
Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

XanKrieger wrote:

Also why the hell are you playing a War game if your a devoted christan out of interest?
Im not a old christian who stays away from all evil. Bf2 isnt violent at all, you shoot people and they fall over. I play unreal too, what now?

Agent, the bible doesnt say how old the universe is, it could be 15 billion years old or it could be 25,000. Nobody knows for sure.
Hmmm, that is an interesting departure from what you Bible thumping creationists have been touting through the better part of this thread.

So which is it?  Is the Earth and universe thousands, millions, billions of years old?

If you go be creationism the Earth is only a few thousand years old.  Anything older than 25K maximum kills Genesis.

Now here lies the paradox.  You have quoted the Christian Answers web site time and time again.  Are they right or wrong?  If they are right, then the Earth is only a few thousand years old, but now you are saying that no one really knows.  Are you doubting your faith, or are you simply faltering under the fact that the Bible, as a verbatim doctrine, does not stand up to scrutiny.

Sorry dude, but this is one of those cases where you can't have your cake and eat it too.
We dont NEED to know the age of the earth so the bible does not give it. Christian answers is not the bible, if what they say does not stand up to scrutiny it doesnt mean the bible doesnt.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS
1. Thanks to all those people who came rushing to my defence. I'm still wondering what Jamdude thinks about the Drake equation.

2. Jamdude, please refrain from using christian/creationist sources EVERY SINGLE TIME. Try wikipedia. It's always neutral (unless a big sticker on top of the article says otherwise). On another note, I think you've shifted your stance a little. A week ago, you were vehemently blasting OECs and Evolutionists for believing in evolution and an old earth. Now...

3. Just out of interest, how old ARE you, really? I'm 14 BTW
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+302|6896|Salt Lake City

JaMDuDe wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

Im not a old christian who stays away from all evil. Bf2 isnt violent at all, you shoot people and they fall over. I play unreal too, what now?

Agent, the bible doesnt say how old the universe is, it could be 15 billion years old or it could be 25,000. Nobody knows for sure.
Hmmm, that is an interesting departure from what you Bible thumping creationists have been touting through the better part of this thread.

So which is it?  Is the Earth and universe thousands, millions, billions of years old?

If you go be creationism the Earth is only a few thousand years old.  Anything older than 25K maximum kills Genesis.

Now here lies the paradox.  You have quoted the Christian Answers web site time and time again.  Are they right or wrong?  If they are right, then the Earth is only a few thousand years old, but now you are saying that no one really knows.  Are you doubting your faith, or are you simply faltering under the fact that the Bible, as a verbatim doctrine, does not stand up to scrutiny.

Sorry dude, but this is one of those cases where you can't have your cake and eat it too.
We dont NEED to know the age of the earth so the bible does not give it. Christian answers is not the bible, if what they say does not stand up to scrutiny it doesnt mean the bible doesnt.
Sorry to tell you this man, but it does matter.  You've been touting sources that say that the Earth can't be more than a few K old, yet when prompted by evidence that requires thought beyond that which the Bible states, you backtrack so fast that the coyote couldn't catch the roadrunner if he tried.

Make a stance dude, and stick to it.  AGAIN, you can't have you cake and eat it too.

Spark wrote:

1. Thanks to all those people who came rushing to my defence. I'm still wondering what Jamdude thinks about the Drake equation.

2. Jamdude, please refrain from using christian/creationist sources EVERY SINGLE TIME. Try wikipedia. It's always neutral (unless a big sticker on top of the article says otherwise). On another note, I think you've shifted your stance a little. A week ago, you were vehemently blasting OECs and Evolutionists for believing in evolution and an old earth. Now...

3. Just out of interest, how old ARE you, really? I'm 14 BTW
Well, according to MODERN scientists, life in OUR galaxy couldnt have happened by chance. You should read the book The Privileged Planet  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_privileged_planet  "The claims are supported by many scientist in many fields" It might be a little hard for you to read if you are 14 so u might want to get the movie . I would like to hear your answers to my questions on the other page too. You dont need to know my age   age is just an illusion created by the earth rotating around the sun.
How do u explain the scientists and physicists from nasa who said the chances of earth appearing in OUR galaxy are one/one-trillion stars with only 100 billion stars?

