I'm not sure how EA and Dice will handle some of the issues in BF2 currently in the 1.03 patch but here's some things I'd like to see done:


[*] Radar should not see "soft" enemy targets. Only vehicles. There is no radar that sees people like this game has and if we did, law enforcement would have it hand held by now. Get real. Lose the people seeing radar. Seeing locations of friendlies is acceptable based on GPS tracking devices. The enemy isn't going to give you that information.
[*] UAV should have a 50/50 up/down time. Should take at least as long to recharge as it does to use. No more than 30 seconds over the target area. It can see in infrared and can see "heat" signatures like a human body. But only over that short radius currently in game.
[*] should have Commander functions in launcher with toggles to turn off when starting server.
[*] Ranked servers should not be able to run without Mutiny and voting options available.
[*] commander should be able to draw on map. Only squad leaders that accept his/her leadership (not rogue) can see the drawings. Drawings have toggle on/off at SL level.


[*] toggle to accept or go rogue where commander is involved. I am sick of some 9 yr old telling my squad to repair some assets on the farside of the battlefield when we're a 3 man squad of snipers behind enemy lines. Noob drop a box of supplies on it already and STFU. I want to TURN the damn commander's incoming message OFF at will.
[*] make squads larger - 8 men. US Army standard squad is 10 men. Get real.
[*] allow multi-point respawn on any squad member or at least give us asst SL for backup.
[*] give squad leaders ability to draw on map. Example, I want to take a certain route and hit a base from a certain side. Drawing a few arrows on the map will help. I want the armor on one side, sniper cover from here and blah blah blah... only squad members and commander can see. Commander can toggle map drawing views by clicking on SL and then icon for current strategy/planning.
[*] create VoIP channel for Squad Leaders.
[*] create text channel for SL to Command

Fixed Wing Aircraft:

[*] Not able to see a target lock on ground unless painted by Spec Forces LTDS (laser target designator system) or directly already pointed at it. It's bullsh*t to be able to see the target from halfway across the battlefield and frankly the air space above the field is TOO SMALL for aircraft of that speed. Hitting them with AA is next to impossible at the speeds they go by.
[*] increase turning speed of AA ground turrets to be able to actually track a flier


[*] Icons to differentiate between claymore/C4/AT mines so we can determine the danger implied. Show claymore danger direction on HUD.
[*] Spec Forces and Sniper ability to disarm C4/claymores, friendly and enemy.
[*] Icon to indicate weapon's mode - semi or full auto. EDIT: someone pointed out to me there is an indicator, note under weapon ammo indicator the "A" and "1"... um what page is that on in the manual?
[*] Swapping a magazine with 3 rounds in it for a full one shouldn't cause the user to lose that 3 rounds still left in the magazine just removed. Store it in the ammo bin/pouch.
[*] Make grenades more realistic: they have a 10 meter kill zone and a 30 meter injury zone if I recall my basic combat training. Throwing a grenade 8 feet from you at the feet of an enemy should kill both combatants. Same for the 203 type grenade launchers. A grenade is a pretty powerful little weapon.
[*] allow pirating of other's kit contents like ammo, grenades, based on room available on current kit backpack...
[*] give squad leaders binoculars, same for spec forces.
[*] shoulder fired Stinger, disposable, unlock upgrade for anti-tank.

Server Browser

[*] OMG where to begin... make the columns sortable. If I filter the servers and then want to sort by map and then by ping, it should be super easy to do so, not have a degree in programming.
[*] favorites list. What was EA thinking without this feature???
[*] show current time left on round or scores so people can log into early rounds rather than begin to load a map only to have to load the next one and be charged with a loss when they never even spawned.
[*] servers can be toggled by admin to lock out newcomers if the round is more than 75% through the tickets available. Message follows: Round almost over, please retry in a few moments.
[*] friends list and join friends button (edited from comments below - added 10/1/05)

Punishment and Team Killing Issues

[*] Delete punishment bullsh*t. If the server has friendly fire turned off, no team mate should be injured by any other team mate be that by vehicle or firearm. The whole punishment idea is a stupid one and DOES NOT WORK. It's being abused on a massive scale and is simply put, a nuisance. This is one of the most annoying aspects of this game. FIX IT or DELETE it.
[*] if TK'd, you die, but it does not count as a death. No stats losses.
[*] if you TK, you get punished by points. Let server admin determine at what level to kick.
[*] smacktards who lie down in front of jets, vehicles and so on when people are simply trying to play should be punished for INTERFERING WITH GAMEPLAY.
[*] must know difference of someone driving an FAV and accidently hits a team mate, intentionally hits a team mate and that team mate intentionally jumping  in front of the moving vehicle. I sincerely doubt there is any programming that can do this. Delete the whole idea as NON WORKABLE and rethink the entire process.

Documentation (edit - added 10/1/05)

[*] Um... what documentation. Seriously, total lack of information, no manual, no keymaps, nada. EA totally dropped the ball on this one. Half the stuff my crew knows is by accident or getting it word of mouth from other players. Totally lame way of getting information about what key does what and here's a good one... I was asked by someone with over 20K points, what are those red rings around our team's players for? Release a serious, thorough MANUAL for the game even if it's in *.pdf format online. Red ring means two things: if you are a Medic, they need health kit/med pack and if you are Support they need ammo. But anyone ever see that in any documentation they got when they purchased the game???

