be nice
+2,646|6599|The Twilight Zone

m3thod wrote:

.Sup wrote:

Get a real woman - have no girl problems
Does not exist.
yours for only 39.99
+171|6808|The Outer Circle

Tetn1s wrote:

3. I know what to ask her out to (frozen yogurt), and its just a 5 min walk from my place, but the problem is that she lives 15 minutes away by car, and im not old enough to drive yet (15). Shouldn't the date be in walking distance by her place? I don't know specifically where she lives, but I know the town. I should be the one being driven to her place, right?
Meet in the town, arrange a place to meet up.

oh and..

Tetn1s wrote:

1. Is complimenting a girl's eye a good first compliment, or is it too much? I already figured out she likes me, so it should work, right?
just the one? :\
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6769|Little Bentcock

Zimmer wrote:

Tetn1s wrote:

Just a couple of questions...

1. Is complimenting a girl's eye a good first compliment, or is it too much? I already figured out she likes me, so it should work, right?

2. How long do you have to get to know her before I ask her out? Is a couple of days enough? I thought dates were supposed to be about getting to know someone, but I just want to be sure.

3. I know what to ask her out to (frozen yogurt), and its just a 5 min walk from my place, but the problem is that she lives 15 minutes away by car, and im not old enough to drive yet (15). Shouldn't the date be in walking distance by her place? I don't know specifically where she lives, but I know the town. I should be the one being driven to her place, right?

Thanks for reading.
Eyes are probably not a good first thing to say, you come across as way too willing if you say something like that. All you need is a normal compliment like "pretty" or "stunning". Well, I guess eyes work, but only if you say something like "nice eyes", not "lovely" or "beautiful" or she may think you come across as too strong. As I don't know the girl, I couldn't tell you what to say exactly, just points.

You can ask her out first time, but make it look casual and as if it's just a "lets see how it goes" thing, not a proper "dress up and shit" date.

You're 15, you're perfectly entitled to get your parents to drive you or get public transport. It doesn't make you look like a fool, because you aren't the age to even learn to drive in the first place. She'll respect you for finding a nice place to go in the first place, not how far away it is from her. This isn't the movies, dates aren't perfect with flowers and kisses at the end. Play it by ear, suggest the place and look for a reaction (or none) and see if you can find out what she likes, then take her to that.

Can't help you much more than that, you seem sure she likes you, so just go for it. Even if you fuck up (this doesn't mean saying you like some sort of fetish or that you have a tiny dick; this would mean saying something slightly stupid, or taking her on a poor date) you'll have a second chance.

He said eye man, not eyes.

Ask her where the other one went, that'll start you off well.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD

Zimmer wrote:

You're 15, you're perfectly entitled to get your parents to drive you or get public transport. It doesn't make you look like a fool, because you aren't the age to even learn to drive in the first place. She'll respect you for finding a nice place to go in the first place, not how far away it is from her. This isn't the movies, dates aren't perfect with flowers and kisses at the end. Play it by ear, suggest the place and look for a reaction (or none) and see if you can find out what she likes, then take her to that.
Lucky you

I'm 17, 18 in April, won't drive till July

Makes shit harder than it already is
Seriously need to sort myself out. Didn't wanna post this because there is a chance Jess would read it, but hey ho.

The break up was not a nasty one, we still plan on being mates, as it was really caused by us not communicating like a couple any more, and acting more like mates around each other.  Generally, I've been fine. Bit down here and there, miss her and stuff, but other than that I'm pretty happy.
But jesus christ, I cannot stop myself looking at her facebook, seeing who shes talking to, who the people she's added are etc etc. And it's doing my fucking head innnnnn. I never cared this much when we were going out for fuck sake. I don't really know why I do it now.

Anyone wanna try and explain this to me?
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD
It's that thing where you don't want it till you don't have it I think.
+3,611|6767|London, England

JakAttaK wrote:

But jesus christ, I cannot stop myself looking at her facebook, seeing who shes talking to, who the people she's added are etc etc. And it's doing my fucking head innnnnn. I never cared this much when we were going out for fuck sake. I don't really know why I do it now.

Anyone wanna try and explain this to me?
Haha... yeah I used to keep on doing that too with this chick. Infact, I can't really remember how I stopped. I sort of just, forced myself not to really.

Eventually I deleted my facebook anyway, I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't a factor into my consideration for deactivating my account, but It was also more than just that as to why I got rid of my facebook.

You eventually get over this shit, especially if someone else comes along.
get some willpower and force yourself to stop doing it. old habits die hard. if she's been your girlfriend for however-many-months of course you're still going to frequent her facebook out of habit, only now you can't leave nice messages and instead you're reading the nice messages from everyone else. people move on at different paces and deal with break-ups in their own way; stop torturing yourself.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
It's obviously going to have to be a case of me forcing myself to stop doing it. No one else is making me go on it, so I needsta man up and stop doing it to myself like you said Uzique. Which seems relatively easy.

