plant and harvest.  Of course they spend other time to maintain equipment and perform other tasks.  If it was difficult though, how came so many are working normal day jobs and farming in their spare time?  These people are making a lot of money BTW.  They sure know how to work the taxes though.
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)

LividBovine wrote:

lowing wrote:

LividBovine wrote:

The idea of government subsidies for farmers and/or ag business is laughable.  In my city of 35k we have both ADM and CHS plants, plus several smaller outfits.  I also work directly with countless farmers.  They do not need any subsidies.  Almost all of them are part time farmers at most and work full time jobs in other industries.  These farms are on average 300 acres.  With todays equipment, seeds, and chemicals they take an average of 8 days off of work to plant and harvest.  No other time during the year requires them to take time off from their normal job.  Yes they can have a bad year or so, but it really means nothing anymore.  Ethanol and emerging markets have driven up the price over the last 10 years.  The greatest gains were seen during high yield years because the demand is far outpacing the supply.  Can't wait to see what corn prices do if we have a couple bad years.  Trust me, times have changed for farmers.
I see, so a farmer nowadays can farm 300 acres in just 8 days throughout the year...Hmmmmm none of the farmers I have known can do that. Most farmers I know, keep their fields clean, their equipment running, their chemicals sprayed their irrigation irrigating etc....

maybe they could give a class on how to work a whole farm in just 8 days out of the year.
You want to read again.  Never said they do all there farming in just 8 days.  That was just the time they take off from their normal job to plant and harvest.  Of course they spend other time to maintain equipment and perform other tasks.  If it was difficult though, how came so many are working normal day jobs and farming in their spare time?  These people are making a lot of money BTW.  They sure know how to work the taxes though.
the farmers I knew worked for no other reason than for health insurance benefits.
O Canada
+1,596|6445|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

lowing wrote:

People can already go to a hospital and get "free" healthcare. No one is gunna be left to die.
It's a lot cheaper to keep people from getting sick or injured then it is to treat them after. As they say, prevention is better then a cure. Health care contains a lot more then just the ER and OR. Most notably GPs and medicine.
your health is YOUR business, it is not mine.
So is someone's crops.  I shouldn't have to pay for a corporation's decisions -- especially for a company that doesn't even need my tax money.
O Canada
+1,596|6445|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

I am talking about in theory. you are talking about in practice. If you wannna string these guys up I will provide the rope. It does not change my opinion that govt. has a vest interest in our nations food supply.

If agriculture is found to need govt. aid I am all for it. I am not for govt. aid to car industry or airlines or welfare, or health care. etc.....but to subsidize a basic necessity of life, yup I am all for it.
And again, there's a better argument with socializing healthcare using that exact same logic.

I've provided you the facts, the history, and the logic as to why it makes no sense to subsidize agriculture in the modern world, but still...  you just don't get it.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

It's a lot cheaper to keep people from getting sick or injured then it is to treat them after. As they say, prevention is better then a cure. Health care contains a lot more then just the ER and OR. Most notably GPs and medicine.
your health is YOUR business, it is not mine.
So is someone's crops.  I shouldn't have to pay for a corporation's decisions -- especially for a company that doesn't even need my tax money.
This would betrue ONLY if you didn't eat.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

I am talking about in theory. you are talking about in practice. If you wannna string these guys up I will provide the rope. It does not change my opinion that govt. has a vest interest in our nations food supply.

If agriculture is found to need govt. aid I am all for it. I am not for govt. aid to car industry or airlines or welfare, or health care. etc.....but to subsidize a basic necessity of life, yup I am all for it.
And again, there's a better argument with socializing healthcare using that exact same logic.

I've provided you the facts, the history, and the logic as to why it makes no sense to subsidize agriculture in the modern world, but still...  you just don't get it.
You have provided me corruption. Re-read my post.

