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So whats it like, yo?
eleven bravo
+1,399|5567|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es

Macbeth wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Got a 5.75 from GI and is getting shit reviews from every user I've heard from.

Cancelling my pre-order. … 9601_0.jpg
The leaked review?

Now Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't GI have a second opinion score next to every review?

Even than I'm a little confused. He's angry about the Predator campaign being focused on stealth more than melee. The Predator is all about stealth isn't it? … -bad-demos

So yeah.
+632|6924|do not disturb

Gamespot gives it 5.5

That's alright. I've got Chaos rising to look forward too.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Got a 5.75 from GI and is getting shit reviews from every user I've heard from.

Cancelling my pre-order. … 9601_0.jpg
The leaked review?

Now Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't GI have a second opinion score next to every review?

Even than I'm a little confused. He's angry about the Predator campaign being focused on stealth more than melee. The Predator is all about stealth isn't it? … -bad-demos

So yeah.
Forgive my pessimism. Usually those 'leaked' info and other stuff turn out of be bullshit.
The Single Player Marine and Predator campaign is pretty damn good. I'm about to try the Alien one after thats completed its time for multiplayer

Last edited by S3v3N (2010-02-21 13:47:47)


Macbeth wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Macbeth wrote: … 9601_0.jpg
The leaked review?

Now Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't GI have a second opinion score next to every review?

Even than I'm a little confused. He's angry about the Predator campaign being focused on stealth more than melee. The Predator is all about stealth isn't it? … -bad-demos

So yeah.
Forgive my pessimism. Usually those 'leaked' info and other stuff turn out of be bullshit.
No, I agreed with you. If you watched the video, you'd know.

Got the game, installed it. The ONLY thing I have done so far is play the Alien campaign. All 1.5 hours of it.

That's right, it is brutally short, compared to the first two games. It is awesome other than one or two issues trying to get onto walls (which is overcome by practicing wall jumping), but it just ENDS.

Spoiler (highlight to read):
You fight three predators at the end. Your queen dies in an explosion. Get this, you're smart enough to figure out how to make propane (or whatever those are lying around) explode to distract or kill enemies, but your queen plants her ass above a bunch of massive fuel tanks. Of course, you're devastated, and are found curled up in a fetal position by a bunch of androids and some guy you met earlier in the game but didn't get to kill. So you're taken aboard their ship for study. Since there weren't any more aliens around, you become a queen, but that's it. The game's over. You screech in rage, then it shows flashes of the ship's interior getting infested, and that's all there is to it. It was one of the biggest cop outs I've ever seen in a video game.

I'll try Predator tomorrow, and Marine the next day. I have a feeling Marine will be the one the developers focused on the most, but if either are any shorter than the others, I'm going to be severely disappointed. Multiplayer's fine and all, but for me the campaigns made AvP. If they release an expansion pack in the following few months, I'll know I've been had.
Rod Foxx
+78|6292|Perth, Australia

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Got the game, installed it. The ONLY thing I have done so far is play the Alien campaign. All 1.5 hours of it.

That's right, it is brutally short, compared to the first two games. It is awesome other than one or two issues trying to get onto walls (which is overcome by practicing wall jumping), but it just ENDS.
You can't really claim that this alien campaign is very short and the originals weren't. Granted i didn't play AvP1 but the alien campaign in AvP2 was about 1.5 hours if you took your time. Otherwise you could complete it in less than 20 minutes if you wanted.

But the new wall walking system is complete ballz. Wtf was wrong with holding shift to cling to walls and releasing shift to let go. If you wanted to 'transition' to a wall you could jump or pounce onto it and it was incredibly fucking smooth. This game is quite a let down.
Say wat!?

Rod Foxx wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Got the game, installed it. The ONLY thing I have done so far is play the Alien campaign. All 1.5 hours of it.

That's right, it is brutally short, compared to the first two games. It is awesome other than one or two issues trying to get onto walls (which is overcome by practicing wall jumping), but it just ENDS.
You can't really claim that this alien campaign is very short and the originals weren't. Granted i didn't play AvP1 but the alien campaign in AvP2 was about 1.5 hours if you took your time. Otherwise you could complete it in less than 20 minutes if you wanted.

