Flecco wrote:
pirana6 wrote:
And to those of you saying religion? Do you honestly think we'd be where we are today without the rules and morals they started for us? (chill you non-religious martyrs, I'm atheist too, I just understand we wouldn't be where we are today without them, regardless if it seems irrational today).
The bad outweighs the good. Society free of religious constraints makes much more sense.
I agree with you 100% but
now it does. Back when people didn't know left from right they needed guidance, something to propel their lives.
Building structures for gods -> engineering and architecture.
Thinking "god" was above us in heaven -> looking towards sky -> astronomy
Wars over religion "right" and "wrong" -> advancements in almost everything war related that evolves into non-war related tech (as discussed a few posts above).
Religion was necessary but now it's served its purpose and has become obsolete.