I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|6774|Norcal, usa
hehe, i dont appreciate that
it's just a suggestion

antin0de wrote:

Here's how I did it:

Play a 64-player SF server on Warlord (preferrably half-full).
Start off as an Engineer on Insurgent team, spawning at TV Tower.
AT Mine the top of the hill by the TV tower, and the road by the palace security office.
Once you get your kills, respawn as sniper in the palace.
Claymore the flag rooms to get the first guys who try to cap it.
  - It might also be wise to start this way, as good SAS strategy is to sneak by and cap the palace off the bat.
Let the SAS take ONE of the palace flags, so a hellacious battle crops up there.
Claymore the flag, and an arbitrary corner.

You can alternate between AT mines and Claymores depending on how the round is going, so just judge accordingly.  I'd switch back and forth, especially when I saw somebody armor-whoring a specific area.

But if each team has control of one of the palace flags, stick with the Claymore method.

Claymores from your previous spawn tend to carry over until you die again.  So if you mined the flag and nobody hit it, you can cover more ground.
Ya know, I keep forgetting about Engi mines.  I'm wondering, though, how well that would work.  It's worth a shot if you're spawning as Insurgent.

The thing I've been doing is spawning as Sniper at the tv station and bolting for the Square to setup clays in the small walkways between the Square and Station flags.  That usually nets in a few kills to start things off.

I'm thinking more and more like you on starting as SAS.  You can spawn as Assault or AT and use the grappling hook to get into the 3rd floor flag room relatively easily.  Just depends on if they've got decent defences or not.  I've done this a few times already and it can work.  It's better if you can get a squad up there to take it over.  Next time I make a run at Expert, I'm thinking I might just create a squad and call it 3rd Floor Attack or something along those lines.  Thus far, I've only had one time where guys found where I was and jumped into the squad to spawn on me.

It does make sense to go this route.  Why wait for a palace battle that may not happen.  I've had rounds where the palace battle either never really happened, only happened for a little while or just happened way too late in the round.  You can at least try to force the issue early and get the 3rd floor flag.
Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins
Antin0de has the best idea.

When you alternate between sniper and engineer, you can lay mines down without the claymores disappearing right away, still intact and awaiting to kill some poor schlep(s).  On Warlord, I would go to the security post to lay the mines down in the chokepoints.....2 at the main gate, 1 or 2 on top of the stairs to the palace lawn/fountain area and the other 1 by side entrance.  Let those do the job or until you die and then become a sniper at the palace and lay your claymores.  Don't be surprised to see 2 or 3 kills with your mines when you lay your claymores.

Lather, Rinse, Reapeat.

Yeticus Rex wrote:

Antin0de has the best idea.

When you alternate between sniper and engineer, you can lay mines down without the claymores disappearing right away, still intact and awaiting to kill some poor schlep(s).  On Warlord, I would go to the security post to lay the mines down in the chokepoints.....2 at the main gate, 1 or 2 on top of the stairs to the palace lawn/fountain area and the other 1 by side entrance.  Let those do the job or until you die and then become a sniper at the palace and lay your claymores.  Don't be surprised to see 2 or 3 kills with your mines when you lay your claymores.

Lather, Rinse, Reapeat.
True, but how many kills are you going to be able to net from the mines?  If you can get lucky, the vehicle that's blown up was carrying more than 1 person in it but, chances are, that's probably not the case.

In a short time, I was able to net 6 clay kills from planting them around the Square and TV Station flags where troops normally go to, which seems like it was time better spent than as an Engineer.  It's possible that the engineer mines can rack up some solid kills but I'm a bit skeptical.

I'll be trying for Expert again tonight so I'll have to give it a try and see what happens.  Mostly, I'm still thinking that I want to spawn as SAS and take the 3rd floor ASAP.  The short-term loss in explosives kills should be made up by getting to the really good kill zone that much quicker.

I should have time for a handful of rounds to give it a try...
go onto my server, warlord, get tons of claymore spammers you would fit in i guess , i got expert spamming claymores, its 24 player, 64 player map, rounds last for ever, ip is hope to see you there

Sgt.Jimmie wrote:

go onto my server, warlord, get tons of claymore spammers you would fit in i guess , i got expert spamming claymores, its 24 player, 64 player map, rounds last for ever, ip is hope to see you there
I'll be there!  It's worth a shot.

Come to think of it, given the limited number of 24/7 Warlord servers, I might have jumped on for a round or two before.  If it's the one I'm thinking of, I just had the lousiest luck.  Everything was going great.  Only a few kills to go and the enemy team just stopped spawning on the 2nd floor flag room.  Didn't quite get Expert.
+45|6828|South Cybertown, Texas
This s one I have yet to get!

I think I will give the Worlord map a try, thanks for the tips!
Bah, another strange night of Warlord in my quest for Expert Explosives.

Another baffling night of people not wanting to take the Palace or not wanting to defend it.  I came close yet again.  47 kills total, 32 from clays (roughly).  I had to take the 3rd floor as SAS several times by myself and defend it several times solo.  Needless to say, those handful of kills I needed (even if it was 10 more) could probably have been had if people had just put a bit of effort into defending it.  Worse, the insurgents wouldn't defend the 2nd every so often so we'd end up capping it, adding more delays.

Other rounds didn't go nearly as well as far as explosives go but I did have some fun hitting a guy that went prone on the 2nd floor balcony from the 3rd floor balcony.

Sgt.Jimmie: I did manage to hit up your server for a round last night.  I think I ended up getting pulled away by the wife and was kicked for idling.  A fun round, though the situation wasn't really ever ripe for an explosives run.  By the time I got back on, a round was well in progress so I went and jumped on a round that just started.  I've got it as a favorite now so I'll be on there a bit more often.  Looks promising.

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