zey are coming

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
its four sixes, you'll be fine.Adams_BJ wrote:
its a bad omen that I just counted the till and the total came to $666.60 isn't it.
And stop being afraid of dentists you pussies!
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
What did I miss on TS last night?
Silence. There was no one in there when I logged in.Superior Mind wrote:
What did I miss on TS last night?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
I been on 'one' since Sunday'ish. Im fucked off with the money side of it more than the pain or having to eat fricking soup. I mean this in the most un racist way possible.King_County_Downy wrote:
I fucking hate dentists. Haven't been to one in 10 years or so... no cavities that I know of and no pain atm, so definitely not going to go there now. I know they'd find something and if not, they'd make it up.1927 wrote:
Been in the dentists this morning right. Got a few teeth been playing up I been in fricking agony, told the bird 'whatever you do love DO NOT touch that one there'.
She reckons its dead and I dont need any anaesthetic on it. Reluctantly I say 'Yeah arite then your the boss carry on'
She starts drilling and its not too bad then all of a sudden CRACKKKKK, she snapped the fucking drill on my tooth, the one I said dont touch, how I never nutted her I dont know, my legs were kicking like a retard, I was f'ing and blinding. She hasnt filled it, she's drilled it so the puss can get out of it and left it open till next Tues.
Thanks love, £48 down and probably in more of a mess than when I went in. Im putting my faith into anti biotic for the next day or so
I bet you're in a bad mood for the next week or so. Not entirely your fault.
I already pay tax/NI (National Insurance) and one of the things I contribute towards is free health care. My Doctors I can go and see and it dont cost me fuck all, yet with the dentist I get a fee. My Dentists is always full of Pakistani's, Indians, Bangladeshi's, Iraqi's, Afghans the fucking lot. They get theirs for free, they probably dont work. Wheres the fucking justice in that?
Yep, they beat England in a Semi Final, not like thats never happened before eh? It didnt go to penalties I wish to addM.O.A.B wrote:
Ze Germans?
I just weighed my pc, it's 93lbs
reason being?CammRobb wrote:
I just weighed my pc, it's 93lbs
almost done
Tu Stultus Es
Why did I weigh it or why does it weigh 93lbs?baggs wrote:
reason being?CammRobb wrote:
I just weighed my pc, it's 93lbs
What semi final?1927 wrote:
Yep, they beat England in a Semi Final, not like thats never happened before eh? It didnt go to penalties I wish to addM.O.A.B wrote:
Ze Germans?
Hockey WC, previous page. They get a Bronze Medal game vs either Holland or Aus nextSEREVENT wrote:
What semi final?1927 wrote:
Yep, they beat England in a Semi Final, not like thats never happened before eh? It didnt go to penalties I wish to addM.O.A.B wrote:
Ze Germans?
twenty seven!
whats happening mate
whats happening mate
Im having gip with my mouth mate. Begged the French Dentist I got not to touch 'that' tooth, if she did 'plz plz plz give me an injection first'.
'Oooohh laa laa, nou nou nou, you toof is deead' and starts fucking drilling. Its snapped (the drill bit) and I flew off on one.
What about yourself? Are you having exams at the mo? Or is it just coursework?
'Oooohh laa laa, nou nou nou, you toof is deead' and starts fucking drilling. Its snapped (the drill bit) and I flew off on one.
What about yourself? Are you having exams at the mo? Or is it just coursework?
Last edited by 1927 (15 years ago)
owww that's a pain mate, hope that gets sorted
nahh im done with my midterms and exams for a while, don't have anything left but plain old lectures till spring break starts this weekend, heading up to colorado to snowboard with my mate
nahh im done with my midterms and exams for a while, don't have anything left but plain old lectures till spring break starts this weekend, heading up to colorado to snowboard with my mate
Oh cool that sounds fun, a well earned break by the sounds of it.
get me a job in your school, I'll sort ya fucking lectures out. Sex Education with Uncle 27 - Its not a physical though but I will be doing my own drawings on the board
get me a job in your school, I'll sort ya fucking lectures out. Sex Education with Uncle 27 - Its not a physical though but I will be doing my own drawings on the board
Hey blumpkinsToilet Sex wrote:
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
hi flample pieKing_County_Downy wrote:
Hey blumpkinsToilet Sex wrote:
I think you'd make an awesome teacher tbh. All your stories would make for a very interesting/non-boring lecture.1927 wrote:
Oh cool that sounds fun, a well earned break by the sounds of it.
get me a job in your school, I'll sort ya fucking lectures out. Sex Education with Uncle 27 - Its not a physical though but I will be doing my own drawings on the board
my friend is actually taking a human sexuality course, it's the funniest thing ever 'cause he's really socially awkward and it seems like he'd learn so much in there1927 wrote:
Oh cool that sounds fun, a well earned break by the sounds of it.
get me a job in your school, I'll sort ya fucking lectures out. Sex Education with Uncle 27 - Its not a physical though but I will be doing my own drawings on the board