Mek, I would do something about my facebook, but it's pretty much the only way I stay in contact with some people, and would be a shame to lose that

Uzique wrote:

only now you can't leave nice messages and instead you're reading the nice messages from everyone else.
That's the first time I've thought about that.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
Just a hypothetical, this doesn't apply to me. Just throwing it out there.

What is too young?

like is it 2 years + younger than the male under 20 and then after 20, 5 years younger and above. Not in a legal way, more in a social way I guess.
+3,611|6767|London, England
Once they reach 19-21, you can be just about 26 and get away with it, maybe, but ideally no older than about 24/25. If they're 18, I'd say 23 is the maximum. Before that, it's probably the 2 year rule. Or the 1 year rule if they're younger than 15. This is my own set of laws, not some official unwritten code.

Once the chick reaches 22 then it's anything really.

Really, I have no idea. I'll just take every case on an individual basis and form my own opinion.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Once they reach 19-21, you can be just about 26 and get away with it, maybe, but ideally no older than about 24/25. If they're 18, I'd say 23 is the maximum. Before that, it's probably the 2 year rule. Or the 1 year rule if they're younger than 15. This is my own set of laws, not some official unwritten code.

Once the chick reaches 22 then it's anything really.

Really, I have no idea. I'll just take every case on an individual basis and form my own opinion.
Yeah that's roughly what I think, but like, from a reputation stand point, doing a 16 year old when your 2 years older? I don't know. It's a pretty sure thing I could, and she's alright, not like mega funny/gorgeous/sound but ya know, slim pickings. 6/10 sober, 8/10 drinking I guess.
i'd never get with anyone younger than 17, really.

at 18-21 anything younger than you by 3-4 years is pushing it
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.

Uzique wrote:

i'd never get with anyone younger than 17, really.

at 18-21 anything younger than you by 3-4 years is pushing it
Yeah but you're 19 aren't ya?

I guess there's no strong feeling either way at 2 years then, I might go for it then Friday. Thanks for backing up my thoughts on the matter.
I am all that is MOD!

my last gf was 8 years younger than me.  I'm trying to get back with her, things are progressing...ok.

I think you really have to take it case by case.  I couldn't ever see myself with a 20 year-old but then I meet one that is mature and intelligent and there ya go.

jord wrote:

Uzique wrote:

i'd never get with anyone younger than 17, really.

at 18-21 anything younger than you by 3-4 years is pushing it
Yeah but you're 19 aren't ya?

I guess there's no strong feeling either way at 2 years then, I might go for it then Friday. Thanks for backing up my thoughts on the matter.
older than that dude

and np, pedo-watch
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
Yeah I guess she is mature. I haven't actually like, tried it with her. I've just been myself around her and I've seen her about 5ish times at parties. She seems to like me for who I am, which is nice. Lives a town over so I probably wouldn't go for a proper rom com, love story type romance with her. See where it goes from Friday anyway.

Thanks guiz

(To the Lancashire constabulary reading this and mounting an investigation, piss orf)
+3,611|6767|London, England

jord wrote:

(To the Lancashire constabulary reading this and mounting an investigation, piss orf)
It's ok I put the phone down a long time ago
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6831|United States of America
As far as age goes, I've heard the best method for a lower limit is ([your age]/2 + 7) and I know there's a top limit for that but can't for the life of me remember how it went.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
that's a good method actually Dessertfox, I cant believe someone sat down and thought that up.
I just tried it and got a number higher than my age. Then realised 13 is not half of 17. /facepalm
I am all that is MOD!

DesertFox- wrote:

As far as age goes, I've heard the best method for a lower limit is ([your age]/2 + 7) and I know there's a top limit for that but can't for the life of me remember how it went.
Yeah my ex doesn't qualify using that equation

28/2+7 = 21.  She turns 21 in July.

+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.


DesertFox- wrote:

As far as age goes, I've heard the best method for a lower limit is ([your age]/2 + 7) and I know there's a top limit for that but can't for the life of me remember how it went.
Yeah my ex doesn't qualify using that equation

28/2+7 = 21.  She turns 21 in July.

I think it expands as you get older, there's not much difference between a 21 year old and a 28 is there? Or a 31 year old and a 41 year old.

or a 41 year old and a 53 year old
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6831|United States of America


DesertFox- wrote:

As far as age goes, I've heard the best method for a lower limit is ([your age]/2 + 7) and I know there's a top limit for that but can't for the life of me remember how it went.
Yeah my ex doesn't qualify using that equation

28/2+7 = 21.  She turns 21 in July.

Some say you're robbing the cradle, but I say she's robbing the grave. On that note, my dad is 7 yrs older than my mom.

jesus jord, how low will you go?

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