Un Moderador

No, you see, I've done that. I've been doing that, constantly. She's out of my system because I don't see her. I've tried to be the guy that's always there no matter what, and I got spat in the face.

It's shit like "An email would've done" - Exact quote from the Xmas cards.

I've tried. I've been the guy who's never bitter and never angry and always there for her, but I feel that if I keep holding on, I'm going to be flying around her for a long time.

I did the normal, to the point texts, and all I got was an angry girl on the other end.

If she's wanting to communicate with me, she can at least do it properly, and not just pop her head around whenever and be like "Oh, have you seen this movie?" Or "Oh, are you ok? I saw you hurt your head on fb". Communication doesn't work like that.

There is no normal conversation, there's the randomness of her trying to contact me again with utterly irrelevant text, to which I reply to and then never get a reply back.

I've tried so hard, that frankly, I feel it's all gone to waste. She seems to forget I saved her best friends life....
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.

Zimmer wrote:

If she's wanting to communicate with me, she can at least do it properly, and not just pop her head around whenever and be like "Oh, have you seen this movie?" Or "Oh, are you ok? I saw you hurt your head on fb". Communication doesn't work like that.

There is no normal conversation, there's the randomness of her trying to contact me again with utterly irrelevant text, to which I reply to and then never get a reply back.

I've tried so hard, that frankly, I feel it's all gone to waste. She seems to forget I saved her best friends life....
tell her to keep the conversations normal then. if you keep acting the way you do i'm sure she thinks it's ok to act like she does.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Un Moderador

Why should I have to tell her to keep the conversations normal? Why should I even have to suggest that?

I'm not acting in ANY way. I've been the nicest guy possible, I tried to communicate and naturally it broke down after a week or so because we led two completely different lives when we broke up. She gets angry at me for trying to get some of the communication back and then she tries to communicate with me? Why should I try and make any effort to tell her she's doing something wrong.

I'm tired of it all, and even though I feel terrible about not talking at all and ignoring her text and her comment on FB, maybe it's the best way to make her realise that she either has me fully or she doesn't have me at all. She doesn't seem to understand how guys work, or how to treat a broken relationship.
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.

Zimmer wrote:

Why should I have to tell her to keep the conversations normal? Why should I even have to suggest that?

I've been the nicest guy possible, I tried to communicate
by "acting the way you do" i meant that. if you're too nice she's just gonna think that it's ok for her to get in touch whenever she wants to and about anything she wants to. i'm not trying to be mean, i'm trying to be realistic.
but sometimes being mean, even if it means that you're just going to keep ignoring her, is the only (and the best) way to get the message through.
she broke up with you, she can't expect you to be the nicest guy in the world (even if you are) everytime she has something on her mind.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
That's the point Zim. You tried and evidently she just wanted to be a bitch. She broke up by way of a text message for christ's sake, she didn't have the decency to tell you in person. She doesn't sound like the kind of person I'd want to associate with in any fashion.

I guess what I'm saying is move on. I know you say you're just a nice guy but honestly... tell her that you're pissed that you tried to keep things friendly after breaking up (despite her being a total immature kid when breaking up; make sure you say something like that) and that you're really not interested in continuing any sort of relationship with her, platonic or otherwise.

Zimmer wrote:

(...) What do I do? Do I communicate or do I simply never reply. The general consensus from all my girl friends is I never reply, because she wants to hold on and doesn't know how to do it, so she's just toying with the idea. I don't know though, I feel like a right douchebag doing this,..
I had something a bit similar, even if not precisely similar. Initially it was me trying to salvage the friendship, not just for our sake, but also our mutual friends caught in a crossfire I had never wanted in the first place. I called her on her birthday, try to connect to her during lunch like we had for the past years etc. The girl's efforts were limited to talking to me only through said friends and literally handing me my 'orders' on a carefully-handwritten notes.

I severed all contact, avoided her and most of our mutual friends whenever I could (if she wanted them that bad, she could have them, I didn't care anymore anyway). This quite upset her and her 'lieutenant', who actually was partially responsible for us falling out. I send her an email, asking to meet her in person. It took an outburst of my second -who is otherwise always cheerfull, calm an positive- for her to finally agree to have a cup of tea with me. I basically surrendered completely, asking her opinion and hers alone and set aside whatever I felt. She wouldn't give an inch and simply denied some of the stuff that had happened or people had said and done. I told her she'd know where to find me if needed and never saw her again. I quit sending X-mas cards, calling on her birthday, though my second still keeps an eye on her for me, in case the girl gets herself in some kind of trouble.

Meanwhile her 'lieutenant' still sends me messages once every few months to see how I am doing. I know from my second that the Lt. has said she felt really sorry at least for her part, but she evidently won't express that to me in person. I always though the Lt. was well,.. a bit immature, but I felt sorry for her, so I took her into the group. After the events preceding the above, I just don't want to know about her. Yet, I reply to her messages friendly and inform how she is doing. She means well, there is no point upsetting her; I'll manage some feigned friendship once every few months.