But the new wall walking system is complete ballz. Wtf was wrong with holding shift to cling to walls and releasing shift to let go. If you wanted to 'transition' to a wall you could jump or pounce onto it and it was incredibly fucking smooth. This game is quite a let down.
no, just no. the first section of becoming an alien was 20 minutes. so no, just no.

Vilham wrote:

Rod Foxx wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Got the game, installed it. The ONLY thing I have done so far is play the Alien campaign. All 1.5 hours of it.

That's right, it is brutally short, compared to the first two games. It is awesome other than one or two issues trying to get onto walls (which is overcome by practicing wall jumping), but it just ENDS.
You can't really claim that this alien campaign is very short and the originals weren't. Granted i didn't play AvP1 but the alien campaign in AvP2 was about 1.5 hours if you took your time. Otherwise you could complete it in less than 20 minutes if you wanted.

But the new wall walking system is complete ballz. Wtf was wrong with holding shift to cling to walls and releasing shift to let go. If you wanted to 'transition' to a wall you could jump or pounce onto it and it was incredibly fucking smooth. This game is quite a let down.
no, just no. the first section of becoming an alien was 20 minutes. so no, just no.
It WAS short, and to restate, brutally so. And it leaves you with the feeling that they didn't have time to finish the last part of the campaign where you Spoiler (highlight to read):
take over the ship, so they just showed flashes of your xenomorphy conquest. If the movies had done that, they'd be lame.

Started playing Predator. I'm REALLY not digging the energy management. You've got enough charge for about a dozen plasma caster shots, then you're stuck with melee until you can find a HUMAN CONSOLE to tap power from. I mean seriously, has Predator technology been lost since the first two movies? See, it wouldn't be so bad if it recharged, but it can't. In AvP2, you had an energy siphon that could tap power from anywhere in your environment, and that was your recharge.

Health sticks took energy to use, and you could recharge your energy. At first thought, one would think this is imbalanced since it allows the predator to remain alive indefinitely, but it isn't. You had to decloak to heal and recharge, which took precious seconds. Sometimes you had to recharge, heal and recharge, which took even longer. During that time, there were a hundred ways to die from alien pounces or marine fire. And when you cloaked, you still weren't safe, because the aliens could see you and the marines could keep up with you using motion trackers, smart guns and homing rocket launchers. BUT, your weapons were still deadly enough to where you could rack up plenty of kills if you were practiced enough.

This is so annoying, in fact, that I am going to grab the trainer and lock my energy at max. Since I don't abuse the plasma caster, I don't really see it as cheating so much as improving immersion.

I can't tell you how multiplayer works, since I'm barely into my second campaign, but I can tell you guys right now that the game offers plenty of immersive improvements over the first two, but is lacking in others.

So far:

General complaints:
* The game is called Aliens vs Predator. At first thought, there's nothing wrong with this, but if you've been playing the series all along, you're going to wonder what happened to the first two? If you already have Aliens vs Predator on your shelf, where to you file this? Next to Aliens vs Predator or after Aliens vs Predator 2? I don't get it, are they embarrassed that this is the third game? Non-numbered sequels like this, 'Die Hard with a Vengeance,' 'Rocky Balboa' and the new 'Rambo' drive me insane. There are going to be relatively new gamers who think this is the only one out there. I grabbed my label maker and printed ALIENS VS PREDATOR 3, and stuck it on the case. FAIL.
* I don't understand what it is, but it seems there are a rash of games coming out that are going backwards in terms of user interface. CoD6 isn't balanced for lean, BFBC2 isn't balanced for prone and AvP3 isn't balanced for crouch.
* Once you start to interact with an object with a long animation duration, you can't break interaction to fight enemies hitting you. VERY annoying. Why can't I drop a guy to turn and kill someone shooting me in the face? Why can't I stop filling energy to counter an alien swarm?
* Scrolling through weapons...let's see, I could do it in Quake, but in AvP3, I need to actually select a specific weapon. That's right, I have to move my hand all the way up to the number line, or assign them to tertiary mouse buttons. Is it too much to ask that we can just spin the mouse wheel until we have what we want? It's not as if it's a revolutionary feature or anything, just convenient.
* One of the lamest cliffhangers ever.

