lovin this song/video lately, thought i'd share
nigga played @ my school back in septmbr, shyt wuz live

Am I the only one mortifyingly disturbed by the underrepresentation of Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans in these sorts of videos? Are they not 'good enough' to 'get crunk'?

pretty good.. I've never been a fan of rap/R&B but lately some stuff like this has been appealing to me
Nursery-rhyme garbage in my opinion.
die in a fire please, this is actually one of the few better songs released by a mainstream artist.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Nursery-rhyme garbage in my opinion.
Liked it about 2 months ago, still do just don't hear it that much. Decided to put it in my Japan snowboard vid too.
well then it appears that your opinion is wrongKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Nursery-rhyme garbage in my opinion.
Asians are great at math.Hurricane2k9 wrote:
Am I the only one mortifyingly disturbed by the underrepresentation of Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans in these sorts of videos? Are they not 'good enough' to 'get crunk'?
Natives are good at getting drunk.
Hispanics are good for robbing liquor stores.
Only blacks are cool enough to get crunked
His first mixtape was great. Second had it's moments, and the CD had it's moments. Idk bout you guys but I'm looking forward to hearing more from him.
It sounds like garbage, don't really understand why people are telling me to die in a fire for my musical taste. I've been listening to hip hop longer than some of you have been alive, I've seen hip hop acts you would gladly give your left nut to see, I've been involved in the hip hop scene since I was about 13. If anything, my taste > than yours.
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.
so you're a wigger eh?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
It sounds like garbage, don't really understand why people are telling me to die in a fire for my musical taste. I've been listening to hip hop longer than some of you have been alive, I've seen hip hop acts you would gladly give your left nut to see, I've been involved in the hip hop scene since I was about 13. If anything, my taste > than yours.
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.

Yes, because if you are white and listen to rap you must be a wigger. And TV on the Radio are Uncle toms for making white people music.
Nah, I'm just down for the hip hop cause like 4 flats on a lowrider.
Nah, I'm just down for the hip hop cause like 4 flats on a lowrider.
Is mother goose some old school rapper I've never heard of?
My dad could beat up your dad.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
It sounds like garbage, don't really understand why people are telling me to die in a fire for my musical taste. I've been listening to hip hop longer than some of you have been alive, I've seen hip hop acts you would gladly give your left nut to see, I've been involved in the hip hop scene since I was about 13. If anything, my taste > than yours.
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.
I don't really like him either, but Day n Night is an okay song when you're drunk and at a club.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families

I've been listening to hip hop longer than some of you have been alive
that depends and it doesn't justify that this song is badKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I've seen hip hop acts you would gladly give your left nut to see
my grandfather has been involved in the music scene since he was about 13, if anything his taste > than yours. Classical > hip hop. amidoinitrite?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I've been involved in the hip hop scene since I was about 13. If anything, my taste > than yours.
good point, you have listened to hip hop longer therefore your taste in it is better than our/my taste in it and Mother Goose would be proud because he produces some good tunes.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.
hate it tbh
LOL really was that worthy of a quote breakdown? I guess my post struck a nerve a little too much with you that you couldn't see the irony in it. I was joking around, I don't really care what you think about Kid Cudi or your grandfather's taste. For what it's worth, classical IS > hip hop.CanadianLoser wrote:
I've been listening to hip hop longer than some of you have been alivethat depends and it doesn't justify that this song is badKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I've seen hip hop acts you would gladly give your left nut to seemy grandfather has been involved in the music scene since he was about 13, if anything his taste > than yours. Classical > hip hop. amidoinitrite?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I've been involved in the hip hop scene since I was about 13. If anything, my taste > than yours.good point, you have listened to hip hop longer therefore your taste in it is better than our/my taste in it and Mother Goose would be proud because he produces some good tunes.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.
Kid Cudi sucks, deal with it.
But you can do whatever you liiiiiiiike! Including steal the jingles to other artist's sonnnnngggs! (really catchy song btw).
Or is it, Day and Night...I sit in my dormroom with my 808. Producing beats like I was 5 years old.
Next you're going to tell me Fat Joe makes great music he's just misunderstood.
Hey man, the Roland 808 could beat up your Linn.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Or is it, Day and Night...I sit in my dormroom with my 808. Producing beats like I was 5 years old.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
No, I didn't see the irony. I know you don't care and I don't care about your taste. I just listen to whatever sounds good, didn't care for day and night tbh it was boring but this one is catchy and I like it. I DO WHAT I WANT.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
LOL really was that worthy of a quote breakdown? I guess my post struck a nerve a little too much with you that you couldn't see the irony in it. I was joking around, I don't really care what you think about Kid Cudi or your grandfather's taste. For what it's worth, classical IS > hip hop.
Kid Cudi sucks, deal with it.
But you can do whatever you liiiiiiiike! Including steal the jingles to other artist's sonnnnngggs! (really catchy song btw).
Or is it, Day and Night...I sit in my dormroom with my 808. Producing beats like I was 5 years old.
FJ pioneered some techniques and styles in hip hop and rap, although I take it you are joking here againKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Next you're going to tell me Fat Joe makes great music he's just misunderstood
Fat Joe pioneered showing that you can lack talent, be fat, ride the coattails of an associate with talent (Big Pun) and still be relegated to one-hit-wonder status. And even then he was only number 2 hahaha.
my last comment was a joke Although I'd say the best example of a talentless rapper is Soulja boy. Lots of good examples though
My 8 year old cousin can rap better than that.
It doesnt sound like garbage but it isnt interesting or good to meKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
It sounds like garbage, don't really understand why people are telling me to die in a fire for my musical taste. I've been listening to hip hop longer than some of you have been alive, I've seen hip hop acts you would gladly give your left nut to see, I've been involved in the hip hop scene since I was about 13. If anything, my taste > than yours.
Since we've established that I'm the resident badass in regards to hip hop, I think my point stands. Mother Goose would be proud of Kid Cudi. Deal with it haha.
Like right now im listening to a playlist with Atmosphere, Cannibus, Immortal Technique, and Talib Kweli