I got more but that's enough for now...

EDIT: simply fixing/adding my signature in my profile, it was being added in manually at first till I found one I could live with (thanks BF2S), will post a new reply with latest comments on ideas of improvements further down this thread

Last edited by RainWR (2005-11-09 14:46:21)

wow i like the ideas, and their well organised!
I say give the Snipers binoculars instead of the Spec Ops, the are the spotters after all.
The abillity to disarm C4/Claymores/AT mine has the engineers already. But you should be able to pick up  your own claymore or C4 again not the enemys.
exept this your ideas are very intresting.
Horseman 77
lotsa good stuff here, will EA listen?, Smart f@#ker huh ?
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7130|Bryan/College Station, TX

McCullough wrote:

I say give the Snipers binoculars instead of the Spec Ops, the are the spotters after all.
The abillity to disarm C4/Claymores/AT mine has the engineers already. But you should be able to pick up  your own claymore or C4 again not the enemys.
exept this your ideas are very intresting.
1. Snipers don't need binoculars, they have scopes. This is the same thing. The idea is to give major zoom and spotting ability to those units that don't have 10x zoom scopes on their guns already.

2. Engineers can not disarm C4. Hence I do believe that another class, most likely Spec Ops, should be able to disarm C4. If not then give Engineers that ability as well. Spec Ops and Snipers should also be able to at least pick up their own C4 or Claymores without having to detonate or kill themselves on them. This is simply dumb.

I agree with many of the ideas listed in Rain's post.

I would like to add one to the Server Browser:

A Friends list so that you can connect to a server your friend is on. Very simple to do.

EA/DICE needs to take lessons from Epic on their Server Browser. Epic's browser for UT2004 is superior in every single way.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+0|7075|Sherbrooke, QC, CA
[*]Spec Forces and Sniper ability to disarm C4/claymores, friendly and enemy.

This job is for the engineers!

And I would like to had, disarm C4, Claymores, AT mine give point with time same as repairing.

[*] Make grenades more realistic: they have a 10 meter kill zone and a 30 meter injury zone if I recall my basic combat training. Throwing a grenade 8 feet from you at the feet of an enemy should kill both combatants. Same for the 203 type grenade launchers. A grenade is a pretty powerful little weapon.

Not true! Grenade don't have 10 meter of kill radius. At 10 meter (33feet) maybe, you will got injury but not killed. and a 30 mettre (100feet)you walk with no problem.

The C4 is not realistic. One pack of C4 can easily destroy a medium concret house. The C4 should get very more power,  then the C4 could not be used like a grenade.

Add something more... Fog need to be more far. It's should be 200%.

Anyway, many of yours points is already added in next patch.

You will see this... 3 october.

Last edited by neavrys (2005-09-25 22:56:31)

Um... beg to differ on the grenade issue. I myself have actually thrown such grenades. You don't duck for the heck of it...

Taken from the following URL:


2. Fragmentation grenades (pic, upper middle). Contain an explosive charge in a metal body, designed to break into fragments upon the charge exploding. They have a killing radius of 5 to 10 yards, and fragments are dangerous up to 50 yards. Normally thrown less than 35 yards, that means 'duck' until they explode, and the time delay after pulling the safety pin was from 4.0 - 4.8 seconds.

According to Army Field Manuals FM 22-30

URL: http://www.mysoftcopy.com/armystudyguid … _23x30.pdf
username = armystudyguide
password = pubs

Section 1-5

"The average soldier can throw the M67 grenade 35 meters effectively. The effective casualty producing radius is 15 meters and killing radius is 5 meters."

Basically that's hurting you badly as in medevac at over 90 feet... if you are within the over 15 foot kill zone, you are as good as dead. But trust me, having thrown these in the Airborne Rangers, you can be 30+ feet, 10 meters and you will not be whistling dixie except maybe through the holes in your sucking chest wounds... If it's a closed environment like a bunker, sandbagged pillbox, you are dead. Period.

These weapons are room clearing, bunker/trench clearing little hand thrown flesh shredding bombs. Not little M80 firecrackers.

Let's talk M-203 grenades. They detonate on impact as opposed to time delay frags. M203 was always my favorite next to the MP5 for carrying...

URL: http://www.armystudyguide.com/m203/studyguide.htm

Casualty Radius: 5 meters
Max Effective Range against area target: 350 meters
Max Effective Range against point target: 150 meters

Logic tells us the hand grenade is deadlier. M203's 40mm grenade is not nearly as powerful. Simple to understand if you'd ever held both in your hands. The 40mm is a LOT smaller than the standard M67 frag.

M203 is simply a delivery system and has an increased range by over 300% on a point target and 600% on an area target making it a nice choice for those who can "drop it in the hole"... see FM 3-22.31 for more information.

As for disarming explosives, to make it clear, engineers should have the ability to disarm and reuse any mine. Spec Forces only C4 and should be able to reuse enemy C4 and disarm. Same goes for claymores and snipers. Just keep in mind, approaching a claymore alone is a tedious task. And if you're pulling C4 down on a flag some remote enemy Spec Forces guy left behind, you need worry how fast you can get the C4 down and worry about some noob running in to get the stupid flag capture points, or some helicopter whores flying over you and causing the flag to go neutral... enemy hears warning, "we've lost another outpost..." and you've only got 3 of the 5 packages.