YOUR health, and OUR food supply arre not the same concept.
+149|6262|teh FIN-land

lowing wrote:

your health is YOUR business, it is not mine.
so why isn't YOUR business not MY concern? Or YOUR education? or YOUR town's roads? Or anything of YOURS for that matter. Why is it only other peole's health which doesn't concern you? Maybe we should just stop paying taxes, build little castles and try living in those, shut off from the rest of humanity.

lowing wrote:

If agriculture is found to need govt. aid I am all for it. I am not for govt. aid to car industry or airlines or welfare, or health care. etc.....but to subsidize a basic necessity of life, yup I am all for it.
Under the welfare programmes you're railing against the govt IS subsisiding a basic necesity of life - food, housing, clothes and all that stuff that people on welfare couldn't otherwise afford. When they subsidise farmers they aren't subsidising basic necessities, they're subsidising a BUSINESS. Incidentally do you know whow much food America imports and how much of 'home-grown' crops are exported? I bet lots of the farms in America don't produce food for Americans anyway. And how much of your food you eat is made or produced in America? Not an overwheleming percentage I'll bet. How many of your tax dollars that you seem so happy to give to other people's businesses go towards producing crops and goods that are enjoyed by people OUTSIDE your country, many of whom could be on welfare?

lowing wrote:

So do you mind if I remain pissed off about it? Do you mind if I argue that I KEEP MY money for ME? Appreciate it.
Only if you never pay taxes and never benefit from anything that taxes paid for (see castle idea, above). Which of course you have to and you can't. So tough shit.

Last edited by ruisleipa (2010-03-19 00:34:53)


ruisleipa wrote:

lowing wrote:

your health is YOUR business, it is not mine.
so why isn't YOUR business not MY concern? Or YOUR education? or YOUR town's roads? Or anything of YOURS for that matter. Why is it only other peole's health which doesn't concern you? Maybe we should just stop paying taxes, build little castles and try living in those, shut off from the rest of humanity.

lowing wrote:

If agriculture is found to need govt. aid I am all for it. I am not for govt. aid to car industry or airlines or welfare, or health care. etc.....but to subsidize a basic necessity of life, yup I am all for it.
Under the welfare programmes you're railing against the govt IS subsisiding a basic necesity of life - food, housing, clothes and all that stuff that people on welfare couldn't otherwise afford. When they subsidise farmers they aren't subsidising basic necessities, they're subsidising a BUSINESS. Incidentally do you know whow much food America imports and how much of 'home-grown' crops are exported? I bet lots of the farms in America don't produce food for Americans anyway. And how much of your food you eat is made or produced in America? Not an overwheleming percentage I'll bet. How many of your tax dollars that you seem so happy to give to other people's businesses go towards producing crops and goods that are enjoyed by people OUTSIDE your country, many of whom could be on welfare?

lowing wrote:

So do you mind if I remain pissed off about it? Do you mind if I argue that I KEEP MY money for ME? Appreciate it.
Only if you never pay taxes and never benefit from anything that taxes paid for (see castle idea, above). Which of course you have to and you can't. So tough shit.
What you do with YOUR health I couldn't care less. I don't have an interest in it. I do have an interest in OUR roads. Learn the difference. It is not taxes I am against.

No what the govt. is subsidizing in welfare is personal failure, indiffference,and leeching. You want govt. assistance get out and pick up trash and EARN it.

Don't care, it is food, it is not the airline industry Food we need.

see 1.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS

ATG wrote:

Fine. Do you mind not calling me a moocher?

Meaning, delete the thread and we can walk away friends.
This is one of the better threads going around currently.

What you do with YOUR health I couldn't care less. I don't have an interest in it. I do have an interest in OUR roads. Learn the difference. It is not taxes I am against.

No what the govt. is subsidizing in welfare is personal failure, indiffference,and leeching. You want govt. assistance get out and pick up trash and EARN it.

Don't care, it is food, it is not the airline industry Food we need.

see 1.

Ever heard of the idea of "workfare"?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

ATG wrote:

Fine. Do you mind not calling me a moocher?

Meaning, delete the thread and we can walk away friends.
This is one of the better threads going around currently.

