+252|6858|Sextupling in Empire

Amarrian capitals incoming in 36 hours. Will be much more sexier than my crappy caldari ones.

Revelation is a beast.
Wrench turnin' fool
Legion is almost complete. I cant wait to evade bubbles, then fly back and kill them all. Then it's onto an absolution. Though I have no idea how to fit it.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
+252|6858|Sextupling in Empire

Anybody with a half a brain now moves all their precious faction loot/bpo's and whatever else with a T3 ship(If they're not jumping it around with caps).

When I would fly through 0.0 in my full stealth fit tengu, I wouldn't even pay attention. It ignores bubble camps and goes into cloaked warp at ridiculous speeds. I think these ships hurt gameplay as eventually the days of occasionally catching that covert ops fully loaded with awesome loot will come to an end.

And yes, I know, bubble camps are for tards. But I do enjoy them.
ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Wrench turnin' fool

Uzique wrote:

ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
Pew pew missions are fun though.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
+252|6858|Sextupling in Empire

Anyone here done any of the pirate epic arks? I think I read something a while back stating you could make a quick 300m doing these, but have not bothered to give it a go yet.

I don't feel like paying for my accounts this month, and I don't want to use any of my current isk reserves.
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

Uzique wrote:

ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
or you could scam people, or kill people and steal their shit. Or you could smartbomb jita and have an alt steal peoples shit.

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
or you could scam people, or kill people and steal their shit. Or you could smartbomb jita and have an alt steal peoples shit.
yeah that's totally do-able for a person with < 10mil SP.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+252|6858|Sextupling in Empire

Uzique wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
or you could scam people, or kill people and steal their shit. Or you could smartbomb jita and have an alt steal peoples shit.
yeah that's totally do-able for a person with < 10mil SP.
Yes, you can. It takes approximately 7-10 days to make a smartbombing alt. You can scam people immediately without SP's(check jita local). Train up for a t2 fit rifter and roam low sec belts looking for ganks.

And if you don't have isk, buy a GTC for $35 and convert it to 500m in jita. That will last you a long time as long as you don't waste it on stupid things.

There's a youtube vid I saw a while back where someone just trained up a new account for a rifter and basic fittings and then went on a killing spree. It is doable with low skill points, you just have to know what you're doing.

You're going to die a lot, but eventually you'll figure it out.

Remember, the learning curve is fricken vertical in eve, especially if you're flying solo.
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

Uzique wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
or you could scam people, or kill people and steal their shit. Or you could smartbomb jita and have an alt steal peoples shit.
yeah that's totally do-able for a person with < 10mil SP.
yeah dude, i spent a few months in low sec as a pirate. If you pick your targets you can do fine.
Wrench turnin' fool
Helped destroy my first station today. That shit was better than 06/04.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS

Uzique wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

ironically this is the only game i can be bothered to play at the moment, as all the other major titles are sucking dick

logging in for 30 minutes a day to queue skills = best game ever

actually having to fight rats and do missions for ISK = awfully boring shite
or you could scam people, or kill people and steal their shit. Or you could smartbomb jita and have an alt steal peoples shit.
yeah that's totally do-able for a person with < 10mil SP.
as long as you don't hold your own life with any kind of value you'll be fine

but yeah mining, ratting and missioning have to be of the three most tearfully dull activities ever devised.

Last edited by Spark (2010-02-17 22:19:47)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Hmm, .0 ratting. Ishtar or Gila. Gila 400m3 dronebay, without additional skills Moving that down.
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

Bernadictus wrote:

Hmm, .0 ratting. Ishtar or Gila. Gila 400m3 dronebay, without additional skills Moving that down.

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Hmm, .0 ratting. Ishtar or Gila. Gila 400m3 dronebay, without additional skills Moving that down.
No. Seriously. Name me a ship that can out dps a Gila/Ishtar and still perma-run modules and fit salvaging/exploration..
Wrench turnin' fool

Bernadictus wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Hmm, .0 ratting. Ishtar or Gila. Gila 400m3 dronebay, without additional skills Moving that down.
No. Seriously. Name me a ship that can out dps a Gila/Ishtar and still perma-run modules and fit salvaging/exploration..
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

Bernadictus wrote:

seymorebutts443 wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Hmm, .0 ratting. Ishtar or Gila. Gila 400m3 dronebay, without additional skills Moving that down.
No. Seriously. Name me a ship that can out dps a Gila/Ishtar and still perma-run modules and fit salvaging/exploration..
drake, no need to perma run stuff since it's all passive.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6776|Little Bentcock
where is everyone
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Ishtar is one of the best ratting ships. I don't even play any more and I know that.
Wrench turnin' fool
Too busy learning how to FC. FML
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Field Marshal | o |
+142|6874|Ireland | Monaghan

Blade4509 wrote:

Too busy learning how to FC. FML
What corp you in?
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
Wrench turnin' fool
Construction Cabal, working for I-Red. You know? The one's that just got raped out of Prov.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"

Raping the Provibloc for the lulz. Fatlas is steamrolling through Providence and no CVA to stop us
Wrench turnin' fool

Bernadictus wrote:

Raping the Provibloc for the lulz. Fatlas is steamrolling through Providence and no CVA to stop us
Stampeding through a space we don't care about anymore. gg Bernifail
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6776|Little Bentcock
he will go stronger and come for yo, he always does

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