BOOM... thanks fella's...

And I've never seen any engineer disarm any claymore or C4, friendly or enemy. Not without flying 30 feet in the air and doing the two and half twist, half turn somersault...

Fog... no, you mean haze. Haze is part of the map design. Some maps have haze at greater distance than others. It's part of the environment. Having made maps for Tribes, Starsiege and Mech Warrior: Vengeance, I know a bit about this. 200% defeats the purpose of haze. So no, not a useful thing. It's part of the environment like smoke, though I'd like to see rain, wind, dust storms and maybe some darker night missions, not so dark you can't see. Maybe some intermittent flares... randomly firing overhead for 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off and then just moonlight or street lights.

The distance toggle/slide is to reduce the amount of load on your video card and system if you wish to do so. 100% is just that, 100% of the map's designed viewing distance. Enjoy.

Friends list on the server browser, yes, a definate MUST HAVE. I currently use tracking software 3rd party to find people. That and Team Speak :twisted:

Kilroy is also on the mark with the binoculars, snipers already have high powered scopes. The Barrett sees all and owns at huge distances. No need for the sniper to have more optics. However, the Spec Forces should have optics. Binoculars at maybe even 7x35mm would work.

Kilroy I added your friends list to the original post above and also added in a need for a thorough document also known as The Manual... be nice to actually have some sort of reference material instead of having to ask people in game, um what does this do, how do I do that...

See EDIT comment on first post in this thread on why this was edited today...

Last edited by RainWR (2005-11-09 14:48:02)


kilroy0097 wrote:

McCullough wrote:

I say give the Snipers binoculars instead of the Spec Ops, the are the spotters after all.
The abillity to disarm C4/Claymores/AT mine has the engineers already. But you should be able to pick up  your own claymore or C4 again not the enemys.
exept this your ideas are very intresting.
1. Snipers don't need binoculars, they have scopes. This is the same thing. The idea is to give major zoom and spotting ability to those units that don't have 10x zoom scopes on their guns already.
When zoomed in with the scope you have a very limited view.  Using binoculars you'll get a wider view and easier to spot enemys at long range. In good old bf42 the only ones with binoculars was the snipers.
In 1942 we had Rangers and there were no Special Forces. In fact even the CIA didn't exist then. It was the OSS. Snipers getting binoculars is a wasted feature. I am a sniper, note my sig and stats. I use the M95 and without getting into how a 12.7mm hitting ANYONE at any range would literally blow him in half if I got a torso shot (one shot from any .50 cal would ruin your day, trust me, it's why in the Geneva Conventions it's not to be used against human targets, it's agreed only to use on "equipment" which we conveniently get around by aiming for stuff like name tags, Army issued eye glasses, LCE and such...).

Special Forces should have binoculars. I can't imagine any SF guy out in the field without at a minimum a pair of 10x22mm small optics... they are barely larger than a pack of smokes. Let's take a look at what Special Forces really does... they do recon/intel gathering and train indigenous combatants, partisans on how to operate american made equipment, use american combat methods and guerilla tactics. They are NOT frontline in your face assault troops. In fact, there are NO Special Forces troops in the US Marine Corps. They do however have Force Recon and possibly Navy Seals operating with them. Special Forces are US Army and most of them are Airborne Ranger trained and have more than 4 years already in service. But that's another matter entirely...

What the true nature of the Special Forces kit is in this game falls more under Recon or Spec Ops. And part of that mission is intel gathering. Especially since there isn't any partisans though when I'm sitting somewhere like a spider waiting for a customer to cross into my Barrett's scope, I do hear a dog barking in Karkand's alley ways... So binoculars for the Spec Forces kits and/or Squad Leaders. Maybe make it a gift on your second unlock, you get an upgrade that allows you to carry binoculars as a squad leader and you MUST have at least one other person in the squad for them to work (avoids 9 squads of one man each issue).

And just to give a few of you something to look at... these images are of me years ago:

I was in the 1/75th Airborne Rangers - when a black beret meant something. 1979

Basic Combat Training, Fort Sill, Oklahoma 1978

Can you see me pointing the rifle at you? Look at the image below...

This was on the Camoflage, Cover and Concealment course or CCC...
I was the "opfor" for this exercise and my company XO took the photos.

Last edited by RainWR (2005-10-01 00:56:00)

The Last Man Standing
Nice to see someone who served, and I have to say, nice pictures, just shows how deadly camoflauge can be.  I had to get my head around if the picture was real, but once you pointed out the parts I could definitly see for myself.  Nice work.
I like your ideas about changing the kit of the special forces, and I know what you mean when you talk about giving them binocs.  I wouldnt be able to imagine anyone without them, if fact if you think about it its just common sense.
As for the C4, yes I think it needs to be more powerful too, but then this is a game and they are trying to maintain balance.  Could you imagine the number of TK's when a spec ops on karkand places just one packet of C4 on a tank?  It would be insanity, and that why I think they toned it down a little.
Again the same thing with grenades, except this time they do need to be more powerful.  At the minute its not very realistic, most grenade kills I have were from having the nade land next to someone (luck of the throw), and most times when I have sprinted away from a grenade I have taken no damage at all.  I would have expected to.
As for the environment, I would like to see rain as well, just love it .  If EA were to tone their environments up, like adding more storms or such, it makes it so much more atmospheric when your crawling through the undergrowth and you can hear the rain pattering on the canopy overhead.