Alien complaints:
* Campaign is too short and you Spoiler (highlight to read):
don't get to play as the queen you become at the end's cheap in-game cinematic.
* It's hard to interact with map items when you are always running on all fours low to the ground. I've had to climb a wall to kill a door switch before. Can't they have just let you stand if you're not wall clinging?
* Acid drool is ignored. I can see that with the previous two games, but this one is techy enough to where they could've given you your spit.
* Wall transitions are clumsy. You sometimes climb a wall when you don't want to and sometimes can't get on a wall when you need to. And occasionally, you can't get off a wall when you absolutely, positively HAVE to. There were a few times when I tried running off a wall only to get caught up on a floor and get massacred by a gun-happy  marine. As cool as it is to hop from one wall to the other with relative ease, I vastly prefer the previous style where wall climbing was always a smooth transition, and you didn't have to think about it. With work, I think they could smooth out the environment's wall/ceiling/floor walking interface for xenomorphs.
* No leap attack. Instead, you have to 'focus' on someone then attack from mid range to make a lunging strike. This is way too clumsy, and I just want my grasshopper jump back. You could stun or kill people with a well-placed hit in AvP2 with the alien leap, and it was ironically more useful for 'wall transitions' than AvP3's specifically designed transition system. They've made things TOO complex.

Predator complaints:
*Since we don't have crouch, there is no way to do the quick predator high jump you could execute in previous games (crouch+jump). Instead, you have to aim at the spot you want to high jump to, hold 'interact' and then jump. I think being able to cover distances like that with great precision is an excellent addition to the interface, but I don't see why they couldn't have given us the option to spontaneously grasshopper over an eight foot fence like you could before.
*The energy recharge is too dependent on arbitrarily-placed human power consoles. This really limits what you can do in the game, and seems to exist only to make gameplay more aggravating, not challenging.
*Oh, and how could I forget? Predators get only ONE special vision mode. That's right, you had three enhancement modes plus 'human' style vision in the previous games, designed specifically to spot humans, predators or aliens. The 'human' style vision was just normal vision like real life, which let you see everything normally, though cloaked predators were still tough to find. In AvP3, you either get normal vision or human vision. Even though this is AvP, you have no vision specifically designed to spot aliens. I don't know if they thought this would improve balance, but it sucks. I had no problem dealing with predators in AvP2 as an alien, and the movie predators got an ass load of vision modes. What gives.
[EDIT]It's an upgrade later in the campaign. /facepalm
*I don't know if it's just because of medium difficulty, but people explode when killed with the plasma caster. This didn't always happen in the movie. Heads got blown off, chests got gaping holes, that sort of stuff. In order to use your laser targeting system, you have to 'charge' your shot. But charging your shot makes it do more damage. A split second of charge makes humans explode. That's right, there's no dramatic collapse, they just gib. This is more of a visual issue than anything else, but it still bothers me.
*Zoom is very limited. I can see farther with a $30 modern monocular than the predator's ultra-futuristic helmet.
*Spoiler (highlight to read):
At the boss fight, an in-game cinematic keeps teleporting you to the center of the lava-filled chamber for no reason. You're forced to platform-hop back to safe ground. I can't figure out why the predalien stomping around forces me to jump from safe ground to a small platform in the middle of a lava chamber. I know it's supposed to make it harder, but it isn't. You can hop away in five seconds, but it's the principle that is illogical. At least it's a better ending than the Alien campaign.

[new] Marine complaints:
* Can't jump over railings. VERY annoying.
* The flamethrower is the shortest range, narrowest AoE piece of crap ever. I'm better off taking out facehuggers with a pistol or melee.
* You lose your smart gun between missions, even if you have ammo left. LAME.
* The flashlight is powered by a hearing aid battery. It emits about as much light as a firefly.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2010-02-25 01:18:51)

Say wat!?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Rod Foxx wrote:

You can't really claim that this alien campaign is very short and the originals weren't. Granted i didn't play AvP1 but the alien campaign in AvP2 was about 1.5 hours if you took your time. Otherwise you could complete it in less than 20 minutes if you wanted.

