No, not fact. That's opinion. I prefer 1 shot to almost kill, 2 to kill for sure to 3 pussy shots to kill.Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
Sorry...Im not kidding...R0lyP0ly wrote:
Are you kidding me? ALL of the sniper rifles are one head shot one kill. If you kill them in one shot like you should, you dont need to know where he went. M95=L96, but M95 kill pilots , which, by the way, I have a knack for (heheBooks)Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
The best rifles period are the MEC/PLA SVD Type88 due to the simple fact that you don't lose the target between re-loading rounds.
1 Head Shot kill would be the L96 hands down. EA should be ashamed of the M95 in this game. Pure garbage.
The ability to keep shooting the target without pulling from the sight is a dominant trait in the sniper rifles. simple logic.
M95 sucks due to bullet drop and the FAT AZZ crosshair on the scope. L96 has the most accurate site making it the EASIEST to make a head shot with.
I know you guys never do anything but headshots..../cough/cough....
But logically....I am right.
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- whats the best sniper rifle??
Whats the best sniper???
M24 | 12% | 12% - 61 | ||||
M95 | 15% | 15% - 75 | ||||
L96a1 | 58% | 58% - 276 | ||||
Type88 | 5% | 5% - 26 | ||||
Svd | 7% | 7% - 33 | ||||
Total: 471 |
I love those moments, had one of them today where I got my Expert Sniper Badge and Veteran Pistol Badge in a single round.tahadar wrote:
i love moments like these where i get 3, 4, or even 5 swift kills with my L96A1 … een091.jpg
It was:
EvilMonkeySlayer [L96A1] Someguy
EvilMonkeySlayer [92FS] Anotherguy
EvilMonkeySlayer [L96A1] Someguy2
EvilMonkeySlayer [L96A1] Someguy3
EvilMonkeySlayer [92FS] Anotherguy
And so on, good times.
The great thing is I got my expert sniper badge when the pla side had only 2 tickets left. That's what you call in the nick of time.
I think the truly great ones are where you take out a fully loaded blackhawk with just a single bullet, for example; the screenshot below, I shot just the pilot with a single bullet, the helicopter crashed to the ground and the full blackhawk exploded killing them all giving me a very nice number of kills.

Also, for posterities sake;

wow, another sniper that plays wake island, what servers do u go on man?
p.s well done on expert sniper
p.s well done on expert sniper
I typically hang out on the servers:dont_be_ss wrote:
wow, another sniper that plays wake island, what servers do u go on man?
p.s well done on expert sniper
2-game-clan (
Pigs Of War (sorry, for the rest i'll need to dig out the addresses later.. this one is a Finnish server, the guys are all good fun players.. I came across their server by accident, had a great time and have them in my favourites)
SAS Clan (got my Expert Sniper and Vet Pistol on this one,
M4G (
And a bunch of others, i'll often just play on servers at random. I've been trying to get more map time on special forces servers of recent.
M95. Learn to live with the crosshairs, and you won't ever use the L96.
Just like me!
Just like me!
I'm sure you use it enough to know how to properly aim it. Especially with the wonderful Basic Sniper award. I'm not saying your shit, but badges are often proportionate to skill.Viper007Bond wrote:
Defiance: the M95 is inaccurate as hell.
I've used all the snipers, bolt action FTW.
M95 does marginally more damage then L96, making second shot pistol kills easier.
Can shoot through glass.
Still one hit headshot kill.
If you can't line up on someones head, that's not my fault, I can.
And, if you have the logic to realize that the pixel in the center of the crosshairs is dead center, you can line up any shot.
I got vet sniper with M95, and I've gotten rounds that would've earned me expert with the M95. Global hours are bitchy though.
You might want to practice a little, me and my clanmate can take almost anyone out with the M95.
We've never had the oppurtunity to meet up with Nyte or Books on the 'field though.
EDIT: Excuse my manners. Congrats on expert sniper, especially not vehicle whoring for it. +1.
Also, I saw a flaming SU-30 once, shot it a few times with pistol (flying low right over me) thinking "DIE MUTHA FUCKAS!" and they blew up, earning me two kills
And alot of bitching from the F18 pilot behind him...
Last edited by Defiance (2006-04-20 15:53:05)
Haha, no, I am a shit sniper. I'm the first to admit it.Defiance wrote:
I'm sure you use it enough to know how to properly aim it. Especially with the wonderful Basic Sniper award. I'm not saying your shit, but badges are often proportionate to skill.Viper007Bond wrote:
Defiance: the M95 is inaccurate as hell.
