Uzique wrote:
the first, certainly. bibio can do no wrong.
for me 09 was a weird year, lots of great new breakthrough stuff. flylo, hudmo, samiyam and that crew repping fresh sounds. the evolution of dubstep to new greats as well as new popstep-sellout lows; the return of wisp and classic IDM with proswell/ilkae/machinedrum etc. all remastering old material- as well as jega and warp20's mega compilation. indie was very average this year-- when bands like grizzly bear are celebrated you know shit is getting boring. a mega triumph from a token-name, animal collective, who brought their blissful experiments into the mainstream and became catchy enough to hook a large audience. i dunno, 2009 is just a big mess. raekwon repped only built 4 cuban linx vol.2 and showed us all that a hip-hop classic can be followed up by a sequel-- other hip-hop floated around in my playlists but nothing really stuck.
Yes both hudmo and flylo I have given ALOT of time to... especially mr. lotus. Discovered Los Angeles this year. As I am reading this I am, coincidentally, listening to wisp for the first time ^^
Grizzly Bear's Yellow House is one of my favourite albums of the decade, leave em alone.
I don't like merriweather post pavillion as much as I do either fall be kind or strawberry jam; it's good that they've finally made the mainstream, but it's a shame they made it on the album they did... although as I said fall be kind gives me hope
Raekwon's I haven't given a full listen to as I only just got hold of it.
I think the most interesting thing indie-wise this year was its push on the new moon soundtrack... soon to be fully mainstream?
Awaiting both four tet's new album and something by Joy orbison the most atm, as well as Jonsi's solo album, his solo ambient stuff is amazing.
But you clearely know your stuff, I think I've lurked your lastfm page before actually... any particular albums to check out would be great.