Pretty good round on ... Arica Harbor I think it is? (
As you can see, the screenie was taken during a loading screen for the next map)It's got like the Mexican-border look at the beginning, then you go through a village and then across a bridge to a construction site.
Did an amazing run in a tank with a random squadmate that, get this, actually helped repair the vehicle and kill people too! As we got closer to the end I went medic... M60 + red dot + heavy barrel = endless rape.
And it's not like I was playing against total morons either. They had some decent-leveled soldiers on their team. Then again, level =/= skill (otherwise I'd be a fucking level 9000

Oh and I also played some recon, got mah mortarz. Kinda fun I guess. Is the Snaiperskaya any good? That's my next sniper unlock. M24 is decent, tried using the T88 and it fucking blew massively.