If you read back, I never once said that the federal money should pay for abortions. Tell the government how you feel about being taxed. As soon as I can, I will let NY know by leaving. Screw this overgrown bureaucracy and their nickel-and-dime solution to everything. I wanted to leave the moment Patterson wanted to tax haircuts. What the heck is with that?DBBrinson1 wrote:
Whoa there. You should stay put and pay your dues. Oh wait. Unfair taxing up in yer neck of the woods? See you don't care about paying for abortion, but obviously there are other things you don't think government should pay for and are even going to move to avoid it. So where do I move to? This idiocy is on the federal level..
I would pay my fair share without a problem--if it were done responsibly.
Make people pay for their own. You make the mistake, you pay for it. None of this forced sterilization crap. Perhaps if federal dollars do pay for abortion, limit the number of times people can use that benefit. It covers the single 'oopsies' and makes the serial aborters pay for their own. It is elective in the cases you are worried about, and perhaps elective procedures shouldn't be paid for by the feds anyway. I don't like how just about any branch of government spends tax money, so maybe I've just become indifferent to just another case of it.DBBrinson1 wrote:
True true. And that is exactly what I fear will happen here. I think abortions will be utilized a bit more like the pill.STN wrote:
OK. I don't like paying for a lot of social services, especially in this great state of New York. They are expensive and only make people depend on the state for everything. That is wrong.
I'll save for my own retirement, thank-you-very-much! I don't want the children of tomorrow to pay my way through life--I think borrowing (err, stealing) from tomorrow's children is disgusting. If people expect the average household to maintain a balanced budget, shouldn't we expect the same from our government? I make shit money, but I somehow manage to pay all of my bills without living in increasing debt. Why can't NY? Or the Feds?DBBrinson1 wrote:
Those same kids going to be taxed paying for your old retirement.
Ok, I got myself off track bitching about the government. Sorry guys! :p
Last edited by SenorToenails (2009-12-21 20:49:02)