How about the prophecies in the bible with amazing detail? They didnt just have so many meanings they had
to happen some time. Like the birth town of Jesus, He would be born from a virgin, and the EXACT date of His public revealment.(they werent written after his birth)

If man is nothing but the random arrangement of molecules, what motivates you to care and to live honorably in the world?

Why do we each have individual personalities? What made us evolve so that we would all be different?

How do you explain the fact that a single, relatively uneducated and virtually untraveled man, dead at age 33, radically changed lives and society to this day?

Why and how has the Bible survived and even flourished in spite of centuries of worldwide attempts to destroy and ban its message?

How can one realistically discount the testimony of over 500 witnesses to a living Jesus following His crucifixion?

How did 35-40 men, spanning 1500 years and living on three separate continents, ever manage to author one unified message?

What was the first cause? Why did the universe just explode for no reason at all?

If all organisms come from parent organisms, how did the first one get on earth? Scientists have tried and cant make life appear spontaneously.(i already read your post on how if you make it so simple it could pop out of thin air spark) Id like a more scientific answer.

those are the questions id like to see anyone answer
Before anything else I gotta laugh at this:

JaMDuDe wrote:

XanKrieger wrote:

Also why the hell are you playing a War game if your a devoted christan out of interest?
Bf2 isnt violent at all.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Oh yeah, this game isn't violent at all. There's no shooting or blatant uses of murder to create a score. Violence is defined as an act of agression and last time I checked shooting someone in the FACE in an act of aggression. Come on jamdude, that one was just plain stupid.

Anyways, off to the real topic. Lets go through these one at a time.

JaMDuDe wrote:

How do u explain the scientists and physicists from nasa who said the chances of earth appearing in OUR galaxy are one/one-trillion stars with only 100 billion stars?
NASA scientists have said chances of earth appearing in OUR galaxy is one to one trillion. Note they didn't say impossible. Just because it has a low number doesn't mean its not possible. Something that has a probability of one and a million can in fact happen a million times in a row, its just not as likely as other scenarios. And secondly, they said in OUR galaxy, I'm sure there are places in other galaxies (you know, the universe does have more than one galaxy) where life could in fact exist.

JaMDuDe wrote:

How about the prophecies in the bible with amazing detail? They didnt just have so many meanings they had
to happen some time. Like the birth town of Jesus, He would be born from a virgin, and the EXACT date of His public revealment.(they werent written after his birth)
Prophecies with amazing details? I read an X-Men comic with the super-villian apocalypse one time. Their was a prophecy that he was going to bring twelve incredibly powerful mutants together and steal all their powers, making him omnipotent. The prophecy was told by this other mutant named Destiny, and she was able to go through so much detail on how the prophecy would happen that she filled an entire book about it and everything. It was amazing. But anyways, when the bible was written did it actually say a guy specifically named jesus would do all of that? because if it didn't, whose to say JC wasn't just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And the virgin birth thing, well.......thats just plain stupid. I can say I've flown to Mars on a personal jetback, does that mean I did? People use exaggerations and blatant lies all the time, I don't see why this should be considered anything different due to the fact that its a physical impossibility. Like the other guy said, unless jesus was that self-cloning lizard, and I don't think they said he was, this one can't be used.