Good ideas RainWR, and nice pics
Sigh... Anti-Air is pretty lame right now. I was under the impression they were giving it a buff, not a nerf. I've gotten more kills using the humvee top mounted MG on aircraft than any tracked or stationary AA... it's WORSE than it was. Totally lame. I get a lock and watch my missiles do anything but hit the target. I get lucky once in maybe 6 attempts to hit something. I know it's not me because I got air defense basic long ago. Egad man, fix the AA, at least make it a 50-50 chance, or do us a favor and REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME FOR BEING LAME... sigh...

I'm compiling a new list... so far I have these:

[*] fix the bug that causes the missing unlocked weapons when entering a server. It's pretty aggravating to have to leave the server and try and re-enter to get the unlocks back and then find yourself locked out of the popular server because of lameness on the coding end...
[*] fix the bug that cause making squads not to work. It's a common bug and needs addressing.
[*] The server browser improvements are nice, but still got a LONG way to go. Like the filters causing the entire list to disappear (in mine it's "Not Full") and nothing showing up. In favorites, no way to sort the list. In the main list, make a new column, [x] Do not show me this server again. Frankly the server browser is one of the lamest I've seen since playing online in 1995... it's that lame.

Good job on fixing the Tk issues, it's better but still sucks ass. If some noob is stupid enough to run out in front of a fast moving jeep like a vehicle in combat and gets his ass run over, no TK should be charged to the vehicle driver, seriously, the noob didn't look, runs out into a STREET and gets run over... in real life you'd say it was the idiot's fault for running into traffic like the noob that he is... this is combat, not the playground. You don't want to be run over, get off the street. Charging a Tk for that is simply lame. That ass that ran in front of the vehicle should be charged with a SUICIDE.

Still no icon for defining what type of explosive device and what direction it's facing.

Overall the game rocks, but it's got a long way to go... still got a lot of lame issues.

See EDIT comment on first post in this thread on why this was edited today...

Last edited by RainWR (2005-11-09 14:53:34)

i've got some ideas:
I.Weather (sever selected)
1.custamisable weather effects
   a.Rain, heavy or light
   b.snow, heavy or light
  2.Day or night
II. Charictor customazations
  1.Cammo pattern(especally usefull for snipers)
    b.facal hair
    d.disguishing features
  3.kit loadout (contents) eg giving up a granade for an extra clip of primary ammo

4. weappon custamazation
   a.lazer, illumanaters, silencers,etc.

III.Gameplay modifiers
   1.gunshp choppers
     a.us bh w/ rocket rails missile podds etc
     b.MEC/PLA Hind D
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7081|Idaho, USA / Age 30

I would so agree with you on the last post you put in.  Those add-in's would make the game play much much more realistic.  Coming from another fellow Army man myself.  I know what you are talking about with the gernade.  Camo is very important for Snipers for the spec ops those guys do alot more then what EA knows.  I would say some other things like the idea of silencers and laser pointers for the M4 or the G36C at least.   The weather is a great idea too.   Just like in the movie where is the blackhawk with the rocket pod?  Or where is the Warthog for Tank busting?
My ideas for for improvements to Bf2:-

*Remove the names from above opposition - (There is nothing worse than trying to be sneaky and some guy just scans around and *BINGO* big red name showing him where you are)

*Increase the zoom on the sniper rifles and thin the crosshairs - (Scope at the minute is really weak, a sniper scope should be at least x10 magnification)

*Increase the lock-on range of the AA and improve the tracking

*Reduce the hitpoints on the choppers or increase the damage of AA - They're not flying tanks ffs

*Reduce the size of the cap ring around the flags

*Massively increase the bullet spread whilst jumping or remove being able to shoot whilst jumping - (You can't shoot while sprinting)

*Lock vehicles until a flag point is capped - (There's nothing more than I and many others that I've talked to hate than someone grabbing a "friendly" vehicle and just sitting in a base getting cheap kills with no interest in capping the flag)

Can't think of any more right now so let the flaming commence

Last edited by Mark_UK67 (2005-10-21 10:12:17)

Just commenting on this so I dont start another topic.  All of your ideas are pretty good.  I agree with most of them.  Espcially the marking of what type of explosive the red X is talking about.  I mean when I play as a sniper sometime I use the claymores infront of ladders and stuff so I don't get snuck up on.  But stupid teammates don't see the red X or assume it's C4 and keep coming up the ladder and punish for a teamkill which is stupid.

Just one thing that I had a thought on.
Game Balance -
-I think frags need a substantial increase in power. personally, i think in the game, its something like a <1 m kill radius, and perhaps a 3-5m injury radius (i use injury radius instead of casualty radius because in BF2, your either alive, or dead. there really arent any medevacs.)

-I think that they should not, under any circumstances, increase the power of the 40mils. they are powerful enough as is, and every other noob out there runs around with his tube out already. this is more a balance issue than realism. If anything, reduce the blast radius of Anti-Tank Weapons, i hate rocket snipers...

-I think that Binocs would be a handy addition. and contrary to what some people said, DC Final had Binocs for almost every class. i think enginner and anti-tank were the only two without.