What you do with YOUR health I couldn't care less. I don't have an interest in it. I do have an interest in OUR roads. Learn the difference. It is not taxes I am against.

No what the govt. is subsidizing in welfare is personal failure, indiffference,and leeching. You want govt. assistance get out and pick up trash and EARN it.

Don't care, it is food, it is not the airline industry Food we need.

see 1.

Ever heard of the idea of "workfare"?
Sounds good to me. However, the entitled in America would never go for this. Calling them out on their laziness and exposing it would be ohhhhh lets seee, racial, discrimination, prejudiced, bigoted, cruel, and whatever else you can dream up. Basicsally anything but positive

Last edited by lowing (2010-03-19 00:54:24)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS
Several academics have pointed out that Work for the Dole is the embodiment of a paradigm shift in which welfare support is no longer being considered a "right", but rather "conditional support" in which unemployed people are expected to undertake their “mutual obligation”.
Perhaps you're right on that. There is definitely a shift towards the approach to welfare in this country, we see it now as well with welfare quarantine being brought into play.

Bear in mind though that I don't know whether it's working. It's gone completely under the radar.

Last edited by Spark (2010-03-19 00:55:20)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

Several academics have pointed out that Work for the Dole is the embodiment of a paradigm shift in which welfare support is no longer being considered a "right", but rather "conditional support" in which unemployed people are expected to undertake their “mutual obligation”.
Perhaps you're right on that. There is definitely a shift towards the approach to welfare in this country, we see it now as well with welfare quarantine being brought into play.

Bear in mind though that I don't know whether it's working. It's gone completely under the radar.
not sure how it couldn't work. You work you earn, you don't you rot. I love it.

Now, I will just sit back and wait for the eventual "what if" bombardment

Last edited by lowing (2010-03-19 00:57:28)

+149|6262|teh FIN-land

lowing wrote:

Now, I will just sit back and wait for the eventual "what if" bombardment
why do I feel like you're just trolling with outrageous statements trying to get a rise from people with this? Bored at work? Bloody moocher.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS

lowing wrote:

Spark wrote:

Several academics have pointed out that Work for the Dole is the embodiment of a paradigm shift in which welfare support is no longer being considered a "right", but rather "conditional support" in which unemployed people are expected to undertake their “mutual obligation”.
Perhaps you're right on that. There is definitely a shift towards the approach to welfare in this country, we see it now as well with welfare quarantine being brought into play.

Bear in mind though that I don't know whether it's working. It's gone completely under the radar.
not sure how it couldn't work. You work you earn, you don't you rot. I love it.

Now, I will just sit back and wait for the eventual "what if" bombardment
Well I work on a result basis. I've seen absolutely zero information pointing other way, so I simply have no idea if it's been effective.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

ruisleipa wrote:

lowing wrote:

Now, I will just sit back and wait for the eventual "what if" bombardment
why do I feel like you're just trolling with outrageous statements trying to get a rise from people with this? Bored at work? Bloody moocher.
Rest assured  my opinions are genuine. I see no need to troll. I have been posting here for over 3 years and you will not find one inconsistency in my beliefs. The reason is, I do not lie as to how I feel, so I do not forget what opinion I typed in the past.

I believe in fiscal responsibility both personal and in our govt.
I believe in helping ONLY those that help themselves, those that can not through proven disability, and children.
I believe in LEGAL immigration
I believe in border control
I believe in a strong military
I am personally responsible for my actions, ( NOT my parents, not my past, not my neighborhood, not my school, and not the kid sitting behind me in science class)
I believe in holding you solely accountable for your actions.
I believe in punishment for crimes, including death for crimes such as rape, child molestation as well as murder.
I believe in power to the people.
I do not believe in mob rule.
I believe my govt. should be afraid of its citizens.
I believe in self defense with deadly force. (Yes even if they are breaking into my house just steal my big screen)

I think the greatest triumph in American history is the black communities endurance through unbelievable odds and obstacles to achieve the level of dignity and equality it has won for itself, capping off with the election of the first black president.

