And with Iceland?Finray wrote:
If you did the same sum but used Australia's pop. density Scotland would then have 31,508 people in it.
What about New Zealand?
Then do China.
Then do China.

Do China, then Liechtenstein
Sorry I did Aus wrongly. It'd be 196,930.
Iceland would make it 244,193.
New Zealand would 1,181,580.
China's pop density makes it 10,523,939.
Liechtenstein has the highest at 17,408,612. That's a crowded Scotland.
Iceland would make it 244,193.
New Zealand would 1,181,580.
China's pop density makes it 10,523,939.
Liechtenstein has the highest at 17,408,612. That's a crowded Scotland.

Now do the Moon.

78,772 / 0

You just divided by zero...


Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
That's a pretty big "Oh shi.."

We're whalers on the moon,
We carry a harpoon,
For they ain't no whales,
So we tell tall tales,
And sing our whaling tune
We carry a harpoon,
For they ain't no whales,
So we tell tall tales,
And sing our whaling tune
My brother was involved in an accident this morning. The bus he was on collided with a bin wagon. Luckily he's ok.
What's a bin wagon?M.O.A.B wrote:
My brother was involved in an accident this morning. The bus he was on collided with a bin wagon. Luckily he's ok.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
it's bin Laden's ride . . .
garbage truck, lorry
some idiot yanks call it a dust cart
some idiot yanks call it a dust cart
Omnomon McD's double cheeseburger.. shit tastes so much better when drunk.
lolburnzz wrote:
it's bin Laden's ride . . .
dammit man, i just got to work!mcminty wrote:
Omnomon McD's double cheeseburger.. shit tastes so much better when drunk.
i had a egg mcmuffin recently
I fancy me some McNuggets.
it's 1:17am.. just got home from a night out. rather drunk.burnzz wrote:
dammit man, i just got to work!mcminty wrote:
Omnomon McD's double cheeseburger.. shit tastes so much better when drunk.
@ just getting to work
It's ok mac n burns, when burns is getting drunk at night, mac is waking up miserable
gotta live timezones
gotta live timezones
and hemispheres! don't forget hemispheres!Mekstizzle wrote:
It's ok mac n burns, when burns is getting drunk at night, mac is waking up miserable
gotta live timezones
southern hemisphere and their crazy sky and shadows and, i'd go insane if i was there for more than a few weeks
This is why i would go insane over thereThe sun rotating through the north causes an apparent right-left trajectory through the sky unlike the left-right motion of the sun when seen from the northern hemisphere as it passes through the southern sky. Sun-cast shadows turn anticlockwise through the day and sundials have the hours increasing in the anticlockwise direction. Hurricanes and tropical storms spin clockwise in the southern hemisphere (as opposed to anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere) due to the Coriolis effect.