I mean hell, just look at my playtime as sniper. I hate using sniper rifles. I'm doing spray and prey most of the time, capping flags, armor whoring, etc. I'm too impatient to snipe, plus I can't just sit there and watch my team not cap flags. lol
Not to mention, that gets me medals a lot of the time (compare my gold/silver/bronzes to your's. )
Last edited by Viper007Bond (2006-04-20 15:56:24)
I do like the M95, when I feel the need to take out chopper whores i'll spawn with an M95 or nick one off the decaying corpse of one of my vanquished enemies.Defiance wrote:
I'm sure you use it enough to know how to properly aim it. Especially with the wonderful Basic Sniper award. I'm not saying your shit, but badges are often proportionate to skill.Viper007Bond wrote:
Defiance: the M95 is inaccurate as hell.
I've used all the snipers, bolt action FTW.
M95 does marginally more damage then L96, making second shot pistol kills easier.
Can shoot through glass.
Still one hit headshot kill.
If you can't line up on someones head, that's not my fault, I can.
And, if you have the logic to realize that the pixel in the center of the crosshairs is dead center, you can line up any shot.
I got vet sniper with M95, and I've gotten rounds that would've earned me expert with the M95. Global hours are bitchy though.
You might want to practice a little, me and my clanmate can take almost anyone out with the M95.
We've never had the oppurtunity to meet up with Nyte or Books on the 'field though.
EDIT: Excuse my manners. Congrats on expert sniper, especially not vehicle whoring for it. +1.
Also, I saw a flaming SU-30 once, shot it a few times with pistol (flying low right over me) thinking "DIE MUTHA FUCKAS!" and they blew up, earning me two kills
And alot of bitching from the F18 pilot behind him...
However, the L96A1 is the accuracy king. Add a Logitech G5 mouse (which I just got today.. mwaha) and you're a one man headshot machine.
However, I do have a personal code of conduct to keep things interesting for myself.
* Only ever use armour, planes etc if that's all the other side is using.
* Only attack the enemies noncap base if they're doing the same to ours. This includes shooting people at the noncap from long range using the sniper rifle.
* Only get the badges the hard way, by actually using the weapons of the soldier class you're using rather than using armour to get them the easy way.
I personally find if I keep to those rules it keeps the game a challenge and interesting.
BTW, pity you're in the USA. I consider myself a decent sniper, because otherwise i'd hunt you down like a dog..
kickass! i love t3h screenie. whats so great is that you can actaully see those 3 guys you tagged.....awesome.!!pokerplaya wrote:
gotta love the svd for its squad killing capability.
**definitely worth the +1
If it is the most powerful weapon in the game, it would logically have the largest round, which it does. With that said, it is a big, heavy round, which will give it the most bullet drop as it is the heaviest.Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
Question- How is it the M95....the "most powerful" rifle in the game has the most bullet drop?
If it has superior power, the l96, SVD etc etc should have the bullet drop the M95 has and the M95 should be a straight shot kill will its propulsion power advantage over the others.
That make stoo much sense? Or none?
Since I've found out what damage the M95 does to helis and DPVs I always choose the M95.
Plus (and that's no egomaniacal statement,just fact) I've kind of mastered the M24/L96A1,after my twentiest round on Mashtuur with a score of 24/0 it kinda got boring and I started to try out new things(hence the anti-material-stuff).
And every day I'm having more and more fun with the M95.To say that it is inaccurate isn't right,it just handles different,if you can handle the M24 you won't have big problems to adapt to a more powerful caliber.
Plus (and that's no egomaniacal statement,just fact) I've kind of mastered the M24/L96A1,after my twentiest round on Mashtuur with a score of 24/0 it kinda got boring and I started to try out new things(hence the anti-material-stuff).
And every day I'm having more and more fun with the M95.To say that it is inaccurate isn't right,it just handles different,if you can handle the M24 you won't have big problems to adapt to a more powerful caliber.
M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95. It penetrates cockpit glass, so you can shoot pilots.
to that my rebuttal is as follows:ExtremeSpy506 wrote:
M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95. It penetrates cockpit glass, so you can shoot pilots.
L96A1, for its instant pwnability.
That is all.
kickass time with you on Kubra the other day tahardar. member watching those knife fights through a scope??tahadar wrote:
to that my rebuttal is as follows:ExtremeSpy506 wrote:
M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95. It penetrates cockpit glass, so you can shoot pilots.
L96A1, for its instant pwnability.
