I still have Bf2 installed but I uninstalled SF a while back. Im going to reinstall SF now and I was wondering what patch I need to get and stuff like that. Thanks.
well i dont know for you but if you have 1.22 on orig BF2 you'll not be able to patch but im not sure. If you install SF and it says "only players with unmodified content" or something like that, uninstall BOTH bf2 and SF then install BF2, then SF, then 1.22 patch, then it works.
It's just cuz you have to patch both BF2 and SF at the same time (it's the same patch file).
I think you can install SF and repatch, even if you've got vanilla patched to 1.22 (I'm pretty sure I did). If that doesn't work, then yeah, uninstall and start over but use 1.22.