Someone's going to get offered a job at Pixar.
Someone's going to get offered a job at Pixar.
Put it in HD tags so we can fullscreen, ninny.

the cod4 font makes me rage

Awesome, btw.

saw this ages ago. My dad sold them the computers and software to make it
Very cool. Anyone notice that the computer was running Windows Vista/7, btw?
Very well done.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Hah, that was great - just like a Pixar short
hahahha that was
What the hell are HD tags?Finray wrote:
Put it in HD tags so we can fullscreen, ninny.
Embed Video
Video can be embedded from many websites. Simply place the URL to the video between a [video][/video] tagset.
The list of supported sites:
* Youtube
* Google Videos
* Metacafe
* Starsclips
* MySpace (and MySpaceTv)
* Veoh
* CollegeHumor
* Gametrailers
* Vimeo
* Comedy Central
* Revver
* Liveleak
* Dailymotion
Youtube can also be embeded using the HQ and HD options with these tags for better sizes:
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!