JaMDuDe wrote:

If man is nothing but the random arrangement of molecules, what motivates you to care and to live honorably in the world?
Motivation? Well what motivates any animal to do anything? Survival, plain and simple. We work for our own survival, and we work for the survival of ones we have grown close to. Even animals defend family. And living honorably? I don't even know what your talking about there so I'm just gonna skip that.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Why do we each have individual personalities? What made us evolve so that we would all be different?
Just like a computer program, if you throw enough random variables in there (in this case chemicals, hormones, and DNA) it seems you can have slight variations in each design. There are infinite numbers, as there are infinite variables on earth that can change the way we are, before and during life. Also, why is it so strange that we're all so different. Animals in the wild are different. There aren't two animals in the wild that are completely identical in every way (except possibly twins, but even then). How many variations of electron orbits do you think there are in the trillions of atoms around you? I'd say that because of chaos and the ideals of chance, the possibilites for differences in anything are gigantic. The CD track played one time on shuffle had like a 0.000000000004% of being played one certain way. That means there are many millions of other ways it could be played. Many variations of something similiar that exists.

JaMDuDe wrote:

How do you explain the fact that a single, relatively uneducated and virtually untraveled man, dead at age 33, radically changed lives and society to this day?
How did Jesus change people's lives? Well, I believe a young boy named Christopher Robin also changed many lives too. He was even younger and all he did was talk to a bear. The faith people will put into a story depends on how much they are willing to blindly follow others. Not trying to think through things is much easier than trying to think about this stuff, and people are lazy, so I think they'd take the easy way out.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Why and how has the Bible survived and even flourished in spite of centuries of worldwide attempts to destroy and ban its message?
Wow, for a second there you had me convinced that christianity has been the only religion to ever be questioned. well for a non-existent second. Hinduism and Buddhism both existed far before christianity was first being worshipped and somehow I don't think everyone living during that time just went along with it. Both religions have sacred texts and doctrines, and even the ideals that have not been written, but have been practiced for a long, long time have "survived and flourished". Again, because you choose to not even acknowledge other's beliefs, you tend to hurt yourself more in these arguments then anyone else. Believe it or not, there have been other religions that have survived persecution, not just you.

JaMDuDe wrote:

How can one realistically discount the testimony of over 500 witnesses to a living Jesus following His crucifixion?
How can one realistically discount the ideas of evolution and natural generation? If you can toss aside sciences as untrue and misguided, I can easily do the same for religion here.

JaMDuDe wrote:

How did 35-40 men, spanning 1500 years and living on three separate continents, ever manage to author one unified message?
30-40 men spanning over a few hundred years having a belief in a similiar higher power is hardly enough to use as an argument. Millions of people from all over the world have thought about going into outer space, and not just any outer space, but one, unified idea of outer space. Just because people think similiarly doesn't mean that you've got some amazing breakthrough. I'm sure there are 30-40 men spanning a few moments, and several continents wishing they had x-ray vision. Does this make their wishes justified?

JaMDuDe wrote:

What was the first cause? Why did the universe just explode for no reason at all?
I don't know the first cause of the big bang. I don't know why the universe would just explode for no reason. I also don't know what caused the creation of god, or what caused him one day to say, "Using my vast power, I shall create a gigantic universe, and then create beings on one tiny section of one miniscule amount of that universe. From there I will punish them for the attributes that I myself have given them. Go for what I say will not be questioned for even if I destroy millions for no reason, it is right because I, a high powered being, has done it."

JaMDuDe wrote:

If all organisms come from parent organisms, how did the first one get on earth? Scientists have tried and cant make life appear spontaneously.(i already read your post on how if you make it so simple it could pop out of thin air spark) Id like a more scientific answer.
Spontaneous growth is a theory. Again, you shouldn't be bringing this up because it seems as reasonable as the spontaneous creation of a being that can manipulate entire universes, but decides to create life on one small planet, in one solar system, in one galaxy of that universe. I believe under the right circumstances that with the right elements and the right conditions (lightning, radiation, heat, etc.) that simple life could be made and that it could evolve from there.

JaMDuDe wrote:

those are the questions id like to see anyone answer
Here's the clincher though. Despite believing all this and feeling that my answers are useable, I admit that I MAY BE WRONG about my theories. You on the other hand cannot admit to this.

