The Sheriff wrote:
27 when you're on accept my "total war" ally request please, would help me out a lot
How was hockey last night?
Ok I will but that dosent mean I have to play it or anything does it?
Yeah it was ok, 30 kids approx with brand new shiney sticks. I told them to wrap the bottom bits in lecky tape to stop bits flying off.
8 women turned up second session, couldnt do much with them just had them running at goal from arf way flat out and trying to hit the ball as soon as they get into the D. This is so simple and basic but a bastard to get out the system. They have a game Saturday and I told them it will get their air shots out the way now. They are about 4th from bottom, should stay in the league.
Our mens team are struggling again for players, we need 11 each week and are grateful for 10. Bottom of the league, I cant wait to get relegated so I can put some of the older kids I coach in. They would get hurt at this level but fingers crossed we end up in the bottom too and I'll play them next year. I'll go CM and have a ring of them around me. Ive been doing this for about 17 years now, our current first team were mostly coached by me and a few of the kids I have coached have played in the Olyimpcs. Most if not all make the Welsh Trials but not all get in.
Myself, spent the night trying to run as much as poss and then not throw my guts up in front of the women. Im so unfit, they all asked 'Too much xmas pud lol' etc etc, 'No love too much fags, too many spliffs, too many mini eggs'. Honestly the way Im going through Chocolate at the moment you'd think I was a broken hearted middle aged woman.