no u
I liked the first one.
The second was bad.
The third was only good once I reached about the end of it.
Just like the Matrix trilogy.
The second was bad.
The third was only good once I reached about the end of it.
Just like the Matrix trilogy.

ate homemade dim sum for lunch
and just had homemade potstickers for dinner
om nom nom
and just had homemade potstickers for dinner
om nom nom
party's over
also lol the pics from thursday night just got put up... i feel like bradley cooper
also lol the pics from thursday night just got put up... i feel like bradley cooper
There goes the neighborhood.burnzz wrote:
there goes my weekend . . .
oh yay.. i get to talk to a bunch of college kids tomorrow about my job.
Im bored with eve again
Tu Stultus Es
go play wow then douchebag
Remember to tell them you need foxy paramedics students in your unit.S3v3N wrote:
oh yay.. i get to talk to a bunch of college kids tomorrow about my job.
at least WoW isnt like reading a spreadsheet on acid whilst captain picard fingers your bumholeS3v3N wrote:
go play wow then douchebag
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Make love, not warcraft.
G'night BF2s <3
8 moar gogoog
night bugz <3
night bugz <3
I got up early with the intention of doing some revision for my 9:30 exam, but so far it seems to be working itself into an extended email-checking session.
Bet your cleaning out those stupid facebook emails.

i disabled those annoying things
So your taste in facebook notifications is identical to your taste in women?

Sitting on the bus to school in a traffic jam is the perfect time to browse EE Chat
henno13 wrote:
Sitting on the bus to school in a traffic jam in a boring German class is the perfect time to browse EE Chat
Just got to work, hour or so late (im allowed remember). Sat at my desk eating Marmite on Toast, drinking coffee, have a quick gander here, go and smoke a fag (bet you non brits loving that eh?) and then do some work, might not be on the site much today.
So I just used a Panini press. Turned out quite well.

what choice of filling did you use?Finray wrote:
So I just used a Panini press. Turned out quite well.
Lame exam was lame ... fairly sure I passed, but I definitely didn't do well.
Stupid electromagnetism
Stupid electromagnetism
well done on SLAMMING that examliquidat0r wrote:
Lame exam was lame ... fairly sure I passed, but I definitely didn't do well.
Stupid electromagnetism
I Friggin Love The Nhs
Hey all