Last edited by SilentNoise105 (2006-04-22 21:10:58)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

JaMDuDe wrote:

Spark wrote:

1. Thanks to all those people who came rushing to my defence. I'm still wondering what Jamdude thinks about the Drake equation.

2. Jamdude, please refrain from using christian/creationist sources EVERY SINGLE TIME. Try wikipedia. It's always neutral (unless a big sticker on top of the article says otherwise). On another note, I think you've shifted your stance a little. A week ago, you were vehemently blasting OECs and Evolutionists for believing in evolution and an old earth. Now...

3. Just out of interest, how old ARE you, really? I'm 14 BTW
Well, according to MODERN scientists, life in OUR galaxy couldnt have happened by chance. You should read the book The Privileged Planet  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_privileged_planet  "The claims are supported by many scientist in many fields" It might be a little hard for you to read if you are 14 so u might want to get the movie . I would like to hear your answers to my questions on the other page too. You dont need to know my age   age is just an illusion created by the earth rotating around the sun.
Still wondering if you're going to answer the Drake Equation.

A debunking of ID. Look at the name on the bottom. Anyway...

You still haven't considered the arguments I posted earlier. Shall I post them again?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Mod Incarnate

JaMDuDe wrote:

...A bunch of random questions...
I answered those already, but I see that spamming random questions around a forum is easier than actually thinking for yourself. On further investigation, look what I found:
http://www.christiananswers.net/q-aiia/ … ptics.html

JaMDuDe is just copy and pasting these questions directly from christiananswers.net Seriously JamDuDe, have you ever had an original thought in that God given brain of yours? However, I'll answer your rebuttal to my previous answers anyway, because I actually enjoy debating. Before I start, however:

JaMDuDe wrote:

It might be a little hard for you to read if you are 14 so u might want to get the movie
I'm not sure what to say to this, except that I started laughing when I read this. You are in no position to be acting condescending.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The scientists in that video did not say how likely life is, they were talking about OUR galaxy only.
Were they? They kept referring to 'the galaxy', which would support that viewpoint. What you don't seem to understand, despite several people explaining it to you in some detail, is that our galaxy is very much like the 100 billion or so other galaxies that are floating around, and if we're going to apply that probability to our galaxy we have to apply it to every other one as well. When we calculate those odds, it turns out thusly: 100,000,000,000 x 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion x one hundred billion), which equals 1x10^22, and divide that by 1x10^15, and you get 10 million chances for life in the universe. They were also basing the 100 billion number on the number of stars, not planets. If we based it on the number of planets, the first number (1x10^22) becomes even larger, by quite a bit.

JaMDuDe wrote:

It is possible Jesus read the prophecy of His revealment and fullfilled it, but i dont think His birth place was a setup, His mom a virgin, His hands and feet would be pierced, He would be given vinegar and gall to drink on the cross, the family He would come from and lots of other things. The dead sea scrolls were the old testament before the new testament was added and it all was edited. There are a lot more prophecies than the ones about Jesus.
And how do you know Jesus drank gall and vinegar on the cross? Ah yes, its written in the Bible. The same book that predicted it in the first place. I see you're questioning what you're told.

"There are a lot more prophecies than the ones about Jesus." I seem to remember a prophecy about the apocolypse. Has that one come true? No? So some of them come true and some don't, and because some are true that means its a work of God?

JaMDuDe wrote:

Living honorably does not mean to live like a pack of wolves or fish, look up the meaning.
I am well aware of what honorable means. What you fail to realize is that you are trying to use an incredibely subjective term to prove an objective point, which is why noone has taken it seriously. I tried to extrapolate some concepts based on the vague 'honor', and came up with social actions. Humans live and work together. We help raise each others young. We are an incredibely social species. Now, I tried to show you that humans are nothing special, as animals do all of these things and more. Dolphins will help raise each others young, and have intercourse for fun.  Elephants mourn their dead. Bees and many other social insects will sacrifice themselves for the good of their community. I could go on and on with examples of how humans are not that special... I think you get the point. Or maybe not.