This is also the point where I'll have to disagree with Hurri. These girls aren't 'bitchin' and they aren't 'toying' with you either. They are completely ignorant of their own failures and if they are they are so only unconsciously, rather projecting their unconsciously observed mistakes on others than accept them to be theirs. The reason they'll keep in touch on a very 'friendly' basis, while dismissing your attempts as 'weird' is because they are so ignorant of their own role (while being very aware of yours). They simply do not see why this platonic friendship could not work. If they have a little more witt they will probably feel sorry for you. If they are a bit more aware of their own mortality they will also feel sorry about their conduct, even remorse. However, even genuine remorse does not enable them to transcend the boundaries of their own safe world. The only way they can express remorse, regret, is by trying to maintain a superficial friendship with the other party, regardless of whether they are actually interested in such a friendship or whether the other party is receptive to putting salt in the wounds. This is due partially to ignorance, but also to the fact that it is the only way for them to calm their conscience. This is however not selfish, as again, they are completely oblivious to any negative effects this may have on anyone else.

In summary, they mean well, and thus can't really be blamed,.. which is immensely frustrating. You'll notice that as time passes, your X-mas cards and birthday calls will stop as will their interference with your life. In the meantime and afterwards whenever the occasion demands it, you'll reply to them reactively, but also courteously as you always have.
Un Moderador

Yeah, I totally agree with you there Lai. Too bad there isn't much I or any of us can do about it.

In short - Do you think I should text her how I am after not answering her "attempt to chat" - which involved asking if I was okay after getting bottled at New Years - on fb, or should I leave it till the next casual text now that that is over? Frankly, I have no energy to be courteous any more, but as our paths don't cross, I should probably give her that.
Un Moderador

Well, it seems some girls aren't as ignorant as I thought. Which just makes me regret even more losing her.

i get it i took to long to forgive you, sorry x
I guess that's that. Moving swiftly on. Oh, I didn't start the conversation, she did, and now she will not reply. I'll take that as a goodbye.
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

Lai wrote:

Zimmer wrote:

(...) What do I do? Do I communicate or do I simply never reply. The general consensus from all my girl friends is I never reply, because she wants to hold on and doesn't know how to do it, so she's just toying with the idea. I don't know though, I feel like a right douchebag doing this,..
I had something a bit similar, even if not precisely similar. Initially it was me trying to salvage the friendship, not just for our sake, but also our mutual friends caught in a crossfire I had never wanted in the first place. I called her on her birthday, try to connect to her during lunch like we had for the past years etc. The girl's efforts were limited to talking to me only through said friends and literally handing me my 'orders' on a carefully-handwritten notes.

I severed all contact, avoided her and most of our mutual friends whenever I could (if she wanted them that bad, she could have them, I didn't care anymore anyway). This quite upset her and her 'lieutenant', who actually was partially responsible for us falling out. I send her an email, asking to meet her in person. It took an outburst of my second -who is otherwise always cheerfull, calm an positive- for her to finally agree to have a cup of tea with me. I basically surrendered completely, asking her opinion and hers alone and set aside whatever I felt. She wouldn't give an inch and simply denied some of the stuff that had happened or people had said and done. I told her she'd know where to find me if needed and never saw her again. I quit sending X-mas cards, calling on her birthday, though my second still keeps an eye on her for me, in case the girl gets herself in some kind of trouble.

Meanwhile her 'lieutenant' still sends me messages once every few months to see how I am doing. I know from my second that the Lt. has said she felt really sorry at least for her part, but she evidently won't express that to me in person. I always though the Lt. was well,.. a bit immature, but I felt sorry for her, so I took her into the group. After the events preceding the above, I just don't want to know about her. Yet, I reply to her messages friendly and inform how she is doing. She means well, there is no point upsetting her; I'll manage some feigned friendship once every few months.

This is also the point where I'll have to disagree with Hurri. These girls aren't 'bitchin' and they aren't 'toying' with you either. They are completely ignorant of their own failures and if they are they are so only unconsciously, rather projecting their unconsciously observed mistakes on others than accept them to be theirs. The reason they'll keep in touch on a very 'friendly' basis, while dismissing your attempts as 'weird' is because they are so ignorant of their own role (while being very aware of yours). They simply do not see why this platonic friendship could not work. If they have a little more witt they will probably feel sorry for you. If they are a bit more aware of their own mortality they will also feel sorry about their conduct, even remorse. However, even genuine remorse does not enable them to transcend the boundaries of their own safe world. The only way they can express remorse, regret, is by trying to maintain a superficial friendship with the other party, regardless of whether they are actually interested in such a friendship or whether the other party is receptive to putting salt in the wounds. This is due partially to ignorance, but also to the fact that it is the only way for them to calm their conscience. This is however not selfish, as again, they are completely oblivious to any negative effects this may have on anyone else.

In summary, they mean well, and thus can't really be blamed,.. which is immensely frustrating. You'll notice that as time passes, your X-mas cards and birthday calls will stop as will their interference with your life. In the meantime and afterwards whenever the occasion demands it, you'll reply to them reactively, but also courteously as you always have.
TL:DR, some girls are completely oblivious to the effects of their actions, notice your state, but don't think (or realize) it's their own fault.