-and Spec Ops in this game is more like....Combat Sappers. C4 is there as a utility weapon, and ideally used for rigging traps, or taking out enemy commander assets. i would like to see the capablity to pick up and reuse C4, even the enemies. if you dont blow it, ill use it....

-disallow firing a weapon for about a second after hitting the jump button. i want to be able to shoot while im falling (ever see the pic of an anti-tank jumping off a building and firing at the same time? it was cool) but i HATE bunny hopping.

-OMFG add a freaking friends list already! WTF!! ...no really, DICE really did drop the ball on that...

-TAKE OUT VEHICLE TK's. Yes, i know that punishments are rough, but at least they give you the option to forgive. most every other game ive seen doesnt give you the option, they just punish automatically. i understand its frustrating that you always get punished, but i know i still dont punish if it was accidental or if it was my stupid. but if you remove vehicle TK's, then you remove 2/3rds the bitching about punishment

-Dedicated Grenade button! If youve ever played HALO, FarCry, or any other game with a dedicated 'nade button it would be a really nice addition, and it would make grenades so much easier to use. as is, the entire time your using a grenade, your very vunerable to getting shot at and not being able to return fire. also, i would love to be able to cook a grenade.

Vehicles Id like to see added-
-Littlebirds! OH/AH-6's are the hella rock. make them weak, and fast, and manuverable. two variants: AH-6 (twin miniguns, just like BH, but forward mount only, plus rockets..make em weaker than the attack heli and only have like, 10ish. ) HH-6 (pilot+1 inside, no armament, but 4 outside seats. in other words just enough to carry a squad) For MEC, Gazelle, for PLA, hell if i know their equivilent.

-A-10's. I think everybody is universal on this one. Single Crew, 2x 5-bomb volleys, and a much more powerful cannon, in exchange for no A/A missles. For MEC, Su-25/29, for PLA, to hell if i know....

-AH-60. crew of pilot, co-pilot, plus 2 gunners and 3 chumps in back.

- Id say a HIND, but they are gonna bring that in with the add-on

Modifications to Vehicles:
-Fighters get Medium Range missles, with radar lock. Slightly longer lock time and range, but once they are locked, they are dedicated to that target, no veering off course like the heaters, but make them slightly less mobile. no giving that to the fighter/bombers.

-Give mobile AA the the same radar guides missles instead of heaters. also, give them a UAV-like sweeper, visible only to the AA pilot, that only tracks aircraft for a short range.

i think thats about it for change ideas from me. i look fowards to the kick ass equipment coming with the special operations expansion.
This is a bit long so bear with me...

Some new or updated ideas...

Nayo450 mentioned characters having customizable features like choosing a face (like Planetside?) and being able to choose your loadouts like swapping out a grenade for an extra clip of ammo. I can see how this would be a great idea but I also see why it wasn't included. Having only a few kits and faces that are the same, the same, the same across the game field makes the play go a tad more smoothly so the game engine isn't having to remember to draw 64 different faces or place unit decals on the helicopters everytime someone else comes into your field of view (FOV). While this is a cool idea, I can accept not having it because it does make gameplay smoother and I'd rather have other features. However, that said, if they can incorporate that into the game, and not lose performance or hurt the framerate, sure I'd like that too.

He also mentions the UH-60 (Seahawk, it's not a Blackhawk...the Army version is a "Blackhawk" and the Navy/Marines use the Seahawk, though technically the same airframe) having something akin to mounting Hellfire rockets on them. Perfect. That or twin forward facing machine guns or both. A lot of these rotary wing craft have a forward offensive weapons system mounted on them in real life. The Hind would also be a welcome addition. I understand the Apache AH-64 is being introduced in the Special Forces add-on pack. Will these weapons and vehicle frames be available on standard servers that have the add-on pack and to clients that have it? Or just server playing just those maps??? In Planetside (Sony - www.planetside.com) the add on Core Combat package allowed players with the new pack to play on the original combat (the surface of the planet) to bring alien weapons earned in the planet's core or caverns up to the surface. The new weapons and vehicles were only available to those who had the upgrade packs and anyone not having it could "see it" but couldn't pick it up or use it.

Weather... I like adding weather (again as long as framerate and performance are not degraded) like rain, snow and low light conditions. Low light or evening missions are being added into the Special Forces add on pack. Would be nice to see an option to add this on to the server choices for "night/day/rotate/random"...

Mark_UK67 mentions some good ideas... scope crosshairs being refined, zoom power being increased... I'd rather have choices, like 2x, 5x, 10, 20x and hitting the zoom remembers last choice. Adding a night scope is in the Spec Forces pack.

I agree on the Anti-Air issues. God, PLEASE fix the AA... Before the 1.03 patch, hitting an aircraft with friendly air in the area was a tough shoot as it was. Now it is absolutely USELESS. I mean seriously, an enemy jet SEES the tracked AA long before the tracked vehicle even hears or sees any jet and the fight is so one sided it's not even mildly amusing. The tracked AA has a freaking RADAR dish on it and unless they plan on adding an Intruder with the jamming pods, give it up already... the tracked AA especially should make any aircraft's flight harrowing and death defying. Ask any real pilot about hearing that lock on tone... That or give me a shoulder fired Stinger. There are DISPOSABLE shoulder fired versions...