I think the greatest tragedy in American history is to have that triumph capped off with the first election of a black president and it turns out to be Barack Obama and his socialist/Marxist agenda and his destiny to become the worst president in American history.

What a waste of a golden moment in history.
+5,233|6569|Global Command
Part of what is ruining the jobs market and peoples ability to make a decent living;

From the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8 Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A.. are Spanish speaking.
10.. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County . )

(All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)

ATG wrote:

Part of what is ruining the jobs market and peoples ability to make a decent living;

From the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8 Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A.. are Spanish speaking.
10.. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County . )

(All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)
Lets not forget unions and their ability to artifically inflate the value of a non-skilled work force, outragous compensation packages, and unrealistic benefits forcing companies to raise their prices and/or to look elsewhere to increase their profit margin.

Yes folks believe it or not companies are in business to make money NOT provide you with a life style.
I am all that is MOD!

ATG wrote:

Part of what is ruining the jobs market and peoples ability to make a decent living;

From the L. A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8 Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L. A.. are Spanish speaking.
10.. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L. A. County . )

(All 10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)
when/where?  I know you've posted these before, I just don't ever remember a source other than "the LA Times published them".

FYI - most of it is erroneous.

Repeat after me:  Regurgitating chain emails and erroneous information makes you sound ignorant
O Canada
+1,596|6445|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

your health is YOUR business, it is not mine.
So is someone's crops.  I shouldn't have to pay for a corporation's decisions -- especially for a company that doesn't even need my tax money.
This would betrue ONLY if you didn't eat.
How is that relevant?  The food I have available isn't dependent on whether or not I pay taxes toward an agricorporation.

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

I am talking about in theory. you are talking about in practice. If you wannna string these guys up I will provide the rope. It does not change my opinion that govt. has a vest interest in our nations food supply.

If agriculture is found to need govt. aid I am all for it. I am not for govt. aid to car industry or airlines or welfare, or health care. etc.....but to subsidize a basic necessity of life, yup I am all for it.
And again, there's a better argument with socializing healthcare using that exact same logic.

I've provided you the facts, the history, and the logic as to why it makes no sense to subsidize agriculture in the modern world, but still...  you just don't get it.
You have provided me corruption. Re-read my post.

YOUR health, and OUR food supply arre not the same concept.
You're right that they're not the same.  One is easily affordable and available (food), and the other is expensive with availability dependent on infrastructure (healthcare).

So socializing medicine makes more sense than subsidizing food.
+149|6262|teh FIN-land

lowing wrote:

... history.
yeah ok that's all very interesting and it's all well and good that you have your totally unshakable opinions on everything, but your contstant blanket labelling of 'EVERYONE' on welfare as a 'moocher' 'ALL' Muslims as evil, and so on, is really what is so objectionable. You're so trapped in your little bubble that you seem to have very little or no empathy or sympathy with the rest of the world's population, and concerned only with yourself. That's why you sound like someone writing for the Daily Mail. True, a lot of it is rationally argued, but that doesn't make it right, it just shows that you've created a way of defending your positions to yourself, which is fine, but it doesn't mean anyone else is an asshole for disagreeing with you.

Now, I will just sit back and wait for the eventual "what if" bombardment
And this quote from you just indicates that regardless of your own ways of thinking about things you're not interested in really debating or discussing, you're more interested in getting a rise out of people who disagree and trolling the hell out of the forums - no more evidenced than in this thread and the child porn thread, not to mention the Walmart thing where you post a link and then make some blanket statement about how Walmart are gonna get sued by 'the entitled' (what does that word mean again?) with no evidence save your own prejudices. I've never once seen you change your opinion or admit that someone else might have a point. Even I've done that!

Ho hum. Shall I just sit back and wait for the outraged bombardment from you about how I'm an asshole and should get a job blah blah blah?

Last edited by ruisleipa (2010-03-20 00:27:59)

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