… -beta.aspxPlayStation 3 owners can now play M.A.G. completely free of charge, provided you have 1.8 GB free and the patience for a long download. I spent my day playing the Sabotage mode, which begins similarly to the COD gametype but features a different endgame. Rather than simply capturing points A and B to win, gamers have to capture A and B simultaneously before they have an opportunity to blow up C. A and B can be satellite uplinks that need to be shut down before C can be reached. Once these sats are down, the entire focus of the attacking team shifts to destroying a single location on the map. While the Domination mode will feature the insane 256-player support announced at E3 a couple of years back, Sabotage limits the participants to the still-ridiculous 64.
Despite how easily a 256-player gametype could devolve into utter chaos and incomprehensible action, MAG does a very good job of organizing the mayhem. It definitely takes time to figure out what exactly you're supposed to be doing, but after a round or two it becomes more and more apparent. There are two squads, each with 128 players. Each squad is split into four platoons of 32 players each, and each platoon is split into four teams of eight. Each team is given a different objective at the start, and it's definitely in your best interest to follow orders (both in terms of XP and overall victory). One map starts with each attacking team being assigned to take over a burnoff tower. Eight of these towers are spread across the massive map, and they'll overheat and shut down if a pair is taken simultaneously. Once they're taken down, your team will be given another objective and push further into the defending team's base.
I should probably stop fucking around and try the BETA...
Has anyone here tried it yet?