NASA is secretly building a death star to. You didn't believe that ISS crap did you?DBBrinson1 wrote:
We have a Tectonic Weapon? F'n badass!
Xbone Stormsurgezz
NASA is secretly building a death star to. You didn't believe that ISS crap did you?DBBrinson1 wrote:
We have a Tectonic Weapon? F'n badass! wrote:
Fixed for posterity.kn0ckahh wrote:
Tesla never worked for the russians. He was born in austria Serbia.M.O.A.B wrote:
Wasn't there some Russian thing like millions of years ago, that was supposed to do that?
I remember seeing an old film about it. Looked like a truck with a rocket firing into the ground.
I think Tesla had some input on it.
Either way, /facepalm Chavez
Edit: Just read the bottom of the OP.
Also chavez should be on TV he's funny.
kn0ckahh wrote: wrote:
Fixed for posterity.kn0ckahh wrote:
Tesla never worked for the russians. He was born in austria Serbia.
Also chavez should be on TV he's funny.
Ok i was wrong it was croatia, former member of the austrian empire.
His museum is in Belgrade along with all of his notes and possessions.Born an ethnic Serb in the village of Smiljan
Move back to Mexico if you hate it here so much.ATG wrote:
Given the history the united states has in jacking over Haiti I would not be shocked.
In fact, it would be right in line with our national character.
I never was from mexico, you puss filled pimple.JohnG@lt wrote:
Move back to Mexico if you hate it here so much.ATG wrote:
Given the history the united states has in jacking over Haiti I would not be shocked.
In fact, it would be right in line with our national character.
Last edited by ATG (2010-02-15 19:12:24)
All you post is hyperbolic end of the world drivel. One day you're a far right wing nut and the next day you're a far left wing nut, there is zero middle ground. The fact that you're so confused is undoubtedly the primary contributor to the unhappiness you display here daily. Get a dog.ATG wrote:
I never was from mexico, you puss filled pimple.JohnG@lt wrote:
Move back to Mexico if you hate it here so much.ATG wrote:
Given the history the united states has in jacking over Haiti I would not be shocked.
In fact, it would be right in line with our national character.
Hardly smoke screen terms. Every opinion you express here is just regurgitated hate. "I want this persons blood" "I want that persons blood". Get over yourself you ignorant pissant.ATG wrote:
Far right?
Far left?
These are smoke screen terms used by idiots.
I evaluate each issue one by one.
I aactually went to the booth and voted for bush twice becaause that was the logical choice at the time.
My opinions are based on observation of events, not brain dead party loyalty.
The united states has no moral authority. It is the intellectual equal of the cleanliness of a leper colony.
I know that guys like you have a hard time objectively evaluating why you get sent to far off places to kill people that never did anything to you, but it's my tax money that buys the bombs and bullets, and that makes me examine.
For the record, I really don't care what you think, about my or my opinions or America.
You quoted me. I responded, but tbh I have little use for you.
Good day.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (2010-02-15 19:39:32)
You didn't get what what I wrote either. Stop. posting. hate. filled. drivel. that. is. not. based. on. anything. but. ignorance. and. fear.ATG wrote:
Apparently you didn't get it, so let me type slower, I. don't. care. what. you. think.
It said it above. Fomented a coup to stop communism. Should it have been done? Absolutely not. As misguided as it was, it was an attempt to HELP Haiti rather than hurt it. With a country that poor communism is not the answer. You need free market economics which rewards people for their efforts to improve themselves, and society indirectly. You view those at the top with suspicion and mistrust but it takes those people you hate to pull everyone else along with them. If there is no reward for working hard, no one will do it. Yes, this means wealth disparity but even here in this country with all the people that cry about the gap between the rich and the poor, the real gap is between the effort put forth between those at the top and those at the bottom. Our poor are able to go through life without starving and with a big screen TV in their government housing living room because there are people in our society that are willing to go the extra mile to get ahead in life, not in spite of it.ATG wrote:
Prove it.
Why the fuck did we foment coups in Haiti and block foreign aid?
America is a nation of whores and murderers. You were nothing more than a goon carrying a gun. Now piss off.
Government owned utility = totalitarian communism.ATG wrote:
umm...okay. Thanks for the effort, but Jesus Christ dude, at least make an attempt to be educated on a subject.
"[After] early 1994 . . . Washington’s negotiators made one demand that Aristide could not accept: the immediate selloff of Haiti’s state-owned enterprises, including phones and electricity. Aristide argued that unregulated privatization would transform state monopolies into private oligarchies, increasing the riches of Haiti’s elite and stripping the poor of their national wealth."[1]
What part of that is an attempt to:
" HELP Haiti rather than hurt it. "
" rewards people for their efforts to improve themselves "
" If there is no reward for working hard, no one will do it. "
So was the reward for establishing public utilities being told to sell them off or gtfo? Or what is it exactly?
George Bush and his daddy deserve to burn in hell for what they have done.
brb, paying my communistic water bill . . .JohnG@lt wrote:
Government owned utility = totalitarian communism.
Actually he was an ethnic Serb born in modern-day Croatia which was then controlled by Austro-Hungarian Empire.kn0ckahh wrote:
Tesla never worked for the russians. He was born in austria.M.O.A.B wrote:
Wasn't there some Russian thing like millions of years ago, that was supposed to do that?
I remember seeing an old film about it. Looked like a truck with a rocket firing into the ground.
I think Tesla had some input on it.
Either way, /facepalm Chavez
Edit: Just read the bottom of the OP.
Also chavez should be on TV he's funny.
holy you are negative and a little crazy but i love it.ATG wrote:
government creating monopolies = national socialist party.
And, why pick Haiti when there are hundreds of governments doing the same thing all over the world?
Because they are black?
Can't resist?
All those american lives wasted in Iraq, for what?
Blackwater profits? GE profits?
America has no moral authority. No business whatsoever telling Haiti or anyone else what to do.
We are the cause of more problems than we solve.
We are like a cancer spreading through the veins of the Earth.
Child porn, obesity, murder of civilians, coups, financial chaos are our chief exports.
I don't want to leave my country, I want to help change it.
Sooner or later you allwill realize that I am right and we can get about the business of fixing this mess.
So, think whatever you will, I know exactly who I am, what our country has become and where we are headed.
We are headed for a murderous dictatorship the likes of which the world has never seen before.
Last edited by androoz (2010-02-15 20:20:09)