But the new wall walking system is complete ballz. Wtf was wrong with holding shift to cling to walls and releasing shift to let go. If you wanted to 'transition' to a wall you could jump or pounce onto it and it was incredibly fucking smooth. This game is quite a let down.
no, just no. the first section of becoming an alien was 20 minutes. so no, just no.
It WAS short, and to restate, brutally so. And it leaves you with the feeling that they didn't have time to finish the last part of the campaign where you Spoiler (highlight to read):
take over the ship, so they just showed flashes of your xenomorphy conquest. If the movies had done that, they'd be lame.
I was talking about AVP2 unnamednabie

Vilham wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

no, just no. the first section of becoming an alien was 20 minutes. so no, just no.
It WAS short, and to restate, brutally so. And it leaves you with the feeling that they didn't have time to finish the last part of the campaign where you Spoiler (highlight to read):
take over the ship, so they just showed flashes of your xenomorphy conquest. If the movies had done that, they'd be lame.
I was talking about AVP2 unnamednabie
Even that was cool. You got to play as a face hugger. The snake thingy part was a bit long, but it still resulted in the rewarding experience of greatly increased power once you finally became an adult xenomorph. It was even fun to do in multiplayer.

In AvP3, you just get to watch an opening in-game cinematic of your bug hatching from a guy's chest, then it skips to adulthood.
Say wat!?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

It WAS short, and to restate, brutally so. And it leaves you with the feeling that they didn't have time to finish the last part of the campaign where you Spoiler (highlight to read):
take over the ship, so they just showed flashes of your xenomorphy conquest. If the movies had done that, they'd be lame.
I was talking about AVP2 unnamednabie
Even that was cool. You got to play as a face hugger. The snake thingy part was a bit long, but it still resulted in the rewarding experience of greatly increased power once you finally became an adult xenomorph. It was even fun to do in multiplayer.

In AvP3, you just get to watch an opening in-game cinematic of your bug hatching from a guy's chest, then it skips to adulthood.
yeah i know it was awesome, what i was saying is "no you cant complete alien campaign in avp2 in 20 minutes, the tutorial part alone takes 20 minutes and thats like the first 10th of the game"
Rod Foxx
+78|6292|Perth, Australia
Sorry Vilham but you are very wrong. From boot up of the game to close down of the game in a single segment run of the alien campaign my record was 23 minutes.

If you take away load times and cinematics such that it only includes the play time it can be completed in 13:44. This page has the link to the video and the respective comments (he goes into quite a bit of detail). And before you suggest it, yes this is very legit and no scripts were used. The website doesn't allow them.

I love speedrunning and the shock people get when they learn just how quickly there beloved games can be completed in. Like Morrowind in just over 7 minutes and the original Diablo in just over 3 minutes. When you strip away many games you will find that there isn't much left.

Last edited by Rod Foxx (2010-02-25 03:44:07)

Sounds like money well spend
grandmaster league revivalist

Rod Foxx wrote:

Sorry Vilham but you are very wrong. From boot up of the game to close down of the game in a single segment run of the alien campaign my record was 23 minutes.

If you take away load times and cinematics such that it only includes the play time it can be completed in 13:44. This page has the link to the video and the respective comments (he goes into quite a bit of detail). And before you suggest it, yes this is very legit and no scripts were used. The website doesn't allow them.

I love speedrunning and the shock people get when they learn just how quickly there beloved games can be completed in. Like Morrowind in just over 7 minutes and the original Diablo in just over 3 minutes. When you strip away many games you will find that there isn't much left.
Comparing "Speedrun" playtime with "normal play" time is like stripping a car of its seats and windows and complaining of how uncomfortable it is to drive.
Say wat!?

Rod Foxx wrote:

Sorry Vilham but you are very wrong. From boot up of the game to close down of the game in a single segment run of the alien campaign my record was 23 minutes.

If you take away load times and cinematics such that it only includes the play time it can be completed in 13:44. This page has the link to the video and the respective comments (he goes into quite a bit of detail). And before you suggest it, yes this is very legit and no scripts were used. The website doesn't allow them.

I love speedrunning and the shock people get when they learn just how quickly there beloved games can be completed in. Like Morrowind in just over 7 minutes and the original Diablo in just over 3 minutes. When you strip away many games you will find that there isn't much left.
Thats lovely.

He is not playing on anything more than the easiest difficulty. Makes any kind of complaint about a game being too quick to complete pretty moot. It also relies on a LOT of glitches and pre knowledge of the game. So your complaint that the alien campaign on AVP2 is pretty retarded tbh seeing as you would have already have had to play through it multiple times to be able to come even close to that speed run.

