Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
I would have asked her out after that tbh XDSuperior Mind wrote:
I have a good one that a chick said that I was with.
A few years back I took a film workshop at Long Island University. Towards the end of the course which included film people, dancers, and actors, we all went out to see Rent on Broadway. So we have our seats in the theatre and I am sitting next to a friend I had made at the course, a girl from the acting class; she was from Oxford, England. She had a very posh accent. She asks me and a few others what the performance is about. So we tell her how it's about AIDS, homosexuality and poverty. Upon hearing this she yells out "Why didn't anyone tell me this was about gay homosexuals with AIDS?!?!!?" I was in bloody shock at how rude she was. Sitting in the row ahead of us was a clearly lesbian couple with looks on their faces like they were gonna crack some skulls. Stupid bitch.