So Argentina are making abit of a deal about the Falklands again. Especially because an oil rig has been sent because it's possible there's oil over there so, surprise surprise, suddenly shit gets started.
Doesn't make sense really, the islanders consider themselves to be British, a war was fought and won (with no real help from USA/NATO). Yet stupid shit is still being said. If it was a case of proper colonialism with the islanders wanting to be part of Argentina and shit, I'd think different about it all. But the people and the history, none of it seems to point to "It should belong to Argentina"
Now suddenly you have latin american leaders backing Argentina. And no surprise 'ugo is also getting involved lol.
It'll be interesting to see where this all leads. But for now I'll put it in the category of "politicians talking shit cos of elections" (both sides) or just the generic "international shit talk" category (just like the european reaction to israel killing that dude)
Doesn't make sense really, the islanders consider themselves to be British, a war was fought and won (with no real help from USA/NATO). Yet stupid shit is still being said. If it was a case of proper colonialism with the islanders wanting to be part of Argentina and shit, I'd think different about it all. But the people and the history, none of it seems to point to "It should belong to Argentina"
Now suddenly you have latin american leaders backing Argentina. And no surprise 'ugo is also getting involved lol. American and Caribbean leaders have backed Argentina's claim over the Falklands, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has said.
At a regional summit in Cancun, Mexico, a document has reportedly been drafted giving Argentina unanimous support.
It comes a day after a British oil rig began drilling for oil off the islands, a move Argentina formally objected to.
It'll be interesting to see where this all leads. But for now I'll put it in the category of "politicians talking shit cos of elections" (both sides) or just the generic "international shit talk" category (just like the european reaction to israel killing that dude)