I was playing Karkand on MEC side. While I was defending at hotel flag, I got killed by TOW shoting from the west USMC artillery.  The guy who killed me with TOW is the USMC commander, he was just stay in the TOW at west artillery.

I just couldn't figure out how can he shot TOW to the hotel flag, I couldn't even see him from the flag.
He had multiple kills the same that round.

Similar example is I got killed at Square by HJ-8 shoting from suburb

fire at will!!!
+76|6859|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs
luckey shot, you can steer the missile a bit....
GunSlinger OIF II
maybe your a magnet
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
Knows where to hit and luck. There is a same technique on wetlands where from one base you can hit the middle island where the hellicopter spawns. Its also about timing.

Think about it, the helly crashes, the helly whores and others rush back to the spawn and everyone is pushing eachother waiting for it to spawn, he can time it that when it spawns he shoots it like 5 seconds before so he makes sure there are some people in it.
I agree, the commander in question is just...skilled in unorthodox tactics. I have seen something similar and equally strange on Sharqi:

Somebody jumped in the TOW at the south base and proceeded to guesstimate a shot at the MEC heli. luckily enough, he landed a shot right as we were taking off, after firing 3-4 times unsuccessfully.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6836|Tampa Bay Florida
Yes, in Call of Duty 2 there is something similar called, "set nading" It's pretty much where you find a certain spot on the map, and certain landmarks to line up your crosshairs and throw a nade, so you will know EXACTLY where it lands.

Same applies to BF2, except instead of nades you can use missiles, TOWs, tanks, etc.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-04-18 13:57:06)

+7|6903|Boulder, CO
He was in the TOW and dropped artillery on you. Unless you actually saw the TOW hit you I kinda doubt that's what did it.

Turtle wrote:

He was in the TOW and dropped artillery on you. Unless you actually saw the TOW hit you I kinda doubt that's what did it.
nah, it would say arty killed him

most likely what the commander did was shot the missile, and then went to the commander screen to see where it was hitting

ive done this many times with a tank, i can shell the carrier from shore
I've had similar things happen before, such as killing a guy with a rifle and saying I did it with a pistol. I've even had it say I died (TK'd actually) but I didn't die.
+37|6784|Chicago, Il
Realistically, it was this.

Commander was a sniper and dropped a Claymore at the hotel, when you found the claymore, he was sitting ona TOW.

Very COmmon Description error in the game.  Happens to me a lot, WIth Claymores and AT Mines...
+7|6903|Boulder, CO

WarmPudgy wrote:

Turtle wrote:

He was in the TOW and dropped artillery on you. Unless you actually saw the TOW hit you I kinda doubt that's what did it.
nah, it would say arty killed him

most likely what the commander did was shot the missile, and then went to the commander screen to see where it was hitting

ive done this many times with a tank, i can shell the carrier from shore
I'm pretty sure I've done it before. And I know that if I lay down a mine and go sit in a jeep and someone runs over it, it says I killed them with the jeep.

Nice ass btw.

WarmPudgy wrote:

Turtle wrote:

He was in the TOW and dropped artillery on you. Unless you actually saw the TOW hit you I kinda doubt that's what did it.
nah, it would say arty killed him
Not necessarily, you get weird messages sometimes. Never got one of those PlayerX[Killed]WarmPudgy?

I got what looked like the strangest death message a couple of days back on Sharqi - read as two different weapons between Todd_Angelo and the guy's name, and it included the MEC chopper, but I was running on the ground when it happened! I was so surprised I didn't even think to hit Print Screen.

Thinking about it I'm sure it was just his clan prefix that made it look funny but I can't imagine how I killed someone with the 'copter without being in it. I was on MEC too, so I wouldn't have been shooting at it and I didn't leave a claymore at the landing area or anything like that which might have accounted for it.
+1|6753|Manchester, Uk
Actually you can steer TOW missles quite a bit.
i was on Oilfields today and was doing twirls and stuff with em.

