JohnG@lt wrote:
Hey Shahter, it's ok to admit that you've been fed a bunch of propaganda throughout your life about your own country.
already did, and in this same thread. one has to be blind, deaf and completely dumb not to - like some of them yanks, for example, who still think they live in the "land of opportunity" and their state is there to keep them "free" and "brave", despite all the evidence suggesting otherwise.
acknowledging and identifying the undergoing information manipulation is but first step on the way to understanding what really happens in ones country. but what actually matters is what one does with his life in light of that understanding. you, for example, keep shouting "U-S-A! U-S-A!"
JohnG@lt wrote:
Now, all that out of the way, you may view Stalin as a man who did good for your country and ignore the means he used to justify the end. The reality is you have no idea how your country would've turned out if the Bolsheviks had not won power. You could be ultra-capitalist and experiencing a higher standard of living than the US or you could be like an African nation, in constant civil war and entirely backwards. You don't know. The fact that your country is middling between the two outcomes I described should tell you enough that Stalin was, if anything, a failure because his legacy is what you are experiencing today in your country.
see? you started by pointing out that
i may have been affected by the propaganda about my country, and then promptly followed that with a nice paragraph of what
you have been fed by yours. well done!
JohnG@lt wrote:
Cybargs wrote:
Slavery is a good economic system as well.
Well, that's essentially all they've known.
we? are you allright, man? we - the russians - of all people on this planet have undergone just about the most socious and political experiments. it is you who have never really seen anything save that bloody californication.
Last edited by Shahter (2010-02-26 23:39:02)
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.