That is all.
i love camping on dalianMorbiD.ShoT wrote:
I'ma fair Sniper and I like the l9 alot. As soon as i unlocked that weapon, i was playing on dalian plant and i took a blackhawk to the huge mountain next to the mec airfield (chinese?). Anyways i was upwards of 800 meters on top of a friggin 500 ft. mountain. BOOM HEADSHOT! dropped the guy, i was so proud.
the only problem is i cant get shots further then about 400m because they run out of draw distance
i went 39 and 0 dalian plane with the M24
lol! yeah i was that mystic running behind that guy?? wtf? cos u were right next to me a minute ago. then you guys ran out of my view and it said:R0lyP0ly wrote:
kickass time with you on Kubra the other day tahardar. member watching those knife fights through a scope??tahadar wrote:
to that my rebuttal is as follows:ExtremeSpy506 wrote:
M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95 M95. It penetrates cockpit glass, so you can shoot pilots.
L96A1, for its instant pwnability.
That is all.
mystic37340 [knife] poorUnsuspectingLad
that bridge was fun as well, anybody that came near was quite dead!
^^^ yep yep. except it was like 350+ meters away!!
but yes, we (books, sinny, you, and me) was quite the deadly crew / squad. terror to all who moved!!
rofl good times
but yes, we (books, sinny, you, and me) was quite the deadly crew / squad. terror to all who moved!!
rofl good times
Nope. If you drop a bowling ball and a golf ball from a tall building they'll accelerate equally pretty much. So mass doesn't control bullet drop, EA does.R0lyP0ly wrote:
If it is the most powerful weapon in the game, it would logically have the largest round, which it does. With that said, it is a big, heavy round, which will give it the most bullet drop as it is the heaviest.
For a bullet, velocity controls bullet drop mostly, the time in the air is the critical factor - the faster it gets there the less it drops since gravity acts on it for a shorter time. Since IRL the Barrett has the fastest bullet I think (don't know the muzzle velocity for the L96, but .50 is way faster than the M24's 7.62 NATO {.308 Win} and the other standards in the game) so assuming drag doesn't slow it down significantly because of the larger frontal area it should have the least drop, but EA balanced its features out deliberately I'm sure.
m95 just cause of the sound
I'm a slight physics buff, so let me correct you.Todd_Angelo wrote:
Nope. If you drop a bowling ball and a golf ball from a tall building they'll accelerate equally pretty much. So mass doesn't control bullet drop, EA does.R0lyP0ly wrote:
If it is the most powerful weapon in the game, it would logically have the largest round, which it does. With that said, it is a big, heavy round, which will give it the most bullet drop as it is the heaviest.
For a bullet, velocity controls bullet drop mostly, the time in the air is the critical factor - the faster it gets there the less it drops since gravity acts on it for a shorter time. Since IRL the Barrett has the fastest bullet I think (don't know the muzzle velocity for the L96, but .50 is way faster than the M24's 7.62 NATO {.308 Win} and the other standards in the game) so assuming drag doesn't slow it down significantly because of the larger frontal area it should have the least drop, but EA balanced its features out deliberately I'm sure.
If a golf ball and a bowling ball are dropped from a very tall building in a vacuum then they both will accelerate at the exact same speed and impact upon the ground at the exact same time.
However, if they are dropped in an environment where there is no vacuum then the one with the least surface area air resistance will drop to the ground first. An example of this is drop a hammer and a feather, the hammer hits the ground first because the surface area creates a lot less drag unlike the feather.
However, if you drop them both in a vacuum they will accelerate and hit the ground at the exact same speed and moment. (See Apollo 15 for this)
Good joke btw.
Last edited by EvilMonkeySlayer (2006-04-23 08:00:56)
i love the M95's ability to penertrate cockpits, genius and incredibly useful. But the L96A1 seems a lot more solid at killing infantry, i think its quicker as well
My personal choice for city maps has to be the SVD. Easy for 1 shot-> kill (hs) (short & medium distances. Usually for long distances as well when the target is proned) and quite easy to win infantry duels up close vs any other class if you're able to manage the weapon's kick.
For long range... I don't see any accuracy differences between the L96A1 & M24 tbh. The only reason why I go with the 1st one is because the reloading time is smaller.
Well I suck with the m95... I only use it when I run out of ammo with mine, and grab some dead sniper's kit. ^^
For long range... I don't see any accuracy differences between the L96A1 & M24 tbh. The only reason why I go with the 1st one is because the reloading time is smaller.
Well I suck with the m95... I only use it when I run out of ammo with mine, and grab some dead sniper's kit. ^^
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