JaMDuDe wrote:

What event made us know we would all be wiped out? Did we change ourselves or are we overprepared? Why do two people in the same environment have opposite personalities?
I don't know what the hell you're talking about in that first sentence, or the second one for that matter. As for the third question, it's because they're two different people; they have two seperate brains. Again, humans are nothing special when it comes to differing personalities.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Mohammed lived where people were desperate for order and religion, Jesus was rejected by His own people and killed because of His claims. Mohammed lived longer and was more traveled than Jesus. Most of the new testament is based on Jesus so it did change society.
I see. Jesus influenced people and started a religion, it's a miracle and he's the son of God! Mohammed changed lives and started a religion, but he just got lucky. I see you're using those fantastic critical thinking skills of yours again.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Ive never heard of this magic trick where you can see dead people, can you give me an example? I understand that if people really believed and were desperate to see Jesus they might see something, but touching his hands and feet and over 500 people seeing Him....
Ever heard of ghosts? Ufos? Scientology? People believe all kinds of crazy crap. Ever heard of the show 'Crossing Over' with John Edwards? People thought he was talking to their dead relatives. The events you are describing in the bible are nothing spectacular, and don't mean a thing. Thats assuming that 500 people actually saw him 'rise from the dead' to begin with, and some guy didn't just write it into the bible on a whim.

JaMDuDe wrote:

The bible was written in Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt and Isreal over 1500 years by 35-40 different people. That would be kinda hard to do with a false god and no technology.
Greece Turkey Jordan and Egypt?!?! My god. Lets take a look at a map of the middle east. Thats not an amazing distance, and as I've mentioned before, it's not like all of these people wrote the parts of the bible seperately and then they were added together later. The people who wrote at later dates had access to the previous version. Do you not see how this is not that miraculous?

JaMDuDe wrote:

I do believe Genisis goes along with science for creation if you change days to billions of years and know that the sun was created on day 1 not 4. "Let there be light" big bang. Water and clouds forming and indirect light, then land, then algae, the sun shines through atmosphere, fish, then land animals...
So now the Bible is open to interpretation? Lets see what you wrote in the Noah's ark thread:
"The bible is the truth, u dont need to believe it if u dont want to. Your too "blind" to see it." It seems to me that if the Bible were 'the truth', it wouldn't need any interpretation. But anyway, like Agent_Dung_Bomb said, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either the Bible is absolutely true and not open to interpretation, or its not.

JaMDuDe wrote:

We barely give Him maybe 2 hours a week, why should He be active in our lives when we give Him next to non of our time? People do see how He works in their life and miracles and things...
And miracles and things. Very eloquent. Anyway, God seemed to have no problem torching a few cities and wiping every living organism on Earth out in the past, but he hasn't done anything for over a millennia. Whats changed? He has over a billion followers today, and back when he was supposedly performing miracles on a regular basis he had a lot less.  So I ask you again, why hasn't He done anything recently? Why hasn't he burned a few cities down because they invoked his wrath? Maybe a plague of locusts or two to make a point?

It also seems odd to me that the only people who acknowledge these 'miracles and things' are already christians.

And once again, you have not answered my question about infants and the mentally handicapped going to hell. Well, you tried to answer it, with a direct quote from christiananswers.net, but I asked for straight quotes from the Bible. Is that too tough for you?
GunSlinger OIF II

Skruples wrote:

good argument but wasted on jamdude

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-04-23 00:32:18)

Mod Incarnate
Yeah, I know.

JaMDuDe wrote:

Why do we each have individual personalities? What made us evolve so that we would all be different?
This shows us that you do not know anything about evolution at all.
Ever heard of your personality depending on genes and what you experience in life? Does everyone have the same genes and is influenced in the same way? No! That is why everyone is different.
This is btw. good for the survival of our species because it will be easier to react to new environmental conditions - see preadaption.

So now that we know you dont have any clue what evolution is about I wonder why you refuse something so violently you don t really know.