And then your ignoring the fact that Unnamed is talking about a FIRST time play through being too short. The first time you played the alien campaign in AVP2 you did not complete it in 20 minutes and you didn't even complete it in 1 hour 50. Any claim to the contrary is utter bullshit considering half the levels didn't have great signaling to make the route completely obvious, it would also rely on you never dying, which again unless you were playing on normal or below is pretty much impossible.

Yeah, it's like saying you can complete Dragon Age Origins in a couple hours.  Yes, it can be done, but it ruins the experience.
Rod Foxx
+78|6292|Perth, Australia

Vilham wrote:

what i was saying is "no you cant complete alien campaign in avp2 in 20 minutes...
Well i merely said that you could and then proved it.

Vilham wrote:

And then your ignoring the fact that Unnamed is talking about a FIRST time play through being too short. The first time you played the alien campaign in AVP2 you did not complete it in 20 minutes and you didn't even complete it in 1 hour 50.
I never said that i passed the campaign in 20 minutes on my first try. Yes it took me many playthroughs to get to that speed. And i wasn't complaining about it being too short either, i was just stating that the alien campaign in AvP 2 wasn't much longer then the time unnamednewbie13 stated.

Anyhoo i'm going to drop this debate/argument as it's rather off topic. Cheers for all the info unnamednewbie13, i wasn't entirely sure whether the game was worth buying but i think i'll give it a miss.
+1,411|7050|FUCK UBISOFT

Rod Foxx wrote:

Vilham wrote:

what i was saying is "no you cant complete alien campaign in avp2 in 20 minutes...
Well i merely said that you could and then proved it.

Vilham wrote:

And then your ignoring the fact that Unnamed is talking about a FIRST time play through being too short. The first time you played the alien campaign in AVP2 you did not complete it in 20 minutes and you didn't even complete it in 1 hour 50.
I never said that i passed the campaign in 20 minutes on my first try. Yes it took me many playthroughs to get to that speed. And i wasn't complaining about it being too short either, i was just stating that the alien campaign in AvP 2 wasn't much longer then the time unnamednewbie13 stated.

Anyhoo i'm going to drop this debate/argument as it's rather off topic. Cheers for all the info unnamednewbie13, i wasn't entirely sure whether the game was worth buying but i think i'll give it a miss.
AvP2's speedrun time isn't much longer than the new AvP's full time...

apples and oranges.

Vilham wrote:

Rod Foxx wrote:

Sorry Vilham but you are very wrong. From boot up of the game to close down of the game in a single segment run of the alien campaign my record was 23 minutes.

If you take away load times and cinematics such that it only includes the play time it can be completed in 13:44. This page has the link to the video and the respective comments (he goes into quite a bit of detail). And before you suggest it, yes this is very legit and no scripts were used. The website doesn't allow them.

I love speedrunning and the shock people get when they learn just how quickly there beloved games can be completed in. Like Morrowind in just over 7 minutes and the original Diablo in just over 3 minutes. When you strip away many games you will find that there isn't much left.
Thats lovely.

He is not playing on anything more than the easiest difficulty. Makes any kind of complaint about a game being too quick to complete pretty moot. It also relies on a LOT of glitches and pre knowledge of the game. So your complaint that the alien campaign on AVP2 is pretty retarded tbh seeing as you would have already have had to play through it multiple times to be able to come even close to that speed run.

And then your ignoring the fact that Unnamed is talking about a FIRST time play through being too short. The first time you played the alien campaign in AVP2 you did not complete it in 20 minutes and you didn't even complete it in 1 hour 50. Any claim to the contrary is utter bullshit considering half the levels didn't have great signaling to make the route completely obvious, it would also rely on you never dying, which again unless you were playing on normal or below is pretty much impossible.
For AvP3 If you disregard all the collectibles that you have to leave the beaten path to find, the Alien campaign can easily be completed in well under an hour. AvP2's campaign could realistically be drawn out without being artificially long. I think it was a more effective game, even if it lacked some of the eye and ear candy that manages to redeem AvP3's downgrades.

Red: Look at how fast the Mario games can be beaten. If you play through normally, you won't be nearly as fast.

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