From: the US Marine Corp's website...
http://www.hqmc.usmc.mil/factfile.nsf/0 … enDocument

The Stinger is a man-portable, shoulder-fired guided missile system which enables the Marine to effectively engage low-altitude jet, propeller-driven and helicopter aircraft. Developed by the United States Army Missile Command, the Stinger was the successor to the Redeye Weapon System. The system is a "fire-and-forget" weapon employing a passive infrared seeker and proportional navigation system. Stinger also is designed for the threat beyond the 1990s, with an all-aspect engagement capability, and IFF (Identification-Friend-or-Foe), improved range and maneuverability, and significant countermeasures immunity. The missile, packaged within its disposable launch tube, is delivered as a certified round, requiring no field testing or direct support maintenance. A separable, reusable gripstock is attached to the round prior to use and may be used again. STINGER will also be employed by the Pedestal-Mounted Stinger Air Defense Vehicle and the Light Armored Vehicle, Air Defense Variant (LAV-AD) during the 1990s.
He also mentions changing the cone of fire (COF) on weapons when jumping around. Excellent idea. Seriously... you want to play Peter Cottontail and bounce around like the bunny rabbit, fine go ahead and do it, but at a price... if the M95 can't hit shit when it's not zoomed, firing a weapon while jumping around like a freaking idiot on crack should have the same effect on your accuracy.

blacksheepcannibal mentions a neat idea, making C4 a pick up item... if you don't blow it, it can be picked up by an enemy or friendly... good idea, but only if explosives are in your pack, like say Spec Ops or Engineer.

He adds that adding a friends list would be nice. I agree... great idea. Cooking a grenade, instead of holding it on the right click for distance, make it a cook off. Just remember that cooking a grenade is not a "prefect" science... some go at 3.5 seconds, some near 5 seconds with the average around four and a half seconds. Hand grenades are deadly, dangerous and frankly WAY underpowered in this game. Forget balance issues for a moment... no wait, keep them in mind because if you as a MEC and me as US both get stupid and start doing the noob toss grenade after grenade and they have the 5-10yrd kill zone, 30yrd injury... say the further out, the less health damage, you'll see a quick reduction in the stupid catagory. Grenades are NOT something you just start tossing out. You need to assess whether the blast is too close, do I have cover, do my squad mates have cover... grenades are best used against entrenched enemy. Like a pillbox, in the room in a building, around a corner. Strike at Karkand is a joke with the grenades and 40mm mini-bombing campaigns from both sides. Ever see what a 40mm can do? Make it realistic and the stupid pet tricks will diminish drastically and you'll see a more realistic approach to using them. Currently in game I see people tossing grenades a mere few meters, maybe 3 from me take no damage... trust me, that grenade would SHRED anyone that close... you'd be dead. Shrapnel from a grenade can reach out over a 100m... and it's red to white hot and travelling at super sonic speeds...

Some info on grenades from various web sources:

Fragmentation grenades: these grenades are designed to spray shrapnel around a wide area. Frag grenades generally have a kill radius of 5-7 metres, and a casualty radius of 15-20 metres, although these radii are not hard limits; individual fragments can be thrown hundreds of metres, so the user is advised to seek cover after throwing a frag grenade, even if he is well outside the casualty radius. Their structure is that of a small high explosive sphere surrounded by several metres of tightly wound steel wire. A cylindrical fuse (composed of a slow-burning combustible) goes into a hole through the centre of the sphere, and the entire assembly is encased in a metal shell. For reasons of safety, fuses are stored separately in the armoury, and issued separately to soldiers for subsequent assembly. When the grenades explode, the confined detonation produces an enormous overpressure which disintegrates the steel wire and shell. The resulting fragments are thrown outward at supersonic speed, perforating anything in their path. The "immediate action drill" upon detection of an imminent frag grenade explosion is to dive to the floor away from it, since the chance of being hit by shrapnel varies directly with the surface area you present to the explosion, and it also obeys the inverse square law with respect to distance.

An interesting fact about the fragmentation grenade is that it actually produces a rather small explosion, without the enormous shockwave or fireball that normally accompanies a grenade explosion in an action movie. Structural damage to the surrounding area is not significant unless flammables are present. The reason for this is that a frag grenade is designed to transfer as much of its chemical potential energy as possible into the kinetic energy of its shrapnel, rather than producing a powerful localized shockwave and fireball. Therefore, a frag grenade explosion in a typical room will leave it looking much the way it was before. However, a close inspection of the room would reveal countless jagged metal fragments embedded in the walls, and any men in the room would be dead. Moreover, even men in adjacent rooms might be dead or injured, depending on their proximity and the construction materials used. The velocity of the fragments is such that they will easily penetrate deeply into all normal building materials, so drywall and even wooden doors would not provide enough protection. Unless the walls and doors are made out of concrete and steel, your best chance is to put as much distance between yourself and the grenade before it explodes, rather than counting on a door or a wall to protect you. The fragments are also red-hot, and can easily ignite widespread fires, thus causing a potential for serious risk even if the explosion itself doesn't kill you.

