M.O.A.B wrote:
Nobody selling weapons to Israel tries to cover up the fact.
Ever? Even if true, that makes it OK does it?
Cybargs wrote:
At least Israeli gov isn't recognized as a terrorist organization by most of the democratic world. Hmm, making threats of genocide and reference to the holocaust to the Jews won't get them edgy eh? You have to remember the shit that Hamas says gets Israel real fucking edgy. How would you like it if neighboring Russia launches rockets into hospitals and schools on a regular basis, in addition calling all Finns a "curse" of the world who should be bathed in a holy fire.
Yeah, OK, Hamas, or parts of it, is/are considered a terrorist organisation(s) by some countries, that is true. It is also true that Israel has repeatedly been accused of breaches of international law, UN resolutions and human rights, and its armed forces have killed many many times more civilian deaths in Palestine than any home-made shite quality rockets that have been launched by Hamas or anyone else. As far as hitting hospitals and schools goes, I'd imagine it's a miracle that they hit anything at all to be honest. So what's Israel's excuse when Apache helicopters fire rockets into civilian neighbourhoods, or snipers shoot children? In one of your earlier posts you said, "Better killing a guy in a hotel room than blowing up a block," so it seems that you already understand the general attitude concerning assassinations anyway.
I'm not trying to jutify bomb attacks on civilians in Israel, or the use of civilians as human shields, can I just point out, which obviously are also completely unjustifiable.
It's true that there's a lot of bullshit spoken on both sides by their respective politicians, and Israel might indeed get real fucking edgy about just about anything. You don't think, however, that what Israel says and does gets people in Palestine, and all over the world really, pretty fucking edgy too?
As for your final argument concerning Russia, I think it would be a much more apt comparison, given the respective power of Russia and Finland compared with Israel and Palestine, to consider Russia claiming Finnish land as its right under a religious pretext, and using its military might to try and crush Finland, annex native Finns, deny us human rights and maybe build a wall or something cutting the country in two, which they might even have done if the Finns hadn't repelled their attacks in WWII, not the other way round. In which case, I might even get pissed off enough to consider Russians a curse on the world, too.
In any case, while this is all very interesting, if we can get back to considering the OP, I don't see what any of this has to do with Israel assassinating people, which, I think I've made fairly clear, I do not consider morally or legally justifiable actions. Please note that if Israel were responsible for this particular example, it even took place in another country, and not in Israel or Palestine. But this has happened many times before, of course. Let's just consider that the Taliban, who I think you'll agree the US is at war with, assassinated one of your political leaders? Obama or Pailn, whichever you like the most. You'd think that was OK yeah? A justified military action, acceptable within the bounds of war and law?