LOL tard, ease up on the guy :-)
+86|6928|New Zealand

tard wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

panderiz wrote:

back to your sheep nz, you're obviously no good at this game ;-)
leave your racial comments and let me know why u piss on me
racial comments? Thats the stupidist thing ive ever read on this site. Your an embarasment to NZ. I hope like hell your just some halfwit immigrant and not a real kiwi.
u need help bro.
the only lieutenant general in the game, this is crazy stat shit

*note: look at his best round score for the teams

Last edited by [BS]_Bone_ (2006-04-18 19:19:42)


[BS]_Bone_ wrote:

the only lieutenant general in the game, this is crazy stat shit

*note: look at his best round score for the teams
yer that will be from blackhawk flag hopping.
Dropped on request

n00b.Worx wrote:

My Whore: [MB.nZ]
That guy clearly pads. Anyone with expert repair is a stat padder.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
Someone called me a (armor) whore some days ago lol
btw I love my stats. I DO have a life, I have *only* about 413 hours in BF2.

EA says: "All your stats are belong to us"

Why.. Or dear God WHY!!! Why did I post that?
I need around tree fiddy.
I have the WCR, positive K: D , good SPM, and 4 or 5 expert bades, does that make me a stat whore too?
+44|6880|West Berlin!
good SPM? lol
oh hai :D
+156|6805|The Netherlands

Eckzack wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

*lowers head in shame*  I confess too, I'm addicted to stats.  I can't help but want to prove myself better than a 9 year old at a video game.  Truely a sad moment for me.  What's the next step after acceptance?  I'm waaay past denial now.
I´m 8 and beat you...
hahah ownd
oh hai :D
+156|6805|The Netherlands
dont know you judge about my stats.
most people(id say 90%) that have the WCR ribbon are stat padding team switichg stat whores
+44|6880|West Berlin!

fallschirmjaeger88 wrote:

west germany?what the hell
you got all your points with baseraping at strike at karkand.
you rather teamkill somebody then giving him the apc or the tank.
before you talk about other people you should look at yourself first.
you are quite sick and addicted to have no live and if ea resets your
stats you are that kind of person who would comit suicide and at the end of a round if your team is losing
you are a wtj.
You need 10.000 points to even become the a right to say a fucking word on this post...

So, STFU you damn nazi (und viel spaß morgen mit Shirin & Tim im Kino)!

Last edited by n00b.Worx (2006-04-19 11:37:36)

I want my money, or my bud!

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

n00b.Worx wrote:

My Whore: [MB.nZ]
That guy clearly pads. Anyone with expert repair is a stat padder.
So there is an award in the game that you shouldnt even try for because that means you are an instant padder?  Take the cock out of your mouth and stfu.  Does his gold repair badge come over to your house in the middle of the night and fuck your cat and shit on your chest? 

  If you are gonna whine,  at least make fun of the fact he has gold zip line and grapple.  Which clearly states he has no girlfriend and is nervous around the opposite sex. 

Have you ever revived a guy,  then he got killed and you revived him again?  Fucking stat padder whore omfg die in a fire.  Retard.

raz wrote:
-1 for a horrible link doesnt work

Last edited by chrnoicle (2006-04-19 12:29:21)


n00b.Worx wrote:

fallschirmjaeger88 wrote:

west germany?what the hell
you got all your points with baseraping at strike at karkand.
you rather teamkill somebody then giving him the apc or the tank.
before you talk about other people you should look at yourself first.
you are quite sick and addicted to have no live and if ea resets your
stats you are that kind of person who would comit suicide and at the end of a round if your team is losing
you are a wtj.
You need 10.000 points to even become the a right to say a fucking word on this post...