Last edited by Magnet41 (2006-04-18 17:10:40)

Critically Wounded
+6|6848|A van down by the river!
Once I was sitting in the TOW at the suburb, no one around and I fired one into the air, let it get some distance and drove it straight down. Got a kill, had no idea where I hit on the map though.
i've hit many tanks/apcs sitting down the left side of square while using the tow missle at suburbs, also the victim of quite a few
its all about watching your radar and knowing where they are, then steering it in their general direction and praying
Canada's French Frog
+123|6772|Quebec city, Canada
ive got a noob tube kill shooting the nade randomly on the map on ghost town : I was waiting for the apache to spawm on the SAS helipad and i decided to shoot a grenade from my f2000gl in the sky and somehow i got someone.. was pretty funny

mimah wrote:

Once I was sitting in the TOW at the suburb, no one around and I fired one into the air, let it get some distance and drove it straight down. Got a kill, had no idea where I hit on the map though.
wow pure luck.

I've killed the pilot of a chopper with a noobtoob nade. All about luck and lag.
+86|6920|New Zealand
if hes commander he knows where u are.
CC you in October
+131|6765|Medford, WI
its not that difficult.. me and my friend were aiming from suburb to the hotel, and from the factory to the burbs. You just have some1 watch it and help you guide it

Last edited by CosmoKramer (2006-04-18 17:39:43)

I am the pwnage! Bitches!
It's just one of those millions pixel shoots in this game. Because you can steer TOW missile in the air you don't need to see your target. You only need to know where it is and as that guy was commander he knew exactly where you was. So yes, it's maybe damn hard but it's also all possible with training
+116|6770|Cherry Pie

WarmPudgy wrote:

Turtle wrote:

He was in the TOW and dropped artillery on you. Unless you actually saw the TOW hit you I kinda doubt that's what did it.
nah, it would say arty killed him

most likely what the commander did was shot the missile, and then went to the commander screen to see where it was hitting

ive done this many times with a tank, i can shell the carrier from shore
How can he see where it is hitting?  Is there some sort of satalite image screen I don't know about?  All I can see is a screen with the whole map.  Can you zoom or something?
+34|6894|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!

gunpiss wrote:

I was playing Karkand on MEC side. While I was defending at hotel flag, I got killed by TOW shoting from the west USMC artillery.  The guy who killed me with TOW is the USMC commander, he was just stay in the TOW at west artillery.

I just couldn't figure out how can he shot TOW to the hotel flag, I couldn't even see him from the flag.
He had multiple kills the same that round.

Similar example is I got killed at Square by HJ-8 shoting from suburb

easy i have killed ppl with the TOW on the US spawn..............
1 the tree - if u r comander 1st open ur comander screen thing and zoom in all the way on the hotel
2 aim the circle at the V part of the tree then fire and quickly open comander screen and it will zoom in on th hoteal and u can c the white smoke of the TOW and u might even c it in flight...
ill post a vid later
Canada's French Frog
+123|6772|Quebec city, Canada

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

WarmPudgy wrote:

Turtle wrote:

He was in the TOW and dropped artillery on you. Unless you actually saw the TOW hit you I kinda doubt that's what did it.
nah, it would say arty killed him

most likely what the commander did was shot the missile, and then went to the commander screen to see where it was hitting

ive done this many times with a tank, i can shell the carrier from shore
How can he see where it is hitting?  Is there some sort of satalite image screen I don't know about?  All I can see is a screen with the whole map.  Can you zoom or something?
yeah when you are commander you press caps lock then N to zoom the map. you have 3 levels (2 zoom levels plus an aerial view of the battle where you can see precisely where everyone is including enemies, missiles and everything)

Last edited by -=raska=- (2006-04-18 17:59:55)

+116|6770|Cherry Pie

-=raska=- wrote:

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

WarmPudgy wrote:

nah, it would say arty killed him

most likely what the commander did was shot the missile, and then went to the commander screen to see where it was hitting

ive done this many times with a tank, i can shell the carrier from shore
How can he see where it is hitting?  Is there some sort of satalite image screen I don't know about?  All I can see is a screen with the whole map.  Can you zoom or something?
yeah when you are commander you press caps lock then N to zoom the map. you have 3 levels (2 zoom levels plus an aerial view of the battle where you can see precisely where everyone is including enemies, missiles and everything)
WOW!  Thats totally badass!  Wish I would have known about that before, lol!  Thanks!

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