How simple does it need to be for you guys?
Of course they had alternative plans to defend themselves, who wouldn't?
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-12-07 12:44:00)
Fuck Israel
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-12-07 12:44:00)
How simple?Dilbert_X wrote:
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj25 … /Bombs.png
How simple does it need to be for you guys?
Of course they had alternative plans to defend themselves, who wouldn't?
They thought the American war effort was weakening.Pug wrote:
How simple?Dilbert_X wrote:
http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj25 … /Bombs.png
How simple does it need to be for you guys?
Of course they had alternative plans to defend themselves, who wouldn't?
A clear indication they wanted to surrender was rejecting the peace terms on July 29th at Potsdam
I wonder why Japan rejected peace, when the memo says two months earlier they were begging for a peace treaty?
Last edited by Cybargs (2009-12-07 17:07:55)
Oh So TrueFEOS wrote:
People here love to use the benefit of crystal-clear hindsight to show what people "should've known" while completely ignoring the fact that there's no way for the decision-makers to have had that information at the time they made their decisions. It's as if time has no meaning or something.
The Russians went into Berlin, and if Germany didn't surrender on time they would've nuked Berlin.Dilbert_X wrote:
Much of the information was clearly available at the time.
History has been re-written to suit the politicians version of events and obscure the true situation.
Now everyone believes the US had no choice but to drop the bombs which is simply untrue.
Why didn't we hold back a few months and just nuke Berlin I wonder? Would have saved a good number of allied lives.
One bomb on Hiroshima, one on Berlin. Think about it.
That had already been wrung out via the logic of firebombing entire cities in both theaters (by both sides), anyway.RAIMIUS wrote:
We didn't wait to nuke Berlin because we wanted to win ASAP, and the bomb was FAR from a sure thing.
One of the reasons the US didn't seriously consider a demonstration bombing was fear of a "fizzle." Imagine that one...US: "Look at our new SUPERWEAPON!" ..(1 ton explosion).. Japanese: "Huh?"
After Hiroshima, some Japanese army generals were trying to deny it was an A-bomb. Others were claiming it was likely the only one the US had. After Nagasaki, some army leaders tried to stage a coup, so the emperor couldn't surrender!
Was the US completely justified? I don't think so. We did not follow the general principles of Jus in Bello when we picked the center of cities as the targets...but that wasn't something unique to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both sides targeted civilian centers throughout the war.
Russia was weak, the European invasion was certain to cost many lives.RAIMIUS wrote:
We didn't wait to nuke Berlin because we wanted to win ASAP, and the bomb was FAR from a sure thing.
One of the reasons the US didn't seriously consider a demonstration bombing was fear of a "fizzle." Imagine that one...US: "Look at our new SUPERWEAPON!" ..(1 ton explosion).. Japanese: "Huh?"
But wasn't a Russia that had just been through an Eastern Front meat grinder even weaker?Dilbert_X wrote:
Russia was weak, the European invasion was certain to cost many lives.RAIMIUS wrote:
We didn't wait to nuke Berlin because we wanted to win ASAP, and the bomb was FAR from a sure thing.
One of the reasons the US didn't seriously consider a demonstration bombing was fear of a "fizzle." Imagine that one...US: "Look at our new SUPERWEAPON!" ..(1 ton explosion).. Japanese: "Huh?"
The bomb was on its way. If Overlord had been delayed and Berlin nuked, Russia would have been left in a much weaker position and not halfway across Europe.
Perhaps, but you're missing the point.Dilbert_X wrote:
Russia was weak, the European invasion was certain to cost many lives.RAIMIUS wrote:
We didn't wait to nuke Berlin because we wanted to win ASAP, and the bomb was FAR from a sure thing.
One of the reasons the US didn't seriously consider a demonstration bombing was fear of a "fizzle." Imagine that one...US: "Look at our new SUPERWEAPON!" ..(1 ton explosion).. Japanese: "Huh?"
The bomb was on its way. If Overlord had been delayed and Berlin nuked, Russia would have been left in a much weaker position and not halfway across Europe.
wb.Turquoise wrote:
Yes, we should have dropped the bombs -- not to win but to scare the shit out of the Russians.
It worked very well at that, and it happened to a very deserving target.
afaik the death toll from the firebombing was way higherSpark wrote:
Tokyo had already been burned to the ground - literally. At least as many people - probably more - died as a result of the firebombings compared to the nukes.
At least 5 times AFAIK.krazed wrote:
afaik the death toll from the firebombing was way higherSpark wrote:
Tokyo had already been burned to the ground - literally. At least as many people - probably more - died as a result of the firebombings compared to the nukes.
Except that one bomb cost billions to develop.Trowing the A-bomb was just a cheaper way to do it. (you only needed one plane and one bomb)
Which would've resulted in even more deaths than the two nukes did...which they also knew at the time and afterwards.Dilbert_X wrote:
Except that one bomb cost billions to develop.Trowing the A-bomb was just a cheaper way to do it. (you only needed one plane and one bomb)
There was no need to do anything, continue conventional bombing, drop A-bombs, they knew that at the time and afterwards.
Except not, given Japan was ready to surrender already.FEOS wrote:
Which would've resulted in even more deaths than the two nukes did
Except not. Japan had been given the opportunit(ies) to surrender. They said no. You don't stop putting pressure on the enemy because you think they've been beaten. You continue hitting them until they are utterly destroyed or until they surrender.Dilbert_X wrote:
Except not, given Japan was ready to surrender already.FEOS wrote:
Which would've resulted in even more deaths than the two nukes did
Last edited by FEOS (2009-12-18 04:32:44)