Oh before you can answer: You don t know anything about the bible but refuse it!
I was raised as a christian and always went to church when I was a kid. Some moral values are OK but other fictional books are more interesting.

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-04-23 02:53:31)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6835|Canberra, AUS

He asks us to view and take to heart the 'evidence' he posts (we only do the former, of course) then seems to ignore every single piece of evidence presented by us.

Not biased my ass.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6850|Tampa Bay Florida

JaMDuDe wrote:

Bf2 isnt violent at all
is that supposed to be a joke?  wtf have you been smoking while you play Bf2?
+60|6818|South West England
Stat Padding is the Devils Hobbie
If you go around telling people that this guy Jimmy is everywhere, sees everything and judges everyone, you'll be labled clinically insane. If you go around telling people that this guy called God is everywhere, sees everything and judges everyone, you're religious.

Is religion false, or is the collective common sense of the entire human race wrong?
Go play doom 3 then tell me how violent battlefield is.

Silent noise, nothing is impossible. Us appearing in our galaxy is about as likely as you dropping your glass of water and it picking itself up and stretching to make 10 glasses. Its not impossible but its VERY unlikely.

You obviously dont even know about the prophecies of Jesus. Your just talkin about the x-men to get past this question.

If you dont know how Jesus changed the society to this day you need to go read a book.

You cant even answer my questions, just makin excuses on how they are false or sumthing.

35-40 men writing ONE book over 1500 years on 3 continents with NO technology isnt that easy.

Skruples, the romans gave people on crosses vinegar and gall to drink so they wouldnt die of dehydration. Im still waiting for an explanation on how they knew the family He would come from and the town He would come from and  His hands and feet would be pierced, and all the other prophecies. Saying the apocolypse hasnt happened so all prohpecies arent true is sad.

If we all had the same personalities and one big event could wipe us all out, how did we "evolve"  before the event happened?

No, Mohammed didnt do miracles or anything, he went into a cave and came back with some writings and said god told him to write it.

Jesus was crucified and a few days later people saw him, over 500 people SAW him and some touched his hands and feet. Thats not like John Edwards talking to dead people through an earpiece.

I was just telling you guys that Genisis does go along with science.

Theres no reason for him to burn down any cities today.

There are no direct quotes from the bible on where babies go. It does say God is kind and loving and He wants everyone to go to heaven. He would not send babies who havent sinned to hell, or even children who never heard of him.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-04-23 09:31:10)

+3|6789|Candy Land

Spearhead wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

Bf2 isnt violent at all
is that supposed to be a joke?  wtf have you been smoking while you play Bf2?
no blood. no swearing. no gore.

JaMDuDe wrote:

If we all had the same personalities and one big event could wipe us all out, how did we "evolve"  before the event happened?
Everyone is different due to genes and external influences. What is your point? Of course not everyone has the same genes. Mutations lead to a certain diversity.
If you had two twins and they would grow up in EXACTLY the same way (which is not possible of course) they would be the same.

I dont really know what your question is but if you want to know how one could evolve to be prepared for an event in the future you should google preadaption.

Last edited by ArMaG3dD0n (2006-04-23 10:23:39)

GunSlinger OIF II
yeah jamdude the earth was really made in 6 days just like genesis tells us
Do u go to a special school gun slinger?
GunSlinger OIF II

JaMDuDe wrote:

Do u go to a special school gun slinger?
+156|6788|space command ur anus

JaMDuDe wrote:

Do u go to a special school gun slinger?
it seem like you have been at a "special"school, the special school of fantasy and magic
I bet in 20 years evolution will be like the flat earth theory, its just lasting long because its so flexible.
conversation is combat
It's hilarious that the thread that always garners the most replies is one regarding the existence of god.

Given that you only need an opinion and there are no facts people can battle forever over this.
+156|6788|space command ur anus

JaMDuDe wrote:

I bet in 20 years evolution will be like the flat earth theory, its just lasting long because its so flexible.
evolution flexible hmm how

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