There's no counter to rounding a corner and getting promptly tubed. You just die. The only "counter" is carrying a noobtube yourself or an RPG so you both die simultaneously. Awesome, huh?JohnG@lt wrote:
There's a counter to everything. Noobtubing, while gay, is easily countered by tossing a grenade at him, calling in a mortar strike, sneaking up behind him and knifing etc. I get killed by a 40mm maybe once a round, I get sniped 2-3 times. It's part of the game.
I have no problem with the tube itself, but people should be aware that it's not their main weapon. I would rather them fail to explode under 20 or so meters so they're not an "I WIN!" button for close quarters firefights. I have no problem with them being used from a distance.