nothing wrong with focusing on behavior but ive been most recently racially profiled by the piece of shit LASD and at least 2 out of the last 3 times Ive been pulled over withi9n the last 5 years was definitely racial profiling. It was a shitty shitty feeling.FEOS wrote:
You're just so sensitive.eleven bravo wrote:
Id rather have my nuts looked at through one of those total recall xray scanners than to be picked out of the crowd because the shade of my skin or my middle name.
I'd rather we focused on behavior, as the nutjobs have already tried to get around the racial profiling bit (see the guy who set his underoos on fire).
I ended up fighting a court case for 10 months because the cunt bitch deputy that checked my ID couldnt believe I served in the military.
Last edited by eleven bravo (2010-01-10 08:39:33)
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