Note that while the term "grenade" is generally assumed to refer to hand grenades, it is actually not that restrictive. It can also refer to the spin-stabilized grenades fired from grenade launchers such as the American M203 (which is typically mounted to M16 assault rifles or M4 carbines), or rocket propelled grenades such as the Soviet RPG-7 (which usually uses HE or HEAT ammunition), or rifle grenades. Rifle grenades are not very well known by the public because they are never seen in action movies, unlike hand grenades, grenade launchers, or RPGs. They are long, cylindrical grenades which are designed to fit over the end of an assault rifle or carbine. You simply slip the grenade over the end of the barrel, and then you shoot an ordinary bullet. A "bullet trap" inside the grenade catches the bullet and transfers most of its kinetic energy into the grenade, which is then launched quite accurately, to a distance of 100-200 metres. Rifle grenades haven't been used by the American army since WW2 (hence their invisibility in action movies), but they are still used by numerous other armies around the world. Grenades of this type are larger and more powerful than the 40mm grenades used in grenade launchers such as the American M203, but their accuracy and range are inferior. The reason for the American army's lack of rifle grenades are unclear; there are tactical situations in which an M203 firing spin-stabilized 40mm grenades with 350 metre ranges would be more appropriate, but there are also situations in which a powerful rifle grenade with half that range would be more appropriate.
One other interesting fact... M203's grenades in real life do NOT have a smoke trail... it's not a rocket propelled projectile. No engine, no rocket, no fuel as it were. It's like a low speed, high caliber bullet. I know, I've fired them. There is no smoke trail. Hardly any muzzle flash either.

Speaking of new weapons, how about a back packed flame-thrower? Hmmmm...

He further mentions and I quote:

Vehicles Id like to see added-
-Littlebirds! OH/AH-6's are the hella rock. make them weak, and fast, and manuverable. two variants: AH-6 (twin miniguns, just like BH, but forward mount only, plus rockets..make em weaker than the attack heli and only have like, 10ish. ) HH-6 (pilot+1 inside, no armament, but 4 outside seats. in other words just enough to carry a squad) For MEC, Gazelle, for PLA, hell if i know their equivilent.
I believe this is along the lines of the OH-6A Cayuse or the Hughes OH-500 that I mentioned previously... an image of the this nice little bird... used by the Rangers today:



This little bird is the MH-6... squad sized, quick, very very nimble and lightly armed. Not for air to air combat, it can put up a fight however with twin rotary guns facing forward and did have rocket pods on some. Primarily used for reconnaisance and special operations. These images are of the US Army Rangers in action using it...

And at the risk of boring the readers, a recap of what started this thread and what's still missing and what was fixed or screwed even more:



[*] Radar (Scan) should not see "soft" enemy targets. Only vehicles. There is no radar that sees people like this game has and if we did, law enforcement would have it hand held by now. Get real. Lose the people seeing radar. Seeing locations of friendlies is acceptable based on GPS tracking devices. The enemy isn't going to give you that information. UPDATE: still lame.
[*] UAV should have a 50/50 up/down time. Should take at least as long to recharge as it does to use. No more than 30 seconds over the target area. It can see in infrared and can see "heat" signatures like a human body. But only over that short radius currently in game.
[*] should have Commander functions in launcher with toggles to turn off when starting server. UPDATE: still lame.
[*] Ranked servers should not be able to run without Mutiny and voting options available. UPDATE: still lame.
[*] commander should be able to draw on map. Only squad leaders that accept his/her leadership (not rogue) can see the drawings. Drawings have toggle on/off at SL level. UPDATE: nothing yet.


[*] toggle to accept or go rogue where commander is involved. I am sick of some 9 yr old telling my squad to repair some assets on the farside of the battlefield when we're a 3 man squad of snipers behind enemy lines. Noob drop a box of supplies on it already and STFU. I want to TURN the damn commander's incoming message OFF at will. UPDATE: still lame.
[*] allow multi-point respawn on any squad member or at least give us asst SL for backup.
[*] give squad leaders ability to draw on map. Example, I want to take a certain route and hit a base from a certain side. Drawing a few arrows on the map will help. I want the armor on one side, sniper cover from here and blah blah blah... only squad members and commander can see. Commander can toggle map drawing views by clicking on SL and then icon for current strategy/planning. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] create VoIP channel for Squad Leaders. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] create text channel for SL to Command UPDATE: nothing yet.

Fixed Wing Aircraft:

[*] Not able to see a target lock on ground unless painted by Spec Forces LTDS (laser target designator system) or directly already pointed at it. It's bullsh*t to be able to see the target from halfway across the battlefield and frankly the air space above the field is TOO SMALL for aircraft of that speed. Hitting them with AA is next to impossible at the speeds they go by.  UPDATE: worse than ever.
[*] increase turning speed of AA ground turrets to be able to actually track a flier UPDATE: fix the tracking.


[*] Icons to differentiate between claymore/C4/AT mines so we can determine the danger implied. Show claymore danger direction on HUD. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] Spec Forces and Sniper ability to disarm C4/claymores, friendly and enemy. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] Swapping a magazine with 3 rounds in it for a full one shouldn't cause the user to lose that 3 rounds still left in the magazine just removed. Store it in the ammo bin/pouch. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] Make grenades more realistic: they have a 10 meter kill zone and a 30 meter injury zone if I recall my basic combat training. Throwing a grenade 8 feet from you at the feet of an enemy should kill both combatants. Same for the 203 type grenade launchers. A grenade is a pretty powerful little weapon. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] allow pirating of other's kit contents like ammo, grenades, based on room available on current kit backpack... UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] give squad leaders binoculars, same for spec forces. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] shoulder fired Stinger, disposable, unlock upgrade for anti-tank. UPDATE: nothing yet.

