Tazz is actually getting well paid for that kind of job. You wouldn't get £6.50 here working for KFC.
Packing shelves is no more skilled then flippen burgers. And considering minimum wage is like $15 something $14.31... he's getting 'raped'. In fact it's only legal if he's 19 years of age or less.Zimmer wrote:
Tazz is actually getting well paid for that kind of job. You wouldn't get £6.50 here working for KFC.
Last edited by DrunkFace (2009-12-14 07:40:20)
10 euros an hour as a waiter? probably inc. tips.
When your passed out in the gutter, I'll be sure to aim for you if I drive by.
You sir, are an idiot.Irishpride<3 wrote:
I dropped out of University 2 weeks ago.
In 2 weeks I've managed to get 3 part time jobs (1 full time as soon as I'm finished with the other 2) all above 10Euro/hour.
All of these educated and experienced unemployed retards need to stop reading the papers that claim there's simply "no jobs out there" and actually go out and give it a try.
This thread makes me happy I'm not Irish(pride).Jenspm wrote:
This thread makes me happy I live in Norwaylands
Nice. I've been trying to find a job, part or full time, and no luck. I got interviewed at two Apple Stores and both haven't called me back.
This fuckin sucks honestly. I wish I had a damn degree already so I could apply to jobs that are actually interesting.
This fuckin sucks honestly. I wish I had a damn degree already so I could apply to jobs that are actually interesting.

That's because in Norway €15 won't buy you a beer.Jenspm wrote:
€10/hour... I was making €15 at age 15, lulz.
nice grammar, idiotIconic Irony wrote:
You sir, are an idiot.Irishpride<3 wrote:
I dropped out of University 2 weeks ago.
In 2 weeks I've managed to get 3 part time jobs (1 full time as soon as I'm finished with the other 2) all above 10Euro/hour.
All of these educated and experienced unemployed retards need to stop reading the papers that claim there's simply "no jobs out there" and actually go out and give it a try.
I get a part time PC job easily in the summer each vacation when I'm in the U.S.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.