So, STFU you damn nazi (und viel spaß morgen mit Shirin & Tim im Kino)!
Did you really just say that.........

n00b.Worx wrote:

fallschirmjaeger88 wrote:

west germany?what the hell
you got all your points with baseraping at strike at karkand.
you rather teamkill somebody then giving him the apc or the tank.
before you talk about other people you should look at yourself first.
you are quite sick and addicted to have no live and if ea resets your
stats you are that kind of person who would comit suicide and at the end of a round if your team is losing
you are a wtj.
You need 10.000 points to even become the a right to say a fucking word on this post...

So, STFU you damn nazi (und viel spaß morgen mit Shirin & Tim im Kino)!
Also, he is right.  You are the clear cut definition of a stat whore with no life.  I just looked at your stats and the mental picture of a fat German kid with a small penis and a zit covered face came into my head.
"You need 10.000 points to even become the a right to say "
first you should learn to write english and then you can insult other people
omg n00b.worx  you suck, get a life man.
dont worry be happy one day  you´ll find a girl/boy who loves you and maybe she isnt on call-kelly
i know for sure that you should visit a plastic surgen for
immideat treatment.
so enjoy your vacation.have fun(at least i have friends)

Last edited by fallschirmjaeger88 (2006-04-19 13:13:34)

+44|6880|West Berlin!

Cougar wrote:

n00b.Worx wrote:

fallschirmjaeger88 wrote:

west germany?what the hell
you got all your points with baseraping at strike at karkand.
you rather teamkill somebody then giving him the apc or the tank.
before you talk about other people you should look at yourself first.
you are quite sick and addicted to have no live and if ea resets your
stats you are that kind of person who would comit suicide and at the end of a round if your team is losing
you are a wtj.
You need 10.000 points to even become the a right to say a fucking word on this post...

So, STFU you damn nazi (und viel spaß morgen mit Shirin & Tim im Kino)!
Also, he is right.  You are the clear cut definition of a stat whore with no life.  I just looked at your stats and the mental picture of a fat German kid with a small penis and a zit covered face came into my head.
Ok, let´s clear this out:

Actually we have almost the same number of points.

You spent 608:27:56 hours playing this game, I spent 436:27:46. That means:

1. You are a fucking looser playing this game.

2. If we follow your tesis of "fat guy playing the whole day" you would be so fat that your mother had to buy a fucking crane in order to get you out of the house...Use your damn brain (sorry, I meant ball full of shit) before posting kinda bullshit that end with you getting owned. Your just pathetic.

I´m a pupil, have M A N Y hours of free time. I also play Rugby and go to partys all the days i fucking want to. I don´t need to demostrate you guys a thing, but I laugh at you cause all of u have a big mouth @ a forum. Would like to meet you on real life and end this like real men.

PS: Nazi, on monday you will cry like a little baby, that´s for sure.

Take the cock out of your mouth and stfu
Sorry to quote you, Bigwrm, but that are damn right words and I really would like to dedicate them to the Nazi and that other retarded named Cougar. My best wishes!

Last edited by n00b.Worx (2006-04-19 14:58:36)

+13|6794|Victoria, Australia
I aspire for Expert Air Defence. <3 <3 <3
+6|6796|Weymouth, England
The sadest thing i've done for my stats so far is sit on warlord firing 1000 teargas grenades.I didn't even get the vet badge!

Oh man, this thread is excellent.
All you smack talkers should get together on a server and duke it out like real "virtual" men.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Dropped on request

Bigwrm wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

n00b.Worx wrote:

My Whore: [MB.nZ]
That guy clearly pads. Anyone with expert repair is a stat padder.
So there is an award in the game that you shouldnt even try for because that means you are an instant padder?  Take the cock out of your mouth and stfu.  Does his gold repair badge come over to your house in the middle of the night and fuck your cat and shit on your chest? 

  If you are gonna whine,  at least make fun of the fact he has gold zip line and grapple.  Which clearly states he has no girlfriend and is nervous around the opposite sex. 

Have you ever revived a guy,  then he got killed and you revived him again?  Fucking stat padder whore omfg die in a fire.  Retard.
I assure you, my intelligence is above your own.

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