Server Browser

[*] OMG where to begin... make the columns sortable. If I filter the servers and then want to sort by map and then by ping, it should be super easy to do so, not have a degree in programming. UPDATE: still buggy, needs a LOT more work.
[*] favorites list. What was EA thinking without this feature??? UPDATE: getting better, long way to go yet.
[*] show current time left on round or scores so people can log into early rounds rather than begin to load a map only to have to load the next one and be charged with a loss when they never even spawned. UPDATE: nothing yet.
[*] servers can be toggled by admin to lock out newcomers if the round is more than 75% through the tickets available. Message follows: Round almost over, please retry in a few moments. UPDATE: or put them in a holding/waiting room and load them with the NEXT map...
[*] friends list and join friends button (edited from comments below - added 10/1/05) UPDATE: nothing yet.

Punishment and Team Killing Issues

[*] Delete punishment bullsh*t. If the server has friendly fire turned off, no team mate should be injured by any other team mate be that by vehicle or firearm. The whole punishment idea is a stupid one and DOES NOT WORK. It's being abused on a massive scale and is simply put, a nuisance. This is one of the most annoying aspects of this game. FIX IT or DELETE it. UPDATE: still LAME.
[*] if TK'd, you die, but it does not count as a death. No stats losses.
[*] if you TK, you get punished by points. Let server admin determine at what level to kick.
[*] smacktards who lie down in front of jets, vehicles and so on when people are simply trying to play should be punished for INTERFERING WITH GAMEPLAY. UPDATE: should be charged with SUICIDE if hit by vehicle in a lane of travel be that street or runway.
[*] must know difference of someone driving an FAV and accidently hits a team mate, intentionally hits a team mate and that team mate intentionally jumping  in front of the moving vehicle. I sincerely doubt there is any programming that can do this. Delete the whole idea as NON WORKABLE and rethink the entire process. UPDATE: punishing is THE LAMEST idea in the game. Some 'tard climbs up the ladder I'm above as a sniper, blows his ass to Hong Kong because he walked into a claymore and then punishes me for it... I get the minus 4 points plus get punished... GOD THAT PISSES ME OFF...

Basically, in my opinion, there's a LOT of great ideas on how to make this game even better and more realistic. One thing that bothers a lot of us, is we ARE veterans and have used a LOT of this equipment, and please, please STFU about this being "just a game" because if you're going to make anything where you have an M203 or an M1A2 Abrams, make it act like one PLEASE... I know what it feels like to get recoil from these weapons, how far they go, how long it takes to reload them, I can disassemble most of them in the dark and reassemble in seconds... it's part of the Ranger training. Keep in mind that when I fire one, I expect it to do a certain amount of damage, hit in a certain way... So if you want to argue game balance, then make them as they really are and put some hurting on. Trust me, making a grenade do the damage it should won't upset game balance, all three factions have them. What it will do it make the game more realistic and not some cartoon for 11 year olds. Here's a hint, 11 year olds don't have jobs and buy all these PC's, pay ISP bills every month and CD games... adults do. Get with the program... average age of the gamer combat online today is primarily Male around 30 yrs old... average buyer is 37... get with the facts:

from: http://www.theesa.com/facts/top_10_facts.php


1.  U.S. computer and video game software sales grew four percent in 2004 to $7.3 billion -- a more than doubling of industry software sales since 1996.

2.  Seventy-five percent of American heads of households play computer and video games. 

3.  In 2004, more than 248 million computer and video games were sold, almost two games for every household in America.

4.  The average game player is 30 years old and has been playing games for 9.5 years.

5.  The average game buyer is 37 years old.  In 2005, 95 percent of computer game buyers and 84 percent of console game buyers were over the age of 18.

6.  Eighty-three percent of all games sold in 2004 were rated "E" for Everyone or "T" for Teen.  For more information on ratings, please see www.esrb.org.

7.  Eighty-seven percent of game players under the age of 18 report that they get their parents’ permission when renting or buying games, and 92 percent say their parents are present when they buy games.

8.  Forty-three percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a greater portion of the game-playing population (28 percent) than boys from ages 6 to 17 (21 percent).

9.  In 2004, 19 percent of Americans over the age of 50 played video games, an increase from nine percent in 1999.

10.  Forty-two percent of game players say they play games online one or more hours per week. In addition, 34 percent of heads of households play games on a wireless device, such as a cell phone or PDA, up from 20 percent in 2002.
Wonder if anyone at Dice or EA even bothers to read any of these forums... would be a smart thing to do, eh?

(edited for typos)


Last edited by RainWR (2005-11-09 17:28:37)

+0|7053|Northern Illinois University
How about a Bayonet, yeah we have the knife, but the bayonet will increase range, and great when go around corners.
bayonet could be a choice of mounting the knife or not... good idea.
+0|7039|Brisbane Australia
i think you guys are looking for more of a sim type game, BF2 isnt this, DC tried to, but both understand that over complicating the game takes away part of the fun gameplay aspect.

BF2 is fast paced, run and gun, with tactics.

try America's Army,  it's a lot more like what you guys are describing.

Infiltration for UT tried to do alot of what you guys want, including breathing rythems for the M24 and needing 40mm grenades to travel 40ft before arming.  was good fun.

Last edited by Kommando (2005-11-09 18:01:45)

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