(been there done that)

@Zim: I'd just sever all ties. Seems it's been done already, but clearly it's needed.
Un Moderador


Conversation continued.

Now she's just doing it deliberately. I know she is. The question that is ALWAYS asked when she does this is "Got a girl?" "Any new girls on the go?". She's simply checking if I'm worse off than she is.

Tbh, I'm tired of the formalities. There is no point in them any more. The conversations are stupid and lead nowhere. She can text and try and talk all she likes, I'm done with it all.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
sorry zim
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
sounds like good riddance to me, I mean shit sorry it had to be like that Zim but this girl sounds a bit toxic
Un Moderador

I'm tired of it all. Terrible start to the year, so I hope it can't get any worse.

I need a drink. Anybody care to join me?
+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

Zimmer wrote:

I'm tired of it all. Terrible start to the year, so I hope it can't get any worse.

I need a drink. Anybody care to join me?
Poor Zimmy, I will.  IRC?
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

Zimmer wrote:

I'm tired of it all. Terrible start to the year, so I hope it can't get any worse.

I need a drink. Anybody care to join me?
Zim, I'd say it's pretty easy tbh.

Zim: Fuck off
Girl: blah blah blah blah blah
Zim: lack of response



not to belittle the situation, but objectively, get rid of any communication asap
Zim: U could confront her on that "tryin to feel better about your life"-shit or just break up contact at least for some time to get over it. Maybe even tell her u don't want to be friends for some time to get over the (text-)breakup etc.
Stayin friends with your Ex just doesnt work right after the breakup.

Got an update on my end from pg 125 too:
She told her ex to gtfo of her life.
And joined me to go shopping for new years eve party we had with some other friends.
Seeing her and another girl every few days for coffee/beer as always although im not sure what she thinks bout a relationship atm.
But i guess she still needs some time so id rather spend my time with her then be somewhere else and think bout her anyway.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
I could make it longer but:

Call her, tell her how you feel.

If you've done that already, then tell her you aren't interested in playing games and move on.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6737|Reisterstown, MD

Zimmer wrote:


Conversation continued.

Now she's just doing it deliberately. I know she is. The question that is ALWAYS asked when she does this is "Got a girl?" "Any new girls on the go?". She's simply checking if I'm worse off than she is.

Tbh, I'm tired of the formalities. There is no point in them any more. The conversations are stupid and lead nowhere. She can text and try and talk all she likes, I'm done with it all.
Sounds like she is getting a thrill with playing with your emotions.  Some people are very much into stringing an individual along simply because they know they can.  I've had that happen to me.  The best solution (or what worked for me) was to drop all contact.  It seems harder than it actually is but in the long run, it will benefit you greatly. 

Last edited by killer21 (2010-01-05 03:50:51)

fuck exes zim, you know this. their minds are always poisonous and hopelessly self-absorbed post-breakup.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Un Moderador

Uzique wrote:

fuck exes zim, you know this. their minds are always poisonous and hopelessly self-absorbed post-breakup.
Yeah, you're right.

Cheers guys. Next time you come up to Scotland, drinks are on me.

I'm done with all this shit.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6768|Little Bentcock

Zimmer wrote:

Uzique wrote:

fuck exes zim, you know this. their minds are always poisonous and hopelessly self-absorbed post-breakup.
Yeah, you're right.

Cheers guys. Next time you come up to Scotland, drinks are on me.

I'm done with all this shit.
I'm holding you to that..
I am all that is MOD!

So I talked to my ex-girlfriend for four hours last night after not talking to her for like 3 months.  She seemed really happy to chat but kept asking me why I haven't moved on.  I told her it's because I'm a hopeless romantic and the pursuit of the unattainable inspires me, which struck a nerve with her for sure.  Then she told me its pointless to pursue a relationship with her because it would just end up being shittier down the road when things didn't work out. 

Talk about a debbie downer

Too bad I really think she is the girl of my dreams, my Mini-Me that completes me, my very own Gautama Buddha.
Artifice of Eternity


So I talked to my ex-girlfriend for four hours last night after not talking to her for like 3 months.  She seemed really happy to chat but kept asking me why I haven't moved on.  I told her it's because I'm a hopeless romantic and the pursuit of the unattainable inspires me, which struck a nerve with her for sure.  Then she told me its pointless to pursue a relationship with her because it would just end up being shittier down the road when things didn't work out. 

Talk about a debbie downer

Too bad I really think she is the girl of my dreams, my Mini-Me that completes me, my very own Gautama Buddha.
She wants to be chased. You want to chase her. Muster up some of your 'hopeless romantic' attitude and make a proper move.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France
Patience is the art of not being a stalker.

She'll come around Ken.  Don't worry.
I am all that is MOD!

Oh and her mom would probably beat me with a shoe or whatever the custom is in South America if she saw me.  She hates me because I am a white boy and because I'm 8 years older than her.  I can't just do the usual stuff I do (trade secrets); I have to tread lightly.

It's an uphill battle I'm willing to fight.  I want that love, companionship, the chase (and the sweet Argentinian poon-tang wouldn't be so bad either).

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