looks awsm
looks awsm

See, this is what happens when charlies angels meets kill bill. Utter shit.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Looks like one of those late night shows with a bad storyline and the worse dialog to accompany it, led by some whiskey tango director.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
would see with a girl for best results
I will be looking in the $5.00 bin for this one
brb googling them for nudey pictures
only one of them have anything good, and it looks to be mostly silicone
Don't think i'll pay good money to see this one

pretty sure its only going to be released in Asia.
The world's most high budgeted porno.
^^ This.
Looks like a high budget porno without the sex. Fail.
Looks like a high budget porno without the sex. Fail.
Phatmatt wrote:
^^ This.
Looks like a high budget porno without the sex. Fail.
this came out ages ago. The whole point is its an ironic take on B-Movies, but still has payment for the wank bank
So this is real? I thought it was a joke at first...
My thoughts exactly, I doubt this movie is worth that money even.loubot wrote:
I will be looking in the $5.00 bin for this one
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
$5? your old man won't even hafta sell a gun, just a few bullets for near porno perfection!-Sh1tfy- wrote:
My thoughts exactly, I doubt this movie is worth that money even.loubot wrote:
I will be looking in the $5.00 bin for this one
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
It's real. dl'ed yesterdayOmniDeath wrote:
So this is real? I thought it was a joke at first...
Does it suck as bad as the trailer?bennisboy wrote:
It's real. dl'ed yesterdayOmniDeath wrote:
So this is real? I thought it was a joke at first...
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
this movie is going to be my new girlfriend
Enjoy your fake GF(s)
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Oh shi-- I'm gonna download it toobennisboy wrote:
It's real. dl'ed yesterdayOmniDeath wrote:
So this is real? I thought it was a joke at first...
thanks, it should be a step-up from my previous ones, at least they won't talk back-Sh1fty- wrote:
Enjoy your fake GF(s)
stupid bitches