get a mini cooper so you can be gay
that would be me who "chose" that thing, fortunatly i take my dad along to look at cars with me and hes bought quite a few in his lifetime, so knows what to look out for.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
Who the hell chose that thing? They obviously don't like you as they're terrible for safety, not great for fuel, piss poor on power/torque and fall apart frequently. For 1600 I can pick up a decent Audi A4 FFS lol.Nintendogamer wrote:
went to look at a vauxhall corsa today … ;logcode=p .
first impressions the car looked great, on closer inspection, one of the tyres was bald, but the owner said he can change it for us, so we thought that would be ok. then my dad drove the thing............
the engine sounded loud and worn out , funny steering, bad brakes. its a 1 litre car and it was louder than my dads 1.6 litre car. also felt weird when being driven around in it.
the hunt continues.
EDIT: Looks like it's needed towing at some point too.
although we never noticed that it needed towing at some point though..... woops.
you can buy my 2004 toyota camry off me, a few cum stains in the back but i cleaned it out
annnnnnnnnd, the search is over, today i found a red citroen saxo 1.1 litres, great condition all round. got it for £1650 including years MOT and Road tax.
picking it up next saturday. can't wait … distance=1
picking it up next saturday. can't wait … distance=1
Great, hope it works out for you.
Fuck Israel
My mum has a Saxo, It's okay, I'm gonna have to start hitting the gym if I wanna steer that thing properly, fuck me...
Oh and my tax is up in feb, sigh.
Oh and my tax is up in feb, sigh.
Seems rather pricey for a Saxo but, if it's in good condition it's worth it. You'll be glad it's got PAS, my boss has a Saxo without it and like Jord said it's like stirring tar trying to park that thing.