soup fly mod

n00b.Worx wrote:

My Whore: [MB.nZ]

It´s not his played time or overall score...if you look carefully you will see that he has ALL that someone can earn playing BF² only for stats. War College Ribbon, Expert Grappling Hook & Zip Line, almost all SF ribbons...His K/D, SPM, Accuracy, all is perfect. If this would be an exam he would earn a big A

Your turn.
i don't see much wrong with him.  seen many people with stats like his.  if you play alot and you're pretty good you'll get good stats.
soup fly mod

rdx-fx wrote:

I still think the worst badge/ribbon/medal whore in BF2 has more of a life than the average Epic Item whore in World of Warcrack.

Must.. spend.. days.. to ..get.. a.. PuRpLe ItEm!!!!!!
Must.. spend.. Life.. to .. get.. Epic Set!!

Warcrack Addict: Woo! I got 25 PvP kills today!!
BF2 <item>whore:  um, yeah... did that in the last 15 minutes. is WoW?  never tried it that addictive?  i can't bear to play more than a couple of hours of bf2 per day.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6743|Reisterstown, MD

Waste Kid

MB.nZ wrote:

are u drunk?
EEK! Hide the first post!

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