+44|6878|West Berlin!
Well, I just wanted you guys to post here the BIGGEST Stats Whores you know. I mean ppl who live for their stats and that would commit suicide if EA would reset their stats tonight... Guys who stay 100 hours in a fucking AA chair in order to get a shiny badge or improve their K/D. You know what I mean...

My Whore:

http://bf2s.com/player/57561262/ [MB.nZ]

It´s not his played time or overall score...if you look carefully you will see that he has ALL that someone can earn playing BF² only for stats. War College Ribbon, Expert Grappling Hook & Zip Line, almost all SF ribbons...His K/D, SPM, Accuracy, all is perfect. If this would be an exam he would earn a big A

Your turn.
look for sgt_maxpower he is the most expertess guy in bf2
+44|6878|West Berlin!

nimni1992 wrote:

look for sgt_maxpower he is the most expertess guy in bf2
Yeah, but his SPM is shit (cause of idling) and he has no War College Ribbon. (Also no Expert Grappling Hook & Zip Line)

PS: Yes, I´m also Medium-StatsWhore!^^

Last edited by n00b.Worx (2006-04-18 17:07:42)

The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6996|Germany / Saxony

Mike_J wrote:

*lowers head in shame*  I confess too, I'm addicted to stats.  I can't help but want to prove myself better than a 9 year old at a video game.  Truely a sad moment for me.  What's the next step after acceptance?  I'm waaay past denial now.
I´m 8 and beat you...

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
I want a cool title!
Anybody who earned both Vet and Expert zip line/grappling hook badges on the same day is stat padding. He also killed someone 18 times...

Last edited by StabStabStab (2006-04-18 17:10:43)

all your stats are shite ;-)
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6996|Germany / Saxony

Mike_J wrote:

lol man...*cries*  *holds fist in the air and shouts*  "ONE DAY!!"

seriously though how'd you buy the game?  if i were 8 the cashier wouldn't let me buy the damn game.
Got it for bürthday...

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
I want a cool title!
Your parents let you spend 1000 hours playing BF2?

BTW your clan site says you're 23.

Last edited by StabStabStab (2006-04-18 17:16:47)

Well Eckzack you only need 2079 more wins for the WCR.........you'll never get that one.
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6996|Germany / Saxony

Mike_J wrote:

ahhh i see.  points for birthday with an umlaut.  lol.  sheesh i couldn't even turn on a computer when i was 8.
For real I´m 6, but that would only be more annoying for ya

Edit: No, for real I´m only joking.... don´t take me serious...

Last edited by Eckzack (2006-04-18 17:18:24)


IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
+44|6878|West Berlin!

Mike_J wrote:

ahhh i see.  points for birthday with an umlaut.  lol.  sheesh i couldn't even turn on a computer when i was 8.
Same here.
+86|6926|New Zealand
are u drunk?

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-04-18 17:19:56)

Get out of MY JET!!!
lol i wish i could reset my jet K ratio

cuz i'd only have around 50 deaths by now

all the 300 deaths are from learning how to fly and mostly, LAG LAG LAG

i have such a crap computer that suddenly stops for few seconds while i fly
+44|6878|West Berlin!

MB.nZ wrote:

are u drunk?
Ahahaha no dude you should be proud having the stats you have. And NO he isn´t a statspadder...
+86|6926|New Zealand

StabStabStab wrote:

Anybody who earned both Vet and Expert zip line/grappling hook badges on the same day is stat padding. He also killed someone 18 times...
cookie for u

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-04-18 17:20:29)

back to your sheep nz, you're obviously no good at this game ;-)
+4|6831|Steel City
On Sgt_MaxPowers stats & what not.
All Exp. badges, not too shabby.
BUT,when he kills someone 41 times IAR.  fishy. and that guy =higher+sniper=  has a kill streak of over 120. So, unless something crazy happened, I think he stats aren't real. 
That's just my 2 cents.

Eckzack : I highly doubt you are 6.  But, I don't know  
Did you and a few of your friends get in a kniving battle? zitrone_@S^ 48 kills to him IAR.
And Fasti killed you 63 times IAR.

+165|6787|South Jersey

Eckzack wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

ahhh i see.  points for birthday with an umlaut.  lol.  sheesh i couldn't even turn on a computer when i was 8.
For real I´m 6, but that would only be more annoying for ya

Edit: No, for real I´m only joking.... don´t take me serious...
yeah ...i don't think any 8 year old could spell that well.
+86|6926|New Zealand

panderiz wrote:

back to your sheep nz, you're obviously no good at this game ;-)
leave your racial comments and let me know why u piss on me

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-04-18 17:28:54)


washow wrote:

lol i wish i could reset my jet K : D ratio
Well you could start again... some people do to see what their stats are like without the early noobage.

MB.nZ wrote:

panderiz wrote:

back to your sheep nz, you're obviously no good at this game ;-)
leave your racial comments and let me know why u piss on me
racial comments FFS :'-(

just a joke/random flame, this thread is going no where.

Last edited by panderiz (2006-04-18 17:37:27)

Capt. Foley
+155|6740|Allentown, PA, USA
i used to be a stats whore before patch 1.2
then this game lost its fun kinda and ive started having a life again
a billion times better lol
+86|6926|New Zealand

panderiz wrote:

MB.nZ wrote:

panderiz wrote:

back to your sheep nz, you're obviously no good at this game ;-)
leave your racial comments and let me know why u piss on me
racial comments FFS :'-(

just a joke/random flame, this thread is going no where.
ok have fun, this forum is waste of time, see u.

Last edited by MB.nZ (2006-04-18 17:41:22)

I am the pwnage! Bitches!
I'm chopper whore. If I go to public server I'm using only chopper or playing rarely Karkand only (well I'm not playing public anymore but I was chopper whore when I was playing in public servers)

Last edited by BlueScreen (2006-04-18 17:50:43)

I'm a Bitch

MB.nZ wrote:

panderiz wrote:

back to your sheep nz, you're obviously no good at this game ;-)
leave your racial comments and let me know why u piss on me
racial comments? Thats the stupidist thing ive ever read on this site. Your an embarasment to NZ. I hope like hell your just some halfwit immigrant and not a real kiwi.

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