32 contact hours?DrunkFace wrote:
12-22 hours
University of Technology Sydney/University of Sydney
AustraliaMy friend did Aeronautical Engineering and Aerospace at UNSWeleven bravo wrote:
Its a little hard for me to buy considering how people like to exaggerate a little. Id buy 25 hours, but even that is too much. whats he doing wasting his time on bf2s?!?!? man, youve gotta get to some homework, pronto!
First semester was 32 hours and that was the shortest of the 4 year degree.
Yeah, to clarify my hours this semester.. it's 12 in classes and tutorials, but they want an additional 28 per week spent working on stuff at home (ie. four subjects at 10 hours a week to give a 40 